Things that make you go HHMMMMMMMM

Really makes you think.

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Isn't "extremist murder" usually prison gang violence?

>49 out of 50 extremist murders
What exactly did they mean by this?

We've about had it with you. WE will get revenge soon.

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>things that remind you Trump isn't leaving the White House in 2020 no matter what and on Heaven's orders

1. There are more white right-wing extremist murderers than any other kind. But that is mostly because non-hispanic whites are still the majority at 55% of the population. 2. what the Muslims lack in frequency they make up for in deaths per-attack because of 9/11. So you are still more likely to be killed by one of them.

>pandering at the mental level of 7 year olds
Checks out.

51 percent of murders are committed by blacks who make up ten percent of the population

OxyContin is run by a Jewish family

The only reason Illegals commit less crime than natives is because natives include blacks

#2 is actually right.
>(((The Man in The Suit)))

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>needing to explain everything, the meme

It really does look like it was made by and for children.

get rekt america

This wouldn't be so bad if it was honest about the whole thing. Assumptions can be made by people based upon their appearances because of stereotypes that exist for a reason. What should be done with the picture is showing the other side of the story in that the business man could be a drug dealer or addict, the golfer could be a rapist, and some guy in line at a grocery store could be a hit and run murderer or something. Instead they just out the Trump supporter with no evidence except DRRRRRRRUMPFFFFFFFFFFFFF


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Haha...all the black on white murders must not have been included as 'extremist murders'. Just like it's not a 'hate crime' when a black man rapes a white woman. Just like it's not a 'mass shooting' when a black man does a drive by.

keep telling yourself that
maga hat wearers
are the ones whom are murdering
guess that means
lots of blacks are maga terrorists
doesn't it mean blakcs are a maga menace then????

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uh....didnt MAHMOOD MATEEN (a fucking MUSLIM) kill 70+ gays in a Nightclub ALONE?

Leftists need to be shot.
Dont make me make your bullshit statistic come true.

reminder that left-leaning ideas can only prosper in a censored environment.

Interestingly enough all gerrymandered Republican run states

Yeah, the gerrymander is to keep the niggers from spreading out

They count that as "One"

>Really makes you think.

Not really...

You are still a tranny faggot OP.

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yaaaassss kweeeenn


>(((Ruben))) Bolling
Scary how accurate this is.