Vote UKIP!
If true then Brexit is canceled, since the Conservatives surely won't press ahead without Labour's backing as cover.
Based Corbyn, brexiteers on suicide watch
Free runescapeland!
Just as planed goys, brexit canceled
It will be a hard Brexit since they already triggered article 13.
Well that doesn't sound very democratic.
If they go through with this and Brits don't take to the fucking streets, they will lose what little respect we still have for them.
Goodbye democracy. Spoons at the ready lads this is it.
just go down to the local mosque at night, break in and steal all the stashed aks we can win this
There isn't a single argument that can justify repeating the referendum, not a single one, and seeing Soros behind this, holy fuck this is coming to a head I can feel it
for FUCKS sake, we were so close
A 2nd vote was always the recourse,
It's produceder
I'll give you an argument: EU.
>Jow Forums says to support a communist because he criticises israel
>Jow Forums is completely blindsided and taken aback when said communist fucks them over on brexit
Never change you guys, hope you had fun voting for this guy in 2017
Pass at House of commons > reject at house of lords > *2nd vote* > passed at houae of commons > forced through house of lords > approved by the queen.
It's parlimentry procedure, I would be surprised it there *wasn't* a second vote...
God I fucking hate this country I hope I get killed in a freak plane accident I fucking want to die.
Based Soros.
Please save us from Brexit and I promise I'll be a good goy.
Go live in America where the media decides procedure
It's all about those in power profiting even more, not about the people or the future of the country. The same applies to every EU member. The EU will eventually collapse, just like the USSR has. It likely won't last even another decade.
You don't simply walk away from (((their))) clutches. Nothing stops the globalism machine.
Are people unaware how bills are passed?
I want brexit, but it's only logical to have a 2nd vote.
Where is it being sensationalized... there was always going to be a 2nd vote, regardless of weather you wanted it or not...
Stop replying to yourself and take your damn ellipses back to R*edit, shill.
What's wrong with referencing previous posts, you clearly didn't know what parlimentry procured is, yet you want to call me a shill?