Belgiums 2nd largest city is now more than 50% non-native. 74% of the kids aged below 10 are non-Belgian.


Where is this country headed?

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where does it have to go? id say where ever its going its already there bud

Into the gutter. Centuries of abuse by your larger neighbors, plus a big cultural split between wallonians and flemish have lead to a weak national identity, that while superficially functions as a nation, is prime for further abuse and exploit. Sorry Belgian friend.

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Thanks but the weird thing is that I'm not even mad. I would be a couple of years ago but now I just think it's all our own fault. This is true social darwinism. Belgians get fewer and fewer children, Belgians are hedonistic and Belgians are physically very weak. It's only natural the social fabric of our society breaks down

NV-A right wing stronghold. Kek.

Exactly. 2018 was probably the last municipal election they won

Glad I moved away from that shithole,
Living in Belgium sucks compared to living in Bangkok,
Enjoy your 50% taxes and masonic government
Call me when the race war begins

It's just that most of the shitskins flock towards the cities. When things collapse we want them all to be in cities killing each other.


How's the salary there?

Make my money online

based ladyboy enthousiast

>74% of the kids aged below 10 are non-Belgian

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I'm afraid of Ladyboys,
My neighbor is one,
They are disgusting

To hell

تعريب زنجي ههههههه
الله اكبر كافر

Was in Brussels last week. It's honestly worse than London.

Man come on they are everywhere. Even in hillybilly towns like Ronse, Ninove, Denderleeuw, Aalst, Lokeren...

>Call me when the race war begins

It never will. We're facing a slow takeover. The right can keep nagging about migrant crime and islam but people here don't have the guts to act.

>le 50% face

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Should i go westfordshire for rural and monarchical feudal experience?

Don't ask me. I'm an Australian living abroad.


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Join the club

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Your country will be split in two.

>Kill 10 million congolese
>cry today

Thank God i was born in this century of revenge , Thank God

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>Where is this country headed?
Even if it's mostly non native, Belgium is highly segregated following ethnic/religious groups, there's almost no racemixing just old white people and their race dying out

The Jews are, of course, extremely happy about this.

Attached: jews want whites to die.jpg (573x352, 80K)

Absolutely beautiful. Belgium has always been a total non-country eyesore. It will do much better under the caliphate.

>Where is this country headed?
Hell. We're all on course for the same end destination. And it will be so beautiful.

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Its time for muslims to kill off jews




God I'm so glad that retribution is at hand.

Europe is getting BLACKED so hard right now and my penis is hard as well at the thought of it.

>Man come on they are everywhere.
Here in Evergem it's still quite alright although it has steadily been going to shit recently. Fat lonely neighbor got himself a single mom with a nigger kid. His other neighbor is a government employee with a stable family that has adopted a nigger. The neighbors across my backyard are now arabs that used to play arabic music (they have finally stopped doing that).

Then again, I myself am a Russian immigrant with Arabic and jewish admixture so it's not my battle. Xaxaxaxa. You better join the Yellow vests and decapitate all your ministers with no remorse, compromises or second thoughts. Just close your eyes, cover your ears, move the knife back and forth and ignore the shaking.

74% is a big yikes

>Where is this country headed?
We're gonna be Brazil tier soon

Stupid nigger.

100% sure you're pedo, and don't come back

I normally get angry on other euro flags behalf "no d&c etc"
Belgium? My knowledge stops at some famous pedos and the faggots in the EU parliament.

Belgium is the heart of Europe both literally and figuratively you stupid little white cuck fuck boi kys

>australian education

It's false and the compilation video that proves that it is false is blocked by YouTube in Belgium.

Funnily I visited Antwerp with my gf this December. Center was pretty nice and I didn't notice and muslims. But I assume it's due to high amount of toursits.
>tfw Czech and Czechya will stay white in next 50 years.

Anyone else think this is cynical ploy from the Belgium government against the Flemish speratists? Flood their region with immigrants to dilute their succession movement? Seems that way to me.
French Belgiums up to their old colonial tricks again.

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You lots created it, fucking bongs ruining continental Europe

Yeah that won't happen. Jews have been using Muslims to invade white countries since the late 600s. The Arab invasion of Byzantine Levant was invited by Jews. The Moorish invasion of Spain was invited and abetted by Jews (hence the expulsions and Inquisition). The Ottoman Empire had many court Jews and Jews loved selling captured white children into sex slavery for foreign Turks to rape for life. This mass-invasion of Europe is nothing new, it's the same old trick. The only difference is they run every government and Cuckstianity is incapable of standing up to them or offering any argument against ethnic immolation. America and Europe are undergoing a forced ethnocide, the worst the world has ever seen in the planet's ENTIRE history, and the only thing Cuckstians can do is shriek "Th-they might be brown, but we're all one in Christ!" Rather than doing what they actually should be doing: Burying in axe in the faces of traitors and fifth columnists, and burning their places of worship to the ground.

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>Niggers think Belgium is the entire of Europe
>Niggers think they are smart
Go drown in the sea.

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You just couldn't let the Kaisers army pass through huh. Was it worth it?

Fucking abort yourself you illiterate piece of shit.


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Broeders van zuivere afkomst, uw plicht ligt bij het stemmen op Dries Van Langenhove.
Daarbuiten is er niet veel meer dat we kunnen doen.
God sta ons bij.

