Do girls care if a guy has a Jow Forums body or an average one?
I'm talking about in a BF/GF situation, not random tinder sluts.
Do girls care if a guy has a Jow Forums body or an average one?
I'm talking about in a BF/GF situation, not random tinder sluts.
Other urls found in this thread:
Average to fit, not fat.
A good woman loves your heart and soul, a good body is just a bonus, but I've found it doesn't matter to them if they love who you are. They obsess over your personality, your kindness, your confidence, not your abs.
But as guys we love a girl for a hot face, nice tits and ass as well as her as a person
Why don't they care about physical traits?
It's not that they don't care at all, if they love you they're not gonna go around comparing you to other men's physical traits.
It’s a good bonus when a guy is strong. Whether they prefer lean men or not is a personal preference.
Some people tend towards weak men, though.
Generally women care about money / status in the way that men care about physical attractiveness.
Stop speaking for women. Lots of cope going on. Let me guess, you aren't fit?
Not really. Girls care less about looks than men, ON AVERAGE.
I fucking hate threads like this, it really makes me reconsider going to the gym because I always read shit about how some girls don't like guys that go to the gym, and I'm NOT looking to kick myself out of a dating pool
Women care about "success". This changes from circumstance to circumstance, in a concert it the musicians. In an office setting it is the big partners. In a more phsyical setting like a gym it is abs.
What JBP says about hierarchies is a thing. You were good at one or more than one of those hierarchies. You were the courages one to ask her out while the others didnt, you were the one who gave her flowers when the others didnt.
Everything else is a bonus, explain it to her you want to improve your body so you can be a better bf for her.
>A good woman loves your heart and soul,
The "good woman" caveat is important here. Most women are attracted to your personality, and the distinction there is important. You can have the best heart and soul in the world, but if you're timid, indecisive, or otherwise have an unattractive (but not bad) personality, most women will not pay you any mind.
All these responses are from men who aren't fit. Dont stop going to the gym. Women like healthy fit men. Go to Jow Forumsladyboners and look at what they think is it ideal. Hint: its not doughy dad bods.
>some girls don't like guys that go to the gym
The only girls that don't like guys that go to the gym are girls that are insecure and don't take care of themselves
Whether or not a woman prefers someone fit, buff, strongman, etc.. is different, but typically beauty standards fall in line with what is considered healthy
>Generally women care about money / status
>Women care about "success". This changes from circumstance to circumstance, in a concert it the musicians. In an office setting it is the big partners.
You guys say that meanwhile I work minimum wage in fast food and have been with over two dozen women. I also know slobs who collect disability or whatever who also have no problems getting with girls.
Only a certain type of women care about finances and a man's "success".
You probably give off the same confident, successful vibe as someone in a successful position. Women are attracted to confidence and strength. Competence. Like, there's really successful millionaires who girls won't stay with because they act like little bitches, but joe shmo who's broke but has an air of confidence and calm about him, that guy, he can protect a girl. (Or at least it feels like that).
It's not necessarily about money or success, it's the vibe you give off. It's your social skills, too.
>You guys say that meanwhile I work minimum wage in fast food and have been with over two dozen women. I also know slobs who collect disability or whatever who also have no problems getting with girls.
>Only a certain type of women care about finances and a man's "success".
That doesn't mean women in general don't care about status and money; for all we know you might be the head chef or the highest one in your social circle, or you go for single mothers / women with disfigured faces.
> I also know slobs who collect disability or whatever who also have no problems getting with girls.
But this right here is telling; are these some high class women?
I am assuming you're the JBP guy; but Peterson also talks about is the different social hierarchies.
An ordinary country-gal isn't going to ever meet a millionaire from Hollywood, so it's not really a good comparison.
Joe Shmoe blue collar work guy might be the best pool player at the local bar - putting him at the top of that hierarchy.
Apparently for women facial attractiveness is more important than body.
Nah I'm fit, tall, and good looking. Just going from experience with women who've been head over heels for me.
Unironically this. Going to the gym shows your partner or potential gf two things. One your concerned over health and appearance. Two it shows you have a drive for self improvement and that you're a confident person in general.
To be frank, with two-dozen women at a young age is failure in my eyes. People who get marry relatively young and don’t fuck many different people beforehand is my version of success, but who cares? I guess there’s no reason anyone should care about how I see success.
