All true Trump supporters agree
Neocon grifters BTFO
All true Trump supporters agree
Neocon grifters BTFO
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War is good, it's fun. Fuck off moral faggots
Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc certainly weren’t fun
war has made me a lot of money.. I have no problem with it.
If Trump says we go to Venezuela then there's good reason to do it and it's part of the master plan. Ignore shills and concern trolls
It’s been a net loss for the rest of us the last few times. Would be even worse in Venezuela
Listen goy,
It's on our continent so it will eventually become our problem do you not agree? Ignore about what's going on in the Middle East for a second and think about those poor lives in Venezuela you heartless goyim
You’re wrong. He hasn’t declared war yet. He’s being pressured by the deep state to do so. This is where his base needs to be loud
It’s Jews, sellout whites, and capitalist brown people. They need to understand war would be bad for all of us
trump isnt a fascist and doesnt support fascism
You're not wrong, I just wanted to become merchant for a second
Pompeo and Bolton are both for intervention. These men are handpicked by Trump for what's to come. We're going to take down Iran, Hezbollah and Venezuela.
No thanks
You’re right. I wish he was more extreme, and had the power to do so
All good brotha. Get loud, let’s stop this fucking war
How is a war in Venezuela "neocon"?
If you are so concerned about war why don't you tell Maduro to step down?
Why don't you tell him to stop bringing in ELN and Hezbollah into the country?
To put it simply, why don't you tell him to stop posing as a threat to the stability of the region and the US?
>How is a war in Venezuela "neocon"
>a foreign war for influence and oil
>wanting 'regime change'
>bringing 'freedom'
>not neocon
Are you a shill for defense contractors, just 12 or a jew?
Because it’s your problem, not ours
>why don't you tell Maduro to step down
pretty sure almost any sensible country already has, including the US
>it's your problem if terrorist groups sponsored by your state fuck shit up in the countries surrounding it.
Welp, guess I am off to kill Maduro, Diosdado, all those top military and intelligence officers, paramilitary... myself with my non-existent weapons or army.
Thanks for the suggestion. If you see a video where I am getting blown the fuck out like they did with Oscar Perez, at least you will know I tried.
how is it not?
WTF you guys told me Trump and Jews are warmonegers. Why haven't we invaded Venezuela?
I am starting to think Jow Forums doesn't know anything.
Literally what's the downside though?
Because Israel isn't trying to move into Venezuela mostly
checked. that much is true.
it does fit the rest of the bill though (not a threat to us, must topple muh evil dictator who slaughters his own people.
the US govt doesn't now nor have they ever cared about stuff like that.
this is going to be Libya 2.0. create such a shitstorm in Venezuela and surrounding countries that shitskins flock here by the millions (even more so than they are now).
Trump will LET THEM IN.
basically the Kalergi plan, but for America.
so it's still doing Israel's bidding.
America is still too white for (((their))) tastes.
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)
#Bogotá- #Brazil Vice President @GeneralMourao says under no circumstances would #Brazil allow the U.S. to use its territory to invade #Venezuela
Lame huehues
Because the military intervention is only the last option.
They want you to believe this shit is all about muh oil but in reality this is more about terrorism, drug traffic and stability in the region.
The US and its allies have done quite a lot to avoid an intervention, whereas the Maduro regime has been provoking it to then victimize themselves about muh imperialism.
Maduro can avoid an eventual intervention, he just has to step down and abandon his ambitions of holding on to power perpetually. He and his top officers have been offered (by Bolton himself) to remain unprosecuted for their crimes if they step down.
What do you think it's going to happen now?