Soros just cancelled Brexit


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Just as planned from the beginning goys

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>make unnecessarily complicated process and delay brexit so that the media has enough time to sway public opinion just in time for the second vote

Is there any way a second referendum doesn't permanently scar Britain's democratic process, not to mention cultural divide?

Won't work. We hate the media. Corbyn has shot himself in the foot. Britain is still leaving.


that's the best case outcome, much more likely is probably something like but bigger and then events will build from there

>sway public opinion just in time
>for the second vote
>not voting on a second vote
>or questioning the relevance of voting when the vote just gets ignored, delayed or revoted to the policy desired by the losers

No you aren't.
Your about to find out what happens when you try to leave a cult.

goddamn brits are so fucking boring. no wonder we left.

Godspeed, Britbongland. Be well.

Yeah good luck with that.

Even extending article 50 risks severe civil unrest.

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They have enough MPs for a second referendum now though. Do you honestly think people like Soros would give you a easy win? that one vote was enough?



If this shit happens and parliament doesn't get burnt to the ground I will lose all respect for the UK

I won't be satisfied until the NHS mandates circumcision as being healthy on all points.

>no protest loicences for thee goys
>ohh dadts boohhd mate but dee laa is dee laa

Are they allowed access to fire in the UK?

You're blind. Brexiteers have been shooting themselves in the foot for 2 fucking years now. Flaking out of every promise publicly and not able to answer a single fucking question with any authority. Whilst all this is going on The United States of Europe making GB jump through hoops. Laughing.

Its a joke. Everyone sees it. 2 years has trimmed the fat of a lot of old cunts voting Brexit too. The win was narrow in the first place. Not a hope in hell that it will win a second time.

Remainers didnt need project fear. They just had to sit back and watch Theresa May and Boris Johnson make a total fucking idiot of British politics on the world stage.

You say "we hate the media" when its the media the pushed the Brexit ideals in the first place. How else were you getting your information?

Its over. MP's will back a second vote, Theresa May spunked her majority so she cant do fuck all about it.

Welcome to the fucking layer cake, son. You fucked it. Perhaps instead of hitting the forums saying "Brexit means Brexit" and actually coming up with some coherent plan, you might have your precious independence. But you didnt so you wont. Its the last time the people of this country get any say in anything remotely important because of fuck-tards like you who have fucked it because they're so fucking retarded.

Smoking is outlawed except in smoking-free zones.
Does your town have butt recycling containers? Mine does. I don't know how anybody is supposed to be able to recycled used cig filters, but apparently it makes sense t the libtardians who let the funds go to install them.


If theres a second brexit vote it proves the UK is a dictatorship & the EU is a tyrannical dictatorship.

You're waiting for what?

This is not funny. I wanted those dirty anglos to leave.

Yeah but... brexit means brexit

Me too, I couldnt wait for them to finally fuck off, but sadly our zog overlords decided otherwise.

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Maybe read back your statement. Take heed of the word "vote" and then regress back into a state of pure fucking retard where you belong.

How can a vote be undemocratic you absolute half witted fuck-puppet?

stay mad bruv. A lot of young ppl would vote to leave anyway, so the effect of old cunts dying off would be negligable.

if theres a second ref we (brexit) win again so I dont care

You could vote for a representative to vote for you. I sure hope you don't program computers with that level of intellect.

>democracy is when we win
idiot detected. have a #FBPE, retard

Keep dreaming. At least 10% of those votes were from people who genuinely believe that shite written on a bus.

Heres a fact. Many the vast majority of remainers are still remainers.

A small minority (enough to sway the vote) have shifted to remain, because of the shit-show. Its over mate.

I voted Brexit. But I voted Brexit based on FACTS. The switch to the euro in 2022. The EU army etc. Mugs like you voted brexit to keep Pakis out and save 300 million a week. As a result, we are now fucked. Brexit will be reversed and its because idiots and single tooth chavs had the reigns. JRM was about the only cunt talking sense.

Are you suggesting that keeping Pakis out was a fault?

>But you didnt so you wont.
Brexit was just more bong genocide, only with indians and muslims in stead of niggers and muslims, so Brexit making everybody feel betrayed, is possible the best that could happen.