Some women’s version of success is going to college, starting a career, then getting married and having kids in their 30s. Maybe the type of woman who cares about finances is preferable to some people.
You probably know all that, though. You’re right, people define success in different ways.
now the roid fags are coming here go back to r9k
Nope he is not me, i am the JBP guy. But hey he is right. Every different social circle had its own hierarchical structure.
In high school it is the cheer leaders and football players, dont bother with the reality that the cheer leader will try to recruit you to an MLM and the football star will drink himself to death in 10 years. In high school, in that specific time they are the top dogs.
In a dnd group, it might be even the neckbeard who leads the party, i know i know rare but humour me.
Maybe you are handsome? Or maybe you are banging the other fast food wagies and you are top of the pyramid in the fast food restaurant. Just enjoy it dude,have fun. I amhappy for you.
>Maybe you are handsome? Or maybe you are banging the other fast food wagies and you are top of the pyramid in the fast food restaurant. Just enjoy it dude,have fun. I amhappy for you.
such a singular way of looking at things. he just said in the post you’re quoting that people define success different ways.
>It's your social skills, too.
It's entirely social skills, because we see these threads all the time
These poor dudes who believe in the "women like success" meme like it''s the one universal truth about what women are attracted to and in their mind, and objectively as well, they've met all the parameters of success but they haven't received their reward in the form of a girlfriend.
No, they're not high class women. Which is why saying "WOMEN care about success/status/money" is bullshit. it's not a universal truth. it's not all women and it's not even likely most women.
People meant financial success, it's all that ever gets talked about here. Its also what leads to extremely confused incels who feel betrayed by women and society because they were told that if they reached a high score in life like I described that they would somehow get a gf because that's how that works out. Except it doesn't.
I'm lanky but have a good face and I have a girlfriend. She says she's into lanky guys and looking at her exes proves it. Everyone has their own individual taste, OP.
I wonder how these jordan peterson posters ever managed to come up with their own thoughts before the meme psychologist became famous. Like as if "hierarchical structure" is something that he invented and not one of the most basic concepts in sociology which he isn't even.
Yeah. Incels put sex on a pedestal to the point they think getting their dick sucked is a bigger achievement than having $500,000 in the bank. They’re wrong about that.
I only suggested 2 ways, there can be many many else. And mostly
Peps are complex mate
It's real simple, a friend of mine was one of his students before everything with him started.
>Which is why saying "WOMEN care about success/status/money" is bullshit. it's not a universal truth. it's not all women and it's not even likely most women.
It is - they are getting the best that is available to them.
As a woman collects baggage and her market value goes down (looks) she might go for lower status / poorer men, but that doesn't mean she isn't being any less shallow.
That totally wasn't my point at all. They think, because they've been told, that having 500 000$ in the bank or whatever WILL get them a girlfriend.
for the record too, dick suck > money.
>describing human interactions as market trading
oh whoops, found the expert on social relations and totally not an incel at all.
Most people already think like that but in a more singular fashion.
>if i get enough abs girls will like me
>if i get enough money girls will like me
>if i am nice enough girls will like me
And it is a contemporary analogy that people understand. It is a useful tool.
Also i believe he is an idiot for believing in god.
>I wonder how these jordan peterson posters ever managed to come up with their own thoughts before the meme psychologist became famous. Like as if "hierarchical structure" is something that he invented and not one of the most basic concepts in sociology which he isn't even.
And so it begins... the butthurt low status people that hate JBP and fight with emotions more than anything else
okay so what why do you need to quote peterson when stating the most benign basic things like "a plumber who is good at plumbing is at the top of the plumbing hierarchy".
peterson is doing more harm to incels and humanity in general than the PUA community.
>oh whoops, found the expert on social relations and totally not an incel at all.
Not any sort of rebuttal at all and completely missing what has been said.
>peterson is doing more harm to incels and humanity in general than the PUA community.
How do you even figure?
If anything JBP talks about holding yourself accountable and trying to be a more or less decent person.
You're the one who's emotional and trying to bring status into this now. I'm an anonymous poster on the same website as you. We're the exact same status.
I don't hate Jordan peterson either, he's Canadian so I'm sure he's polite. The issue is that he passes of these fortune-cookie bullshit statements that are actually true but only because of how basic and simple they are. It's also mostly his followers that then twist those things around to spin conclusions any which way they want although he also jumps to wild conclusions.
If you didn't want to talk about JBP then maybe don't be name-dropping him in every post you make and reciting his quotes like an actual NPC.
