Where can I meet evil/immoral people?

Where can I meet evil/immoral people?

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Same as you meet nice ones, leave the house more often.



Depends on the scale. Majority of the population is made up of selfish hedonistic cunts but if youre looking to up the scale just walk into a white ghetto and meet some rapists and drug dealers.

>white, hetero, christian, anti-pedofiles and anti donor-class lobbyings are evil/immoral
>degenerate, open borders, anti-christian, pro debachuery and drugs is moral

Stay classy Jow Forums

at the zoo

what a fucking joke. aramaic swine.

church fundraisers, shit you not.

you've come to the right place

positions of power
although some are actually moral fanatics

Jow Forums

As someone attempting to live as a moral christain, this man is correct.

I'm immoral. What do you seek?

Try /lgbt/
Hope it helps

republican party


talk to your parents

Liberal faggot detected.

Try /b/Democrats are communists, communists are evil. Therefore Democrats are evil.

There is no ome such place, try looking at positions of power in general.
Honestly you won't notice anything bad for most of the evil people you meet.

Why would you want to find them anyway?
I'm morally avarage and have no intention of having some faggot monitor me, convinving me to be good or teaching him my le evil ways.
Are you of legal age to post btw or just legally retarded?

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In prison and just to be on the safe side, a maximum security prison would be your best bet.

>Where can I meet evil/immoral people?
Any politician gathering

No u! (insert the other side of the political scale) we are the good guys, the others are evil :(

Jow Forums has been shit for years, you won't find evil here if you tried

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Prison. Just commit a few felonies and you'll be on your way.

The true most vile & evil people have never been to prison, user. And they never will.


I'm a member of a local society that includes some politicians.

I think their policies are misguided but most local political types I know are very milquetoast people who obsess over morals and what's best for their family.

Right, because rapists don't rank up there with the most vile and evil...


A Christian church on Sunday

Why a white ghetto in particular?
But I agree the ghettos are a breeding ground for evil and heartless people.

Bogotá, Colombia

They don’t. Murderers do.

Incel forums

>white, hetero
who cares


cant even spell pedophile
there is a lot of pro-pedophilia there such as trying to apologize for pedophilia as an evolutionary imperative
in addition, pol has made a mockery of actual anti-pedophilia work by constructing pedophilia conspiracies which devalue actual efforts against pedophilia and waste everyone's time

>anti-donor class
pol is heavily ran by Russian and eastern European oligarchs through propaganda, advertisement and troll accounts


"you can do anything you want in life"

wow what a waste of time.

Try smoking Salvia. You can meet some evil there

this desu

Your closest ABA accredited law school

Become a politician.

Roastie forums.

Try a mirror!


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Your local synagogue

Go to Washington DC and start a lifelong career in politics, you'll meet plenty

this but unironically, if you've ever spent any time around Jews you'd know their culture is the most evil and devoid of morals, at least Chinks and other bug people understand the concept of loyalty

wall street and/or anywhere people wear suits.

I'm immoral, but not evil. It suits?

>Jow Forums
Good one user

>Go to Washington DC and start a lifelong career in politics, you'll meet plenty
The benchmark for evil.

Morals make you weak

white ghettos have actual evil people. black ghettos are just full of downies

I have indirectly killed several people. I feel bad about some. What you want know?