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Nah you're fucking retarded and don't know how politics works. also obviously a remain cunt yourself and so you're deluded beyond reason about us staying in the EU

I'll see you when we're out in March mate, screenshot it. We aren't having a second ref and even if we do we'll win again because people will be fucking pissed

Why dont the pro-Brexit people just come together to NOT vote at all, calling it illegitimate? Make fun of the process, don't be a part of any second vote just because they lost the first time.

A majority of ELECTED MP's are backing a motion for a public vote. It could happen once. It could happen 30 times. Its always democratic when there is a call for it. Even more so if its a majority. Thats why we got the vote in the first place. Just like Scottish Independence will be voted on again and again and again as long as there is a majority pushing it. When that majority is ignored, thats when you can start screaming dictatorship.

People are just pissed because they know in a rematch the score will be different. But you will be please to know that because we live in a democracy that the issue will be raised again and again. UKIP.2 will rise from the ashes. Its just how this shit works.

You understand the we vote for a new Prime Minister every few years, right? We dont just vote one and thats it.

Seriously, try to see past your own anger / ignorance.

daily reminder that Corbyn is the antichrist and he didn't even exist until 6 years ago







Yeah, great idea. Why don't all the Hillary people step out and not vote for Trump? Why didn't I think of that?

>delusional island monkey

I just told you I voted Brexit.

Typical of the type of retard who is causing Brexit to fail.

It's part & parcel m8
If I were the Commonwealth I would definitely consider a bunch of inbred mountain savages to be equals.

Kind of like if I had also invented Isreal.

If Trump won and a vote was held AGAIN because of crybaby liberals, you think id vote again? Fuck no.. ill vote in 2020 when it counts. Im not seeing your point here. The people already voted for Brexit, just like we did for Trump....

>you said something on an anonymous forum therefore you were telling the truth

man you're quite simple aren't you

A second referendum proves that Britain’s democratic process is already dead.

You do realise that after Brexit imiigration will increase from countries like Pakistan / India / China and countless African countries.

People who voted Brexit to stop immigration are about as delusional than those who voted because of the fucking bus.

There are countless legit reasons to leave the EU that are not project fear, that have lots of statistics to back them up so you can shut remainers up. But they have all been ignored. had those facts been the basis of the campaign, we would have been out, no problem. Blaming little brown people for your problems is not going to help


Are you a fucking spastic mate? If intelligent people had voted for brexit instead of fat retard EDL , Tommy Robinson clueless piss heads, it would be a done deal.

You are the fucking problem.

Labour take their orders from Brussels. They care more about foreigners than their own people. Dirty Labour. Pic is why Britain is full of foreigners.

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>Don't forget: you're here forever

You can vote countless times on one issue. You know like who your leaders are.

Thats the democratic process you fucking idiot.

Get back to worrying about your own country being spit-roasted by Russians and Jews.

this. you wouldn't believe how many retards argue that it is even more democratic to have another vote; in fact the list of arguments is endless coming from the remain crowd. what a shame they missed the opportunity to support what the democratic result was and support their country and countrymen, and that includes all the pozzed politicians, because they have put this country in the weakest most vulnerable and dangerous position possible and I am fucking ashamed of them.

Ahahahaha! The absolute state of UK "democracy".
>it's okay when greatest ally doing it!

You sound like you have the iq of a nigger

What's the point of having a referendum if the government can just make you vote again to make sure you meant it the first time? Couldn't they just hold referendum after referendum until they get the desired outcome?

Why would it? That doesn't make any sense at all if you're voting to detach from a globalist plan.

Britain is full for foreigners because we got lazy cunts on the dole who wont do the shit jobs. Thats why we invited cheap cunt Euros over to do them for us to strengthen the Economy.

I want Brexit to happen because it will mean the immediate overhaul of the welfare system. Scrap the dole. fuck your bad back. Get fruit picking you fat lazy cunt.

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Get back into weatherspoons mate

Just leave without a deal. fuck it

>Yeah but... brexit means brexit

Are there any rational gain in achieving a Brexit? Or is it now just a principle thing?

because going to a second vote means the first vote didn't count. they'll make you keep voting until you vote the way they want. it's a farce that apparently works on idiot bongs like you so you think that just because you're voting it must be legit.

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If Brexit fails, i'm going to the US. I will enter a gay marriage if that's what it takes.
There is no future here. Overcrowded, demographics are shot, our fellow man would rather watch Man U v Liverpool with 20 pints of pisswater than fight.