What I heard was
>women are superficial get out of my board roasties reeee
It was a joke, I don't really care for his social hierarchy stuff, that's like the least profound thing he has to say. His ideas about the psychological roots of mythologies and archetypes are much more interesting than "it's good to be good at stuff."
Theres two of us. He is again not the original JBP guy lol.
I'm not entirely well-versed on what exactly he says, I only gather what gets filtered through here. Whenever I hear something about him it's always like EPIC!!! JORDAN PETERSON BTFO SJWs AND TRIGGERS FEMINAZIS which doesn't sound like holding yourself accountable and trying to be a more or less decent person at all, that just sounds like more r9k safe space bullshit.
Also that time when he was arguing that terrorism and incels could be stopped if the government would make monogamy enforceable.
Dick suck is valued economically pretty low. Even as a proffesional service, it doesn’t compare to hiring someone to do maintenance in your house. That’s because nearly anyone can suck on a dick.
$500,000 is actually worth like 3,000 dick sucks. That’s getting your dick sucked every day for eight years. And, like you said, many people get succ for free.
That’s not to mention succ isn’t an asset. Once you get the succ it’s gone. You may be in a better mood, but you can’t go buy food by telling the cashier you got sucked off x amount of times.
Lol the enforced monogamy thing? That is not what the media blow it up as and it had been a sociology term for decades.
It actually means people having sex outside of marriage is shamed by society in general. There is physical enforcement involced in anyway.
Is that usa prices? Wtf!
In europe you will get 10k sucks for that money . Thats a lot of sucks
He probably wouldn't like the comparison, but Jordan Peterson is a lot like Neichtze, in the sense that his actual ideas are very different from (and more coherent than) his fans' popular understanding of his ideas.
>I'm not entirely well-versed on what exactly he says, I only gather what gets filtered through here.
Well, there ya go, and that explains it.
>Also that time when he was arguing that terrorism and incels could be stopped if the government would make monogamy enforceable.
That's not even what he's said - he pretty much said encouraging people to be polygamous is culturally bad; not that they should be up against the wall and shot
>The issue is that he passes of these fortune-cookie bullshit statements that are actually true
>he passes of these fortune-cookie bullshit statements that are actually true
>are actually true
Well there ya go
>>women are superficial get out of my board roasties reeee
Yeah, women are superficial; so are men. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
For you guys that think money doesn't buy a woman's affection.
This guy proudly proclaims that he is the king of douchery and is surrounded by women
>That's not even what he's said - he pretty much said encouraging people to be polygamous is culturally bad; not that they should be up against the wall and shot
“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”
Prostituion is part of the underworld in most states, since it’s illegal, so either you take a risk on your safety or you pay more.
Affection is cheap. That's why you can buy it.
If that's the kinda affection you think will fill the void, hookers always have and always will be a thing.
>The cure for that is enforced monogamy
Man - there have been multiple people that have explained that
Here you go
This the kind of guy who will find himself some gold-digging whore and then act all surprised and betrayed when his gold-digging whore leaves him for a better gold mine.
Also - I really like JBP's suits
He is a sharp dresser
Yeah it's real easy to hum and haa and "explain yourself" while doing damage control after you let the cat out of the bag.
It's obvious who peterson is, and why he's become so popular with the frogposting newfags of Jow Forums as well as reddit incels.
he’s a devil so that makes sense
That's idiotic. I won't love you "for your soul" if you're physically repulsive and I refused to be called a "bad" woman for it. Now, most women won't care whether you're Jow Forums as long as you aren't fat (and even then, some women may tolerate fat men) but I dislike this narrative of "having standards is bad". You wouldn't date an ugly chick, either, and there's nothing shallow about it. Surprisingly, people actually want to be attracted to the person they're sleeping with.
>Yeah it's real easy to hum and haa and "explain yourself" while doing damage control after you let the cat out of the bag.
Pretty much you refuse to believe what he says it meant and you choose to believe how you misunderstood a few lines
I call bullshit on everything he tried to say AFTER to try and save face. He's just another alt-right meme-conservative kekistan whatever you want to call it. He built his career out of being the anti-SJW posterboy for Jow Forums.
That's not self-improvement.
Never implied anything about having to deal with someones repulsive body and bad habits regarding their body. You wouldn't even engage someone like that, right? So your point is totally moot darlin
>I call bullshit on everything he tried to say AFTER to try and save face
Right - I get it. You choose to take a few lines out of context and have stuck to the meaning you have believed it to be.
