Art of the Deal, folks

Trump said he had no use for memoranda of understanding “because they don’t mean anything.”

It led to this exchange, in which the American president’s own trade rep apparently tried to explain a basic element of the negotiations:

LIGHTHIZER: An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally used. People refer to it like it’s a term sheet. It’s not a term sheet. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memorandum of understanding is a binding agreement between two people. And that’s what we’re talking about. It’s detailed; it covers everything in great detail. It’s just called a memorandum of understanding. That’s a legal term. It’s a contract. […]

TRUMP: By the way, I disagree. I think that a memorandum of understanding is not a contract….

You can see the Chinese rep clearly laughing at Trump's ignorance even after the correction.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fake news

its worse than that. Lighthizer went on to say that they would now call the exact same contract a "Trade Agreement". Trump then agreed that it was better than the MOU and now that uts a "Trade Agreement" it was a contact. what a complete fucking moron.

How has he not done the belt too tight in an pathetic autoerotic aspshix session yet

Fake news? Dude, the link includes a video of Trump fucking it up, getting schooled by his own rep, still insisting he was right, and China rep laughing out loud at his ignorance.

Judge for yourself, watch the master as he closes this deal for U.S.

Here's bloomberg, also with vid.

>Memoranda means note
>Non-binding in all facets expect for this specific case
He doesn't understand what all the specific terms means, good thing he has a negotiator to explain him.

who cares fuck China there entire country is on the verge of collapse due to reduced trade. let them laugh all the way to starvation and mass public unrest

Fake News, Meme flag.

It's over Sweetie.

It's impossible to negotiate with the Chinese. They have no concept of middle ground. They truly are on the spectrum when it comes to human socialization.

Nobody cares what memeflags have to say faggot

Fake news

Meme flag proves fake news too

t. tranny
>inb4 shit thread 404’s

This. It's better to tell them how it is and to never flex, it's all they will understand and respect.

meme flag = KYS

It's not a contract and the Chinese will just ignore the parts of it they don't want anyway. It doesn't take an expert on the Chinese to recognize this.

First link:

What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a nonbinding agreement between two or more parties outlining the terms and details of an understanding, including each parties' requirements and responsibilities. An MOU is often the first stage in the formation of a formal contract.

the cpc are gangsters that imprison, torture, and slaughter people on an industrial scale. There will never be a deal that they will abide by.

>meme flaggot

I don’t like Trumpstein but it’s clear you are a JIDF nigger kike, kys

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the same thing the Chinese do with real contracts

Trump was right not wanting an MOU faggot due to governing bodies do not recognize MOUs based on INTERNATIONAL LAW because a lot of the information is kept confidential, hence why the UN does not recognize them. Everything is up to interpretation within the "agreement".

Lighthizer is a stooge that lacks cojones. A word of advice concerning nominations, Senate leader goes to the President and says, "This person will be consented, this person, this person, etc... Senate leader also says, this person is DOA, this person is DOA, etc...

Bob Dole pimped out Lighthizer, says all I need to know about this former Reagan reject looking to sustain the status quo despite moments of clarity.

Fake news

Trump is such a fucking loser. Can someone please over run my nation with illegals and cede our currency to china?

>Trump was right not wanting an MOU faggot due to governing bodies do not recognize MOUs based on INTERNATIONAL LAW
You've already gone to a layer beyond OP's knowledge, can't we just talk about headlines?!
>he laughed!
IMpeach blumpf

you are dumb

This is retarded semantics play. A memorandum of understanding isn't a contract. If they want to call it something else, okay, but then that means the work out into it as a memorandum of understanding will not be the same as if it were established originally as a trade agreement.

Here, user. Let me break it down for you: I send you a letter. "Do you like me? Y/N". You receive the letter. I ask you if you read my book. You say no. You say you didn't receive my book. I say bullshit. I have a confirmation tracking number indicating you received my book. You check the date, it's my shit letter. You say you received the letter. I say the letter was a book. You roll your eyes and go "Okay, whatever loser. If you want to call it a book then it's a book."