Trade deals.



You're in a globalist plan however the fucking measure of it.

How can you not know this??

civil war 2: Brexit boogaloo

I see you speak the King's English.

Time for fascism!

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Brexit would only restrict migration within the EU schengen which means less Polish automechanics . It has nothing to do with commowealth immigration from Pakistan and India -- get this through your head.

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Its how the democratic process works. You can keep pushing an agenda thru as many times as you wish. Its happened with countless things in the past. Laws can be introduced and then pulled. The difference is in the UK, we never have referendums. Ever. They are more common in other countries.

And watch our economy self-destruct? Good idea mate.

The ride never ends

>voted Brexit but now regret it because everyone is stupid but me
You're a big twat, pal.

That's completely wrong. The Crown is sovereign and can do whatever it wants.

>if you're voting to detach from a globalist plan.
They don't. Brexit is brexit, it doesn't mean that the UK ceases its integration with the Commonwealth.

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>the EU is the Commonwealth
stop being drunk on a monday

Who are you quoting, mutt? Just like you are trying to say brexit has nothing to do with the Commonwealth and immigration from the Commonwealth won't be restricted. If anything it will increase because nobody actually voted on lowering overall immigration, only on leaving the EU.

your iq is clearly just too high to converse with mere mortals. I think you need a think tank all to yourself where your massive brainpower can be harnessed properly

If the results don't change anything whenever it suits a certain segment of the populace what faith is there in them? What value?

>hurr you vote for your leader multiple times
Yes faggot, but you don't get to arbitrarily decide they can't serve their term when it suits you.

>he Crown is sovereign and can do whatever it wants.

EU has nothing to do with Paki immigration. Brexit has nothing to do with restricting commonwealth immigration. Are you literate?

I'm not quoting anybody. I'm simply pointing out who is in charge my not so m8.

>EU has nothing to do with paki immigration
Then who was it? You neighbor down the road paid for it?

Again, another example of the general state of retardness in the British electorate.

I dont regret it. I regret that in order for the Brexit vote to gain any traction the bellends at UKIP had to dilute the arguement (immigration, NHS) so uneducated pissheads like you could go out and vote and pretend like you knew what you were voting for.

You're the fuckstain. And when Mohammed Abe Momo from Pakistan is balls deep inside your grandaughter churning out little ragheads, I hope you remember it was your fucking fault.

Would he unironically make a good Labour leader?

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It is a fucking joke, we actually need to riot like the french do and rip things apart.

I would vote out again but would not be suprised if remain win, would hope the country just decided to implode and riot till we left but wont happen and things get worse.

Yeah, and the Commonwealth immigration was a thing long before the EU. There were Paki immigrants in London back when Brussels was still an irrelevant Belgian shithole. Rivers of Blood predates the UK's inclusion into supernational European institutions by several years. The EU has nothing to do with South Asians and Nigerians in the UK, it's their own doing and nothing will change about it after Brexit.

How sad is it that you need to debate about the dilution of your own people?
Jesus Christ, this shouldn't even be in question.

If the political landscape changes at ANY POINT during any term of any leadership, a majority of elected MPS can force a leadership contest or a meaningful vote upon literally any fucking subject. Its how the process works. Britain does not have a constitution, but and Act of Parliament. Look it up. Its there in black and white.

Please, if your going to comment know what the fuck you are talking about first.

That's historically false.

Bongs BTFO


"Debate the dilution of your own people?"

The fuck you talking about?

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put your money where your mouth is and start physically fighting for your country back

Do you need longer to understand?
Truly, the low IQ semites are among us.

Owing to EU citizenship rules, the end of such within the UK, shithole mean less commonwealth and EU immigrants.

Lots of Asians in UK are only allowed to bring extended family into the country because of EU citizenship rules...

Educate yourselves please idiots.

You have completely misread the piece. Im not debating the dilution of my own people you mong.

Im talking about the argument for Brexit being diluted in order to satisfy the pallet of a wider margin of the electorate.

Theres only one person being exposed for having a low IQ around here, and its the illiterate fucking yank

>Cancel Soros' heartbeat
The problems and issues you FAGGOTS wine piss and moan about are easily resolved when you stop actin' like a bitch and c'mon

Idiot. Please stop

Welp, labour just lost the next election, they lied when they said they would carry brexit through