>He's just another alt-right meme-conservative kekistan whatever you want to call it. He built his career out of being the anti-SJW posterboy for Jow Forums.
Am I wrong?
When you day that "a good woman loves you for your soul, a good body is just a bonus" your message is pretty clear. It's not my fault that you can't express yourself effectively. I just read what's there.
Average is fine, at least for me. My bf has an average body and I wouldn't trade him for the fittest man in the universe, it's other traits that make me love him.
Fat is not ok though, I just cannot be attracted to fat bodies. If my bf ever got fat I would tell him and then go with him to the gym/help him with meals etc. I think you should strive to at least keep almost the same body weight you had when you got into the relationship. Obviously as you get older you start to put on some kilograms, but not shit like doubling your weight just because you're lazy and excessive with food.
I guess it's my fault I'd expect an adult to be able to analyze that for someone to fall in love at all they have to engage from an initial attraction. I should tailor my posts to be more apparent just for face value information processors like yourself.
Was in the shower
>Am I wrong?
Very wrong - he got popular cause he used to upload his lectures onto Youtube.
Peterson isn't even alt-right, he just criticizes the left which makes people like you assume he's alt-right. Because, ya know, there is no nuance. Everyone is either alt-right or alt-left.
>Peterson isn't even alt-right
Okay sure he's not totally racist or whatever the alt-right is, but he is all those other things.
>he just criticizes the left
He talks about Marxism. He's one Pepe avatar from being full neo-Jow Forums.
>but he is all those other thing
All those other things being what?
Alright, I just went and read the article, and it doesn't hold up. Throughout the article they'll assert that he says something, but not actually give a quote supporting it. Here,
>But aside from interventions that would redistribute sex, Mr. Peterson is staunchly against what he calls “equality of outcomes,” or efforts to equalize society. He usually calls them pathological or evil.
>He agrees that this is inconsistent. But preventing hordes of single men from violence, he believes, is necessary for the stability of society. Enforced monogamy helps neutralize that.
You'd think "I know it's inconsistent, but I still think we have to forcibly redistribute women." or something to that effect, would be a pretty damning quote to have. And an important one if you're going to say he said it, but if he did, they didn't publish it.
As for the enforced monogamy thing on it's own, I couldn't find anything saying it's an established term, but it could be the case that Google is just too flooded with content about him saying it to actually see any academic content on it. It's also possible that in the vernacular of anthropology "enforced" refers to culturally required rather than forced to, and he was just using two words together. Most likely he just made up a term that sounds bad.
Bottom line, I don't believe for a second that he meant "have the government redistribute waifus".
You are a good person and you're gonna go far in life with that attitude.
>meme-conservative kekistan whatever you want to call it. He built his career out of being the anti-SJW posterboy for Jow Forums.
I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, but I hope it isn't.
They certainly do. My girlfriend loves my body. I'm not successful (though perhaps she sees me as such as she's 19) and I don't have good social skills, so I guess she just liked my looks and my personality clicked with her (we fit quite well together personality-wise).
>girls that are insecure and don't take care of themselves
my kind of girls
No, I am the guy that likes Peterson.
You did your research. Cheers friend.
No really a real answer to what I was asking.
He got popular cause of his Youtube lectures - his book has been a best seller, which I'm sure helped (which, I don't know if you believe that means that Jow Forums is really that influential or what, but whatever)
Anyways - I have to leave. I suggest you be like
and do some research cause it doesn't really sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Just another NPC
>He got popular cause of his Youtube lectures
>Very wrong - he got popular cause he used to upload his lectures onto Youtube.
and his lectures are
>uhhhm, actually, feminism is bad!
blowing all the right kind of smoke up neo4chan's asshole
my bf is a little chubby but it looks nice since he is quite tall. Cuddling feels so much better than with someone who´s just average.
This. Women don’t want you to look better than them
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
How old are you
How about a better question than OP's?
Have any of you in a LTR decided to get in shape after being chubby or skinnyweak? If so, how did it affect your relationship?
A friend of mine thinks working out is stupid if you have a gf or can have sex with girls already. I think that's fucking stupid. I want to get in shape so i can just be stronger.
She left me for getting fit
People just treat you better in society if you are fit and dress well. It's worth it. You can slide through life easier.