This is news media making a bunch of hay over nothing. It might be a fuckup on the translation team's side through either China or America having used the wrong title for the document in the first place.

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If Trump is right, and that's why he doens't like MOUs, then why on earth is he giving a press conference with his trade rep and china rep to talk about a worthless and non-binding MOU?

If Trump only just learned it's MOU, it sure sounds like Trump hasn't even read it yet.

Why settle for the first link when you could find a correct one.
It is a common misconception that MOUs (which are also referred to as letters of intent and heads of agreement) are always non-binding or that if you take a document that reads like a binding contract and add the heading "Memorandum of Understanding" it becomes non-binding. MOUs can be binding, non-binding or partly binding and partly non-binding, it all depends on the intention of the parties and the drafting.

THE POINT: It was absolutely pointless, and counterproductive for Trump to bring that up like he did, contradicting his own rep in front of a foreigner and press, and ignorantly.

Why can you just admit you thought you were electing a brilliant executive and we got the fucking apprentice.

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Trump, the promised brilliant deal maker, undercuts his own rep in front of foreign rep and press, clearly demonstrating he's not even read the deal and his basic knowledge of negotiating instruments is lacking, and even when he's corrected, he can't find a way to save face either for himself, or his rep or his country except to repeat the same ignorance.
>news media making a bunch of hay over nothing

>It might be //
Fuck you and your fake news.

He knows the Chinks won't respect a MOU.

Damn memeflag I'm a bookerbro now

Chinks are not human, they are insects.
Never forget that, no matter how well tailored their skin suits are.

I saw the conversation last week and thought it was hilarious. Trump doesn't have time for that diplomatic language bullshit. It's why I voted for him. Memorandum of understanding BTFO!

you dont understand the chinese
he wasnt trying to impress foreign reps and press who don't understand the chinese mind

lemme break it down for you
the chinese tried their usual tricks and trump shut them down. having proven himself not gullible enough to believe chinese lies now actual negotiations can begin in earnest.

when you believe chinese lies you show yourself as weak and the chinese will eat you alive

call them out on their bullshit and they act offended but now they respect you

>lemme break it down for you
We got some undocumented facts here. That shit's weak ass.

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>an MoU is a contract
HAHAHAHAHA peak shill intellect

this is enemy propaganda. Why would an american news agency report on OUR president like that?

your argument was weak ass
clearly i won here

>MOU is the precursor for a final binding agreement
>Trump even says this in the video
Show your real flag, you filthy kike. Memeflags will never fool anyone, you juden rat.

Hes laughing because Ocasio is pushing the coal for thee but not for me narrative without even asking for bribes.

>Judge for yourself
ironic you would say that and then you end up just trusting that chinese rep is being honest here

That’s a good point, maybe if the Chinese are totally respecting you in a negotiation, it’s actually not a good sign. I’m sure all the negotiations where they basically took over large swathes of Africa were very polite and cordial

these anons understand china

I'm gone for months, I come back and OP is still a faggot.

t. burger who turns off computer, goes shopping at Walmart and 100% of what he buys is made in China.

You can't make this shit up.

>we'll give a paper on a non-binding agreement to make an agreement later
>trump: fuck that noise, show me something real and commit.
>left: omg, trump doesn't understand how this works
Cut the bullshit. Shit or get off the pot.

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Hear Hear! They should apologize for the accuracies at once!

Are you fucking retarded? The chinese rep said nothing. He laughed as Trump refused schooling for his own trade rep.

> You've not read the article.
> You've not seen the clip.
> You're comfortable dismissing it.
> Yep, you're redpilled.

Trump loves the fucking stupid among us. He needs them.

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>56 different ethnic groups
What a subversive text. Your average retard-reader will assume that means great ethnic diversity and diversity of thought.

It should had said Han Supremacist China, where >90% are Han and the second largest ethnic group is Zhuang that only covers 1% of the population.