What's with the widespread use of ebonics and black slang from whites in particular white women on social media now?

What's with the widespread use of ebonics and black slang from whites in particular white women on social media now?

Back in the 90s you would only see legit wigger types using the language and dialect of black ghetto America in a cringe way. Now you see it everywhere.

White women in their 30s writing like "yall need 2 get ur attitude in check fuckbois dont be hollering at me"

Majority of dating profile screenshots ever posted on Jow Forums read like they were written by a ghetto hoodrat.

If you go into the Twitter of the pic related here and look at how she types and talks and the things she retweets, that's how a lot of white women talk now. Not just ones with biracial kids, I've seen married white women with white kids talking this way on social media.

Why are mature grown white women using ebonic slang unironically ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


thats an ugly ass kid

>not husband
>never husband

she'll be dead or single mom within 3 months

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I have idea senpai

Based thread though dawg

Obama changed our school system, got rid of cursive and most other white things (like ww2 assignments usually center around black squadrons and such). Replaced it with Common Core.

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The assignments my niece show me (7 and 8th grade) are rediculous

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What is it about black babies with that "nobody home" look in their eyes?

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Toll clearance: In progress


So you not only don't know how to spell a common word, but you are too ignorant to use a spellchecker? Are you literally a nigger?

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she already is single.

what goes up, must come down

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i dont have the image but there is one about she is single and her mom told her she has to change but she calls everyone fuckboys or something like that.


Lol at all the “where’s the dad comments”

There's been some posts about an ongoing initiative to replace your inner voice with that of a black teenager. You see it come out in social media because they're reading their words in their inner voice.
They ocassionally slip up and use it verbally, but are afraid to be called out on it.

But that baby is ugly as fuck and so is her boyfriend

my inner voice lynches niggers on the daily

You'd be surprised how many people catch themselves doing it after being made aware of it.

yikes! this ugly trash whore's amerimutt face makes me cringe by its self
she's not white and never was, russian maybe, cockhol more likely

looked at the twitter pics, cant see the kike presence in the usa/communist delivered black male?

>newly suspicious palms

> drunk

Okay, at least you aren't a dumb nigger. Do try and lay off the sauce though, we need more people like you in our world.

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It's the jews you fucking dipshit. Decades of Jewish propaganda and influence in the music industry, media and Universities. The major one is music industry..which white females are so easily manipulated by.. because they follow social trends which has been nigger rap for the past 30 years. Make no mistake it's all intentional and pushed by JEWS

As a racist, this def makes me cringe.

Some women are just holes.

>every day I hear white people with a black voice shouting directly into their ears
Post the image

Wtf man yes ofc it made me cringe lol

This is what I was thinking. Can palms be suspicious? Kek

What the absolute fuck? This is being given out to 8th-graders?

They are only hurting themselves. The White race will continue along just fine without them.

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Path of least resistance.

We can turn it around by banning rap and punishing teachers and civil servants who talk like that around children.
InB4 "muh racism" Just get it done.

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If black

Kid looks like Corey Mathews lol

> those comments

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Tell that ugly retarded mongrel this:
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)

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women below 105 IQ should be sterilized

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Spics below that should be expelled from the country.

They look mid 30s. This is why i never take those "cop murders black child" headlines serious.

How would someone have the lack of shame to do this!? Do those woman now want to ride his dick again because he's in the NHL?

>07 Oct 18
Chances of being single mom 4 1/4 months later?

she doesn't look like the same woman in the video

Took me a while to spot the boyfriend at all. hah

I have looked into the future of this coalburning whore.

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How about all of them in general?

it took less than 4 months, notice her post complaining about being single is from Jan 19

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> teen

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I think you mean death

Not surprising. They have been shoving ghetto culture down our throats unrelentingly for the past 20 years or so, at the same time as they pushed the whole "whites have no culture" narrative. Even here in Europe, black music and memes are often seen as part of the default youth culture. Even if they dislike or keep away from blacks in general, they still play the music and reference the language because it permeates most big American exports nowadays -- it's everywhere, ALL the time. Really wish you guys would put a stop to it already...

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3 uglies saying they look sexy, what's new? Like an obese girl trying to say she's beautiful and deserves anything higher than a 6.

Sounding like a nigga makes them sound hard. Even in the social circles of women, they want to be the alpha to seem like the first choice to mate.

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She’s just looking for attention

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because black guys are seen as having easy lives. everyone takes care of them. no one stands up to them or its seen as racist or a hate crime. they get away with everything. almost all of them get sex. they even seem to enjoy going to jail. nothing bothers them. when they chimp out they get away with it or its seen as powerful. so people want to emulate them. even when they fuck up it seems like they dont.

she is just by her self with a nigger baby and she thinks she is cool
no one thinks niggers are sexy except retarded women.

Kid looks like a legit retard

HOW will they EVER recover?!

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This post could easily get over-looked but there's a lot of truth here

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She single guy,not funny

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Thank you for being the one person on this entire board that posts links to stuff

You watch too much porn.

>roastie trying to get sex one last time

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This is cultural commentary on race mixing...

Not sure where porn addiction plays into this...perhaps you are an idiot?

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Its this.
Also cultural decline and dropping IQ rates in women.
The language you think in highly reflects idea flow and intelligence.
Theres a cap floating around explaining an anthropologist in africa trying to find any recordings of a local native language and couldnt.

There are 2 kinds of pupils, those who go to school to be entertained and those who are taking it seriously. It's actually a good way of filtering out the trash

Is IQ dropping among women, or are there just mobs of spics and nigresses in the country now.

look how retarded it looks

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I'm black. My wife is white. When I take shits I come here to giggle. Lots of good material today.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

OP's gay ass post is cringe af


the pictures of elin krantz dont look like that girl from the video, any proof that it's the same girl?

kid looks like a jew

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The things which are shown in that retarded picture only happens in porn, of course there are few retarded white women who hate their own race and fuck shitskins but if you can't find a decent white woman that's your fucking fault.
Only porn addicted incels or dirty weebs would find it somehow accurate

bite the light

Triggered Larping Jew from failed, meaningless country.

Yup. Also completely true.

What the fuck? What grade and location is this from?

How long until we see her posting a image of herself beaten up?

Have you ever been in the USA?
Dating niggers is the biggest trend since denim jeans were invented.

No need to underline and circle that picture 200 Damn times.

I always say it when I see that pic , but she wasnt horrible lookin. Shame she was a mudshark

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What niggatry is this?

Murican Educayshiun

>tfw I kicked Tyler Seguin's ass outside a bar

He's from my home town, Brampton, Ontario

>Okay, at least you aren't a dumb nigger

He's drunk in the middle of the day... how is that any different?

Toll paid.

Cringe indeed

Just look at this
BBC and anti white pro nigger racial programing since the beginning
"Big black snake"
"Small white snake"
These fucking jews need to die

mission accomplished cunt

>haha i can mate with homo erectus
>bet this makes you homo sapiens real mad


Tyler Seguin would rip your arms out of their sockets

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lol the honker on that shitstain. Stay mad, Slut. You threw away your genes, not me.

Sad but true
LE BASED ZOOMERS are the worst of the bunch
It used to only be white trash but the 10 years or so of indoctrination has been all they've ever known
It's pretty damn common to see a 7/10 high schooler walking around with some nog that's trying to appear "white-presenting" to impress her

this bitch should be gassed

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