Do you trust them, do you trust every word they say.
Do you trust their smiles.
Do you think they serve the Light or the Dark?
Do you think they serve American public in general or some other Masters?
Americans what is your opinion about this AXIS of EVIL
They serve the greatest evil this world has ever known. They are all without a doubt burning in Hell.
Damn that TDS tastes so good.
>Axis of evil
They literally hurt your feelings.
You have the International business owners throwing a fit. Business that can't offshore are happy. Throw in a bunch of issues of the week to get Americans divided up and fight for each side. Who's going to profit?
"Do you think they serve the Light or the Dark?"
i think that your life in a world of only 2 colors(light/dark) is very sad. FYI there are a LOT of colors, i.e. no absolute exists in this world, are they perfectly good/evil? - no, they are human.
Unrepentant jesus murderer hiding behind a 2000 year old crime.
"Do you think they serve American public in general or some other Masters?"
they serve God, i.e. are part of His plan(just like everybody else), which includes freedom of action and having the results of those actions for everyone. i.e. no one (even them) can deny you your karma, or give you that which you don't deserve.
No, more like regret for voting for him thinking that it would shake the establishment when in fact made it worse, and now we have people like you still stuck in the matrix. I never thought he would be great, but I didnt think he would be as good as a puppet as he is.
Public Officials Disclosure Act #PODA #PODA2019
P.O.D.A shall include all federal, state and local elected and appointed positions:
◦ Full present and past name(s)
◦ Date of birth, origin of birth
◦ Any pending or past criminal or civil charges
◦ Any domestic violence orders
◦ Any and all ties to foreign nations
◦ Any allegations of sexual abuse
◦ Full financial disclosure dating 5 years prior to election
FYI if you actually accept that Jesus is God, then you must also accept that everything(including his death) happened according to His plan(otherwise how is He all-knowing and all-powerfull?)
They serve you
>i think that your life in a world of only 2 colors(light/dark)
Light and Dark in this conversation doesn't refer to colors user.
It rather refers to pic related:
all white men will be considered evil from here on out unless they are gay or a jew
>t. evil, purely dark human
This is exactly what I am saying: How can you decide that any contemporary action is 100% good/bad? Or is it even possible to perform a 100% good/bad action? Do you know about everything those people did/attempted through their entire lives to pass such judgment?
Shut up retard
if you believe god only creates and that death and disaster are just chisel chippings of the greater scupture, then you don't have god to blame for your problems and you have every reason to try your best in the name of God if you want to remain part of the big sculpture.
What is the problem in serving both God and Satan?
God invites us to His kingdom of eternal happiness(like the carrot), while Satan makes our lives here miserable(like the stick). They both want us to go in the same direction.
"God only creates" - no! He is absolute, i.e. the beginning, middle, and end of everything.
God says: "I am death, and I am immortality personified"
dual citizenhip is in your blood.
what is is with blaming God? He is perfect. This world He created is perfect. So the only way one can perceive imperfection is by lack of knowledge.
how can you still believe in citizenship? didn't your motherland just grew a couple of years ago(Russia became bigger, and Ukraine smaller)? what about the people from that region? didn't they just switch from being Ukrainians to being Russians? if citizenship is so easy to change, why care about it?
Show flag and I'll tell you my opinion
first meme flag = discord tranny KYS.
second pic related = trump GodMode
No, that is the kike definition. If you really believe jesus was the son of G-d, attempting to lead degenerate kikes back to the glory of moses' Judaism you would despise deception and realize Israel today is just another synagogue of satan