"Gay Man" is now offensive

>Rami Malek Called Freddie Mercury "A Gay Man" At The Oscars And The Internet Isn't Happy

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Speak no evil see no evil hear no evil.

doing evil is still allowed tho


t. buzzfeed

Fuck off to >>/tv/

no u

Gay Men are upset again
Everyone is surprised

>White man can't call black black or gay gay

Orwellian hellscape us real

Well... he was Bi, so it is a miss-label...

He should have just called them faggots.

he should have called him a queermo instead


Freddie would have called himself a flaming faggot. What the fuck are these people throwing tantrums for?

he is a HEM.

homosexual exclusive male.


There are beautiful POC's and beautiful HEM's.

Or men, men.

This one irks me the most. It’s such a clear 2+2=3 situation.

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I don't know what this weird 'adding more syllables makes it less offensive' idea that people hold is (black man > african american male. Gay man -> homosexual male. Midget -> little person. Coloured -> person of colour), but it annoys me.
Obfuscating meaning via multisyllabic synonyms to circumvent offence while plebeians laggardly catch up is intellectual dishonesty.
Call a spade a spade.
No, that's not racist, it's a saying about cards.

"The Internet"

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Ugg, liberal politics demanding equal outcomes instead of equal treatment are going to kill us all.

>the internet is not happy
The internet is never happy
The internet is a sad sad place

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Wasn't Freddie Mercury bi though? So calling him gay is just inaccurate.

the internet makes you retarded

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yeah that is what they are talking about, how calling him a gay man excludes the B in LGBT

If you do fag shit, you're a fag. Bi = gay, dying of GRID = gay.

>There are beautiful POC's and beautiful HEM's.

Since you seem to be a “HEM” with a stick up your ass about proper words, could you answer a question; is “POC” and “HEM” supposed to be pronounced as a new word (like “pok” and “hem”), or are we supposed to say the whole acronym (“pee-oh-see” and “aytch-ee-em”)?

It's about changing language, removal of agency and enforcement of victimhood.

Call them what they really are: filthy sodomites.

But the B and T are exclusionary to the Q and +.

> Faggot is our word, but you can say Faggo

>literally three freaks on twitter are mad about something
>here's some click bait

who cares

So if I insist my gay mate's bi because he fucked a girl once, he's biphobic for disputing that?

Funny how the process comes full circle as the euphamisms become so long that they become acronyms.

>Gay Man

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shitskins aren't human so technically he was wrong to call him a man

This is why I just call them faggots.

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It doesn't matter what you say, what matters is how they feel about it.

Political Correctness is a game you can't win.

Makes sense then. Bisexuals are always being labeled, by gays mostly, as actually being one (gay) or the other (straight), that bisexuals don't exist.

>and the internet isn't happy
Could be tagged on to the end of literally any sentence you can imagine, and the internet isn't happy.

The worst part is, "black man" is just a casual observation about a very generalized and non-literal description of appearance. No malice there at all.
"African-American" assumes that BECAUSE of that appearance, the individual MUST be from Africa, and considered AFRICAN first, and then additionally assumes they're AMERICAN second, which in itself could be wrong. If a Jamaican came to visit New York, would it be correct to call them an African-American?