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Are you implying they were nice guys helping the poor congolese? It's a disgusting genocide that tainted our history forever

Stay mad nigger and be thankful you have white liberals protecting you from the Slav.

Fucking based

Ok Luigi now i understand
but fyi , no one consider Italians or other southern european moors as white or europeans
so why should we care ? Belgium was white and european country mix between french/germanics/nordics/anglos , now they won't exist
who care about brown arabs like italians and other gypsies?

>race war will never begin
it really wont. There is too much government control on everything. Too much brainwashing on the general public. Youd have half the people, of the half you need, fighting you for being a racist. It be like 15 % of us against the world.
And Belgium doesnt even have guns like here. Of course that doesnt matter when you have the police which are pretty much paramilitary and will arrest any dissidents swiftly and kill the resistance.
Nope. Im just here to enjoy my slow death of the West like the good lil doomer I am.

elections in may, what is the best case scenario possible?

THATS IT. I’ve fucking had enough of this bullshit. I’m not going to sit here and watch as everything our ancestors built gets given away to third world primates. I’m going to fight back for real. I’m going to write a really detailed letter about white genocide to my local MP.

>I myself am a Russian immigrant with Arabic and jewish admixture so it's not my battle....

It's thrice your doing.

>Where is this country headed?
to the gutter. Because social-cohesion is actually NOT a naturally occurring phenomena.

>74% of the kids aged below 10 are non-Belgian.
This is the number people need to pay attention to.
This is the damage that gas already been done.
In a few years, when all the pensioners die and these kids are adults, it’s a 74% non-Belgian city. And that’s I’d all migration stops today.

No best scenario with a 10 billions hole in our budget

I don't think you understand a fucking thing at all. You are a nigger hooting over events beyond your comprehension. How do you even know that the majority are African? you don't.
You don't even know that Belgium is a buffer state between Franks and the Dutch.
You just hoot like an incontinent nigger.

I’m sure they’ll all be German within a generation....

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Oh. Sorry wafflebro.
We've done so much shit it's hard keeping track of it all.

Anyone that killed millions of Congolese should face harsh punishment.
Who is responsible?

it is a good thing we have high res photos of Antwerp Centraal train station, one of the most beautiful ones I have seen
sad to see that such a city has fallen

We could have been with the Netherlands and first world :(

what does that pattern of camo help you blend in with?

No, i'm implying that Congo was overrated and blow out of proportion. Belgians never did deliberately cut off niggers hands. It's the niggers that were put in charge to supervise other niggers that were the ones doing the hand chopping, without permission from the actual Belgians that were stationed there. There were between 300 to 1000 Belgian soldiers stationed there. How the hell do you pull of a massacre with only a hand full of men? The funny thing is that the Congo nigger population was actually growing, not shrinking.

In this particular case, they are not trying to blend in :)

radioactive wasteland pattern


VB has majority and rules alone.
Second best case scenario. VB gains enough seats to block the government for the next few years.


Doesn't matter it should have never been done. Some pretty medieval shit just to get rubber from trees.

The media is responsible for the millions figure. It's a myth.

England, Frans, Portugal, Germany, ... all had colonies you retard. It was the norm back then.

No I have to disagree, Leopold II was a well known psycho that lead psychotic money hungry twats in Congo which raped women/children, cutting off their limbs if they didn't work hard enough, there's several testimonies, recorded proofs of this, denying it is meaningless, all of Europe was horrified by those acts hence why we gave up the colony to France

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niggers still use slavery for the rubber trade, league of nations tried to crack down on it while they were around, why wipipo trying to end slavery in Africa is beyond me

Tfw I'm already planning my escape to Hungary. Houses are very cheap there and Hungary need people in there country because they have their own little demographic crisis. Just gotta save a little bit of money here in Belgium, cause you can earn more here. And I live in a white neigborhood, so no worries on that area. But when I see the people that go to school in my village. 20-30% seem to be foreigners. So it's just a matter of time.

The rest of western europe is equally fucked so that's no solution. Anybody else willing to share their plan.

Shit like this is why I left.

This problem will solve itself. In a few years our chernobyl tier nuclear reactors will melt down once there aren't enough white people to maintain them. That will kill hundreds of millions of niggers. tribal niggers in africa will tell tales of the land of hell. Meanwhile the white people who fled can come back a few decades later and repopulate.

See for yourself

10 millions maybe a myth , but it was still millions and don't tell me you did nothing

>England, Frans, Portugal, Germany, ...
yes and all of them are paying too

>like a good little faggot

>native with hands

God Europe sucks. How did you fuck up this badly?

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Yeah but still chop off their hands? just pay them a dollar a day like modern slavers.
If nigs want to enslave their own that's their problem not ours.

This gives me PTSD to that Brussels shithole.

gimmie a call too

gay pride parades

Ruling elite are still pulling their same old tricks bringing slaves to their modern day plantations. I think you would learn from your own history that colonising land never ends well for the colonisers (thats you this time)

sharia law. have fun

Where d'you think we should flee to? There's nothing left that isn't being invaded.


Get educated:

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Australia really isn't any better off. The government is hellbent on turning the cities all into London tier and your larger cities are already there. I'm from Perth and there are suburbs there that are basically mini India already. It's happened in a single generation. I have no idea why Aussies think things are any better there.

I dig the camo. Fuck the up, if you can.