UCLA students unironically support concentration camps for Trump supporters
Guess school shooters were actually the good guys all along. (It's a joke FBI.)
even though she deserves to be gassed herself, damn i want to smash that ass of hers and let her take a massive shit all over my face.
And when we round up the UCLA students and put them into concentration camps, they will whine endlessly about how unfair it is as we herd them into the gas chambers.
This is what happens when you take away God from the nation.
She's actually a fit conservative girl going under cover as an SJW retard. That explains why she is so hot. I had a confused boner for a while before I found out.
i know, i watched the video. but she still deserves to be gassed for being a kike.
this but unironically
Well at least we know they see camps as a valid tactic for when they are forced into them.
She can't be a kike. Blonde hair blue eyes and a smashable ass. She looks nothing like the neanderthal sara silverman and her butter butt.
I thought we were too stupid to concentrate... make up yer mind
Lrn2Haplogroup my spicga
No she does look like she fucks black guys
Never forget the 6,000,000 Trump supporters.
>we are all human
>put people who disagree with me politically into concentration camps
shes a kike. an attention seeking whore kike. she deserves to be brutally ass fucked with that voluptuous ass of hers and gassed like the degenerate kike she is.
shes engaged to a muslim guy
>shit all over my face.
found the jew.
I'll keep that in mind while I purchase more rope.
>Putting uneducated retards in a camp, away from society
How is that a bad thing?
Plz tell me thats her.
>volunteering to be put in a concentration camp
Because these "educated people" believe a vast array of things that are not true and never will be whether they gulag their enemies or not.
True bants
Your whole party duality and their extremist supporters are retarded t b h
>Believing the "oNlY rEtArdS voTe tRuMP" meme.
I agree, putting YOU in a camp away from society wouldn't be bad.
Milking yous from you colonial mutilated slaves is way too easy nowadays
>Italian faggots thinking they’re relevant in any way to the world
This has to be the weirdest episode of Parks and Recreation I've seen so far. What season is this?
God I love you fags, you provide the best content to laugh at
Found the degenerate jew spreading lies as always...
go away jew
normies as dumb as fuck. if you posed the same question to conservatives and called for involuntary camps for liberals, they would support it
she seems pretty smart
College students are fucking morons that say stupid shit, news at 11.
URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..
SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us
Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?
Find out here
Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP!!!
>locking up sjw retards
but that's actually a reasonable idea.
it's the Kent State gun girl Kaitlin Bennett you stupid fucks
>no face can be seen on either of those pics
can you be more obvious? Why do you do that? What's' the gain? Be honest for once, user
why all amerimutts so fucking ugly
*Kent State Pants Shitting Girl
I support this idea only if they’re gassed within 24 hours of arrival. I don’t wanna have to feed them.
There is no God your raging homosexual idiot.
Good, I hope we all die.
Fuck off with your reverse psychology you stupid jew. It's funny how desperate you kikes are getting.
>let her take a massive shit all over my face.
Something a male feminist would say
>even though she deserves to be gassed herself
pre-emptive disclaimer to try to distract from being a male feminist.
Dear russia.
Please nuke California.
Signed: The other 49 states.
Did you not see the nose?
Kind of cute for a kike, a bit on the flabby side though.
Wonder if Alex has fucked her.
>Putting uneducated retards in a camp
They aren’t talking about democrats, though.
the irony is that liberals tend to idolise school shooters. just go to tumblr and you'll see countless blogs dedicated to them, idolising them, worshipping them, and the blogs that reblog / repost and comment on that stuff are all liberal / leftist.
irrelevant, humans are animals they can only be controlled through fear. whether god is real or not he served a purpose.
Dear Panama
I agree with you. Do you mind if I come to your house and have tea after the bombs fall?
No shit, she’s a fucking retard. We don’t like retard Jewish neocon shills.
Because the last time that occurred in human history it gave that class of people enough "victim points" once they inevitably escaped that they now get to control discourse with no repercussions by saying "remember the 6 gorillion"
Dear world,
Kill me and yourself.
Again, since you didn't see how I'm milking yous
Both dems and conservatives
lefties and drumpfies
are retarded
You can't think with your own mind, you aren't educated about politics, and you just follow "this vs that", blindly
It's a shame really, if you had better schools you wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world
I feel bad for your colony, you are suiciding
So how would that be bad for you?
We are all equal and human, unless you don't agree with me then you are a bigot and should die.
>Jenna Talia
I don't identify with any group or class, and automatically distrust any group of people with an agenda. That is to say, i distrust anything said by every group of people until i verify it independently.
Letting solely one group control discourse, regardless of who it is, is a bad thing in my eyes.
Normies can't into machiavellian principles. Keep them divided in factions and always debating each other. Then, run the empire as you see fit. They didn't teach you that in your fancy school you retarded faggot. Schools, no matter what country, are meerly indoctorination camps.
>i want to smash that ass of hers and let her take a massive shit all over my face
ever get the feeling you've been Jewed?
Ok I'm for putting UCLA behind an electrified fence until they all grow up.
>until i verify it independently.
>Letting solely one group control discourse, regardless of who it is, is a bad thing in my eyes.
It is
Imagine being a normie
Imagine going to a public or a private popular school
Imagine being retarded (point one)
Imagine thinking you in particular will ever be able to control all the normies as a p*litician
Imagine wasting your life for politics, too much money, status, responsibility slavery
>until they all grow up.
That's when they do the most damage.
>pic related
Professional porn is usually shit
Prove me wrong
Protip: You CUNT
Imagine farming (you)'s from a (you) farmer. I can now die with a sense of completion and fulfillment.
Imagine imagining about an imaginer
Stay stronk based fellow shitposter
Fuck newfags
Fuck jannies
And fuck nu-halfc.han
Stay comfy.
No it's not her
Bow to your baiting queen
>Jenna Talea
Are Fortnite servers offline?
>they're are men who are paying this muslim fucking roastie to do nothing
Your country is nigger and you are a faggot nigger. Kys, the rest of the world is tired of using resources to kill your people.
fucking kike shill die in gas
She can take me to the gas chambers anytime!!! SNIIFFFF!!!!
I love eating pussy and ass from behind, so good
>Being this thirsty for (You)s
>Absolutely no shame in being so pathetic; actually condescends
Your youth on leftism everybody.
Shut up browner Mexico.
so do i
you're not getting these money, kike. Poles helped you during ww2, as the naive, good hearted dumbasses we are and now you paint us as the bad guys. Go fuck yourself.
>He trusted the Amerimongrel
I was talking about Jews. They want 200 billion dollars of reparations from Poland
lel you guys are desperate
You are a nigger, and will continue to be treated as such.
Trump supporters unironically support conservation camps for Mexicans. Fuck them