Holy shit

Holy shit

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america has a cool flag too

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B-but where is muh wales?

Mighty Morphin Megacountry

They should have put a dragon in the middle.

wales is not a kingdom. its part of the kingdom of england

you didnt know this haha?

You should see the flag we have in the other timeline

Each part of the flag pertains to a saints day. England and Wales have the same one. Wales was yeeted into the English kingdom in the 16th century.

England has dominion.

that flag doesn't really represent northern ireland. it originally represented the whole of ireland but when 2/3rds or ireland fucked off we didn't bother changing the flag

>no Wales
here, fix'd

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (1920x960, 27K)


How the fuck do you expect us to stick a massive dragon on that

everyone should watch this hour long doc on the history of england

Chad Wales is too based to be included with the rest of the trash

The entire country should just adopt out flag it is truly the greatest.

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Sheep fuckers can keep their (((dragon)))

like this

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I'll update it for you

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Where is Wales?

Fuckoff English shill you're just pissy at the Barnet formula and that we have a cool flag

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>Chad Wales
imagine unironically believing this

Bit to the left of England above Cornwall but below Scotland

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You are ruled by a shit stabbing pajeet.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more cucked than actually voting a non native non white leader to rule your nation.
It's worse than being forcibly conquered. You CHOSE it.

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Suck my long Welsh cock you Barnet formula subsidizing norf inbred yorkshireman

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Niggle me this wales, why does your dragon have a awfully pointy nose ?

union is a freemason scam that noone voted for


no shit you fucking retarded shill thread

fucking jew cunt, ill kill you one day

or maybe

Attached: _0020_UK-flag-emblem.jpg (1000x720, 131K)

You didn’t fucking know that.

kek, what are you on about bong?
Are you implying Trump is Indian? He has blonde hair and blue eyes faggot.

Oy vey this is antagonism our red Dragon only killed the white dragon in self defence

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URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP,. . . ,.

82% of inbred yorkshireman
93% Chad Welshman

Attached: Screenshot_20190225-200331.png (720x1280, 145K)

And yet you voted for Khan.

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its always 1 post by id

It got bitched right and proper.

non londoners dont get a say in the london mayor you dumb shit

Woa, it's like it's called the "Union Jack" for a reason!


It was part of England during Union Jack flag's conception.

So? Your own countrymen still voted for him, and a significant amount of them too, London alone makes up about 13% of the UK’s population. And it’s also not the only city of yours with a shitskin mayor (see pic). Sweden has never had a non-white mayor ever, and you know how we are. So you have no excuse.

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lol Wales is so insignificant they forgot to put it in the flag.

hell yeah, thanks for sharing

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Meanwhile in Anglia

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lmao are you retarded?

Is it going to end up contaging the rest of the civilized world? Will the sugar industry collapse our society?

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Anglo here. Why don't we just have put the red dragon and the white dragon on the same flag?

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its some kind of mind blowing moment when an american discovers that england and the UK are actually 2 different things

wales are so bro-tier that we forgot they're not even English

Because the white dragon got it's ass kicked



On a scale of 1 to 10, just how fucked are we?

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did you not realize this? saint patrick's cross, saint george's cross, and saint robert's cross all mashed together

well certain variants in the Royal Army have crowns in the center of the union jack, so just put a dragon instead


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Where's the flag of india?

They were part of England when the flag was made

>He doesn't know about the white dragon
You're clearly not English

we made a cool coin with the welsh dragon on though

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to add in america, the aussies, and the kiwis, you'd need to add stars in the corner blue bits

something like this

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Mind blown holy shit

The Union Jack represent the House of Israel
12 stripes for the 12 tribes
But Britain is Ephraim and the Usa is Manesseh.
You've also got the Red Hand of Zerah being represented in the Ulster-Scot Flag i believe of Northern Ireland
The Hebrew/Phoenician Empire during the Bronze Age mined for tin and copper in Cornwall, Wales, and the rest of Britain. Hebrew miners extracted these metals to build King David's Temple.
You can see that the Hebrew/Phoenician hand of Zerah is symbolised in the Northern Irish Flag.

Zerah was the son of Judah, who was the patriarch of the Tribe of Judah, one of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
How do we know Phoenicians were Hebrews and vice versa? Because Paleo-Hebrew is Phoenician and vice versa. The Hebrews who settled Ireland and the British Isles also spoke Paleo-Hebrew, hence why Welsh and Proto-Gaelic were Paleo-Hebrew Languages.
This is just the tip of the iceberg lads.

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Welsh mythology associated England with a white dragon.

Do you not know about St George slaying the dragon? how young are you?

Hmm. Looks more like a bird that's been hit by a car, user.

How is the dragon Jewish?

Hmm. Looks more like the definition of Wales, user.

Wales wasn't put on the flag because it wasn't it's own nation, but a province of England at the time.

Amazing. Did you know that there's 50 stars on the US flag, representing the 50 states?!

Cos Britain already had it's animal symbols in the form of the lion and the unicorn.

Demography is destiny
Welcome to your future

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We'll keep all the white people over on this side too.

Is that an elementary school for miners? Cause I see a few engineer and manager children but the rest of them came straight from the hole.

oh shi..........

Wales is the only part that never got conquered by Vikangz or Romeniggers

Eh Scotland wasn't conquered by by them either.

That flag would go against Heraldric Tincture rules and also show Wales as being dominant over England.

People think national flag designing is easy, but if you play by the rules of Heraldry there's quite a lot of rules and tradition behind it.
UK flag follows the rules of Heraldry as does the USA flag, that is why they look good


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well i'll be a son of a bitch

You just now figure this out or are you just LARPing like a retard.

that would look pretty badass, i would think


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shit wrong flag.

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wales has best flag in world and uk will break up soon anyway. wales will be in a better position as fledgling government is less cucked to free market than england.

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