Or more ideas like pic related
Post law ideas for an Eco Fascist nation
i tought that it was meme that /pol is mentally still in early 20's but this fucking ridiculous construcion proves it .... you are fucking retarded
If the Russians can turn post Cold War missle silos into luxurious underground apartments, why is this retarded?
because he's a pole and can't into engineering, he just lays the bricks like a good laborer.
Because if you built or lived in something like this you would basically be the biggest pussy ever.
KEK :^)
>muh ecofash
>mass starvation
>mass murder
>turn country over to butterflies and birbs
most of us are 23-27 grandpa. but yeah it's a retarded idea.
Circular fortification.
Dumbest shit ever. Ever seen a round fort?
>Walls look half a mile thick
>wasting all that concrete when you should just populate all the lands you want to keep. Nobody holds land where they are a minority.
we already tried that the past 100 years
It means you know and agree, right?
yes, there are a ton in China
legit what anime is this from, i remember it specifically, on the right maybe?
how much would this cost and who would foot the bill?
Or, OR, we could spend all those resources and manpower to kill the invaders and secure a wholesome non-"concrete donut" nation.
Ya dig?
i mean the pic on the bottom on the left, fuck
no, we need an ethnostate, it's the only way
you might be thinking of avatar the last airbender or attack on titan
castle in the sky
the cost will be microscopic compared to the wealth we could make from a functioning ethnostate.
>eco fash
>giant concrete wall
Instead of building some dumb cylinder out of concrete just make lord of the rings dwarven cities real.
Who is going to pay for all this shit?
gotchu senpai
stupid snow nigger
why don't you just google stuff you don't know about?
>walled trap
Tunnel and demolish the foundation watch as the wall collapses. Sappers to reach the base broadening tunnels to allow for a direct assault on the wall by scaling it.
Lob firebombs into the enclosure and watch as the residents are trapped inside burning.
I think it's from "Made in Abyss". Season 1 was animated, but last I heard the artist got shut down for plagiarizing. I read all the manga, it was pretty good
Your average artillery gun is firing projectiles to an height of several kilometers high before they go down on their target.
By bottling your population inside that citadel, you are just making juicy collateral targets for artillery strikes.
You have no door to get out of there in force and quickly.
Everything goes through that elevator, which is a supply chokepoint and therefor first target.
From then, the enemy just need to keep a few scouts and a self-propel artillery battery ready to fire at whatever new elevator you'll set up.
If the armored train and its guns are a concern for their capacity to bombard a large area, it is the second target. As it is moving along a very clear path, it's not like the train can dodge.
Even if it hides into some fortified underground bunker dug inside the wall, it's a matter of days before the rail tracks themselves are fucked beyond use by enemy artillery.
If the train cannot move, it will be destroyed quickly.
Once that fortress has no elevator and no gun, it become a prison and will only be a military threat through airplanes.
While they are basically untouchable as long as they are inside the wall, a few passive radar around the countryside around the fortress will alert the enemy of anything taking off.
Anyway, there's only so much jet fuel you can stockpile while having abandonned the whole territory you might have relied on for raw materials.
So it's "the Battle of Britain" but over only a single city, without american convoys to bring new planes, pilots and supplies... and at gun's range from the enemy artillery.
Even if it's only to lure your aviation out, that artillery will damage your city's infrastructure.
>this shit lasting against any semi serious assault
fucking kek
op absolutely btfo
Hæhæhæhæhæh :^)
You mean those fortified houses?
Hardly comparable. Those were build to defend against small band of bandits without firearms.
I never said it would be perfect?
if you know so much post a detailed diagram explaining a perfect military defense then.
>perfect military defense
Practically there is none, but the best defense is to not need to actively use one.
>I never said it would be perfect
Nothing about your idea works on any level...
I feel a special though “eco fascism” actually takes away from the fascist worldview. Adding “eco” to it takes away from “fascism”, as fascism is supposed to be synonymous with objectivity, truth, so the eco part of it makes it seem like you’re saying ecosystem care is separate from fascism, while in reality fascism already incorporates eco issues into its model.
>while in reality fascism already incorporates eco issues into its model.
Fascism is a method of government, ecological preservation and environmentalism is a subject of policy for government.
So an eco fascist I suppose has confused the idea that Fascists cannot have or enforce an environmental policy, alternatively maybe they think the world needs Fascism to implement their branded environmental policy, a kind of Communism?
Either way the idea that Fascism is precluded from having an environmental policy and needs an ideology to impose it is ridiculous.
semantics. cry more.
"Hurr durr, the earth is doomed! We must fence ourselves off from all the farmland and just start shuttling people off to mars and proxima centauri ASAP!"
Literally what.
>live inside the constant shadow of a cylinder
>some one drops a MOAB inside and everything fucking dies because your basically living inside a trash can
>Rammed earth can’t withstand PSI from explosion.
since were just throwing out unrealistic ideas, this counters that.
Its tooooo harddddddd.
>rammed earth
Makes no sense, either the concrete creates an echo chamber or the porous concrete gets blown to bits because of the blast.
OP forgot to mention the SHOCK ABSORBING BACTERIA inside the wall
i don't understand your thought process or logic at all. why shitpost and criticize and in-fight when we can brain storm together and think of ideas and be open to the possibilities and new discoveries and help each other?
i don't fucking understand it. this is the last place on earth where we can freely talk and all the right wants to do is fight over the name of a movement or straw men arguments about bacteria. I want to help you but you're such a faggot that you're making it very difficult to discuss these things. maybe the white race is just destined to fucking die off.
Because your idea is retarded and you should feel bad