I am looking for a non biased answer; How extensive was the Russian misinformation campaign? I know the media would have me believe that they elected Trump, but I know that's bullshit.
Russian trolls
Non existant. Literally made up excuse for Democrat incompetence.
>Non existant
yeh /sg/ being a constant on Jow Forums for 3 years now is totally organic, not russian shills at all
I agree that there is to some extent, just not the extent that my media is pushing.
Absolutely zero. Every regular American from Texas, Kansas, Ohio, Wyoming that makes any kind of negative post about the Dems or Hillary was instantly labeled a 'Russian bot'. I'm from Texas, and twitter banned me three times for being a 'Russian bot'.
clearly the media is deranged and trump isnt a moscow puppet but to deny russian tampering is just as retarded. its overwhelmingly obvious idiot americans on both sides are being played like obese fiddles
It's not just the Russians. Many counties are engaged in this kind of social manipulation warfare. China certainly is. Isreal is. Guessing the US is as well.
You also get Quatar funding networks like Al Jazeera and TYT.
We're in an all out social manipulation world war.
We are not exist.
Twitter is left wing so that's given, and there's naive left
I just think some Americans refuse to believe either or entirely. Of course Russians interfered, but Trump is not some Manchurian candidate.
The russian troll plot is a smokescreen for mossad,chinese and cia media operations. Don't forget that political propaganda is once again legal in the US. To think a party wouldn't attempt to utilize that is asinine.
That's absolutely true; I hate how so many left wingers refuse to accept this. Getting information from a state sponsored terror country or getting your info from muh Russia.
I just can't stand the cognitive dissonance when they want illegal immigrants voting in our elections.
Of course, but so did China & a shitload of other countries. And you can't "interfere" with an election using fucking Twitter. That's retarded, but that's what they've came to because they have nothing else. As if its some great revelation that trolls exist. Of course they do.
Now do the numbers of how many are literally shilling for the left.
There's a reason SNL banned the cartoon about the media being owned by corporations.
Every country has a social media department which attempts to manipulate countries elections.
Hell, even public groups do it. Just look at the BBC during the 2016 US elections.
How new are you? It was us. They just couldn't accept a spontaneous movement spurred by numerological magic cast by incel wizards in service to an Egyptian Frog God of Chaos.
I love the fact real Russian trolls get ignored.
I highly doubt Russian trolls would want to deal with the autism on Jow Forums.
ive been called a russian bot so and I severely doubt this if they cant point to exact accounts and demonstrate it.
Their methodology I would imagine is their percieved "benefit of russian interests" being the criteria for a tweet being russian origin.
The best nonbiased answer is that several countries were trying to influence our election. The best evidence is that they supported Trump, Hillary and Bernie and generally tried to undermine faith in our elections or to actually prop up Hillary. Early on, the dems actually supported Trump to undermine faith in the GOP, and obviously that was an all time backfire.
Trump and Bernie apparently played no major part in these hijinx. The dems have repeatedly set up meetings etc. to have it look like Trump was involved, but no connection could ever be made.
yeah man just keep rigging the shit out of this bitch
it was bad. they didnt elect trump. They were "paid" peasants who were tasked with disrupting social media. They whole world knew it, but no one listened.
Jim-bob, and norma-ruth don't care... they just know that obama was the antichrist and that Killary would start WWIII the day after being sworn in.