>overturn the will of the people Democracy didn't end on 23 June 2016 The will of the people seems to have changed in favour of remaining in the EU
Isaac Long
Bloody hell!
Hudson Jackson
>rcmp >uk Nope, these fags are ours.
Anthony Taylor
and you bongs are scared of these rump roasters? when you have us to banter with, you're scared of these pucks?
Lincoln Gonzalez
Isn't that an Aussie police uniform??
Leo Phillips
so a majority of people are saying they don't want Brexit now?
Jeremiah Hernandez
yeah the scare mongering and propaganda on every single news outlet has no influence on that. I'll pay another 600 quid to fly back and vote brexit again. Fuck off shills.
Dominic Martin
So you get a free blow job when you get arrested in Britain now? You guys got female cops rights?
Julian Rivera
Oh, yeah checks out.
Nolan Ross
I hope we get a no deal, then I hope the left go sicko mode in the streets, then I hope they go too far and we get an excuse to form Antibol Blackshirt squads and crack down on them big-time.
Christian Myers
According to polls. Depends how much you trust the polls really
Or maybe it's because people are losing their fucking jobs
Cameron Cook
Well once were out they can vote to go back in then chum. fuckers lost government and media trying t push that narrative hard.
Fuckers are sending anyone that speaks out to prevent and other thoughtcamps whilst crying about terrorist rights
52 percent out so we should be out.
Jayden Cook
No its a shill narrative
Joshua Rodriguez
Ah yes pols......they are so fucking reliable youll be saying george soros is a kind old fellow with no ulterior motives next
Blake Collins
Ugh, is correct, the shoulder badge says 'GRC' in the upper right, or gendarmerie royale canadiene (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
Nathaniel Reyes
Once Britain has brexited, then the process of healing can begin, no longer will the EU make the rules for the UK, and opens up for doing away with the increased 84 socialist authoritarianism
Oliver Richardson
fingers crossed for country wide protests and rioting
Jackson Ramirez
The EU and globalist companies are totally not backhanding the UK economy to control them and ensure they do not leave their cabal.
The systems in play are designed to punish dissent.
Also, the polls told me Trump had a snowballs chance in heaven. That Brexit would fail. That people believe in the holocaust.
Yet the CBC posted that 50% of under 25 people in my nation believe it was 2 million or less who were killed lol. State owned propaganda cannot even tell who's jewing who anymore.
Lucas Wright
Hell, not Heaven.
Brayden Lee
Could be chum.brits aren't sure whats truly british anymore i mean were told this is british but fucked if i see it
May well end up like that antifa brownshirts/sandnig police already cruising the streets
Bentley Price
>The EU and globalist companies are totally not backhanding the UK Haha oh wow, where would we get if a group of people that has economic power would let non-members feels what it's like to be their enemy. They should support the British!
If you ask me, Britain should be sanctioned in a way that makes it look legal. It's the 21st century and these mongrels still think that they are relevant. Let them leave but destroy them economically. Make them beg for scraps.
Justin Cox
Your cucked memeflag says it all chum. No national pride in your real country?
I smell a German in the room. All that pent up anger from cucking yourself.. Are you gonna cry cause the UK won't fund your Fourth Reich?
I wish the anglo union would finally ally itself with Russia and the US proper and wipe your ass cheek spreading marxist loving cucks off the planet.
Wait the the EU collapses proper and it fucks your economy into the ground.
Mason Ward
I'll sacrifice national pride any day of the week if it means not being governed by mutts or chinks anymore, which is what has happened for the past 50years.