Every single r*Ssian subhuman needs to be exterminated

every single r*Ssian subhuman needs to be exterminated
we had a chance in WW2 but Hitler was a retard

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Stop posting photos of your gypsy relatives

nothing makes roasties and beta orbiters more angry than looking at an ugly person being happy

Everybody on this forum wants everybody to exterminate everybody.

Muslims want to exterminate everybody who isn't following islam.
Nationalists want to exterminate everybody who isn't their own 'race' (which is why they lost every single war) (you guys are fucking retarded).
Muslims want america to fight with it's allies.
Americans want to exterminate russians and muslims.
Chinese want to exterminate muslims.
Russians want to exterminate muslims.
All of europe wants to exterminate blacks and muslims.
Greece wants to exterminate muslims.
Jews want to exterminate muslims.

The real question is why can't us normal people put you all together in like the middle east or something, and get you dumb mother fuckers to start killing eachother?

Volunteer for the army today, you dumb fucks.

Attached: join the army today.png (498x864, 799K)

a based romanian, wow. nice

slavs top kek

slavs have never been supperior

slavs boast on the achievements of their ancestors while they them selves still live by 3rd world standards

slavs are the descendands of mongols

mongols were more subhuman than chinese

chinese have no souls

you get soulless subhuman descendants that you call ''slav'' now

slavs believe in the paranormal

slavs are only white because they never see fucking sunlight, shed some sunlight on them and the eternal mongol emerges from within them

rusasians aren't white, you are a gay asian, end yourself disgusting subhuman.

Attached: mongoloidape.jpg (303x335, 30K)

Those guys just drunk.
Russian don't know what happiness even means.

Russians are pathetic mongoloid nigger apes.

Attached: mongoloidnigger2.jpg (553x552, 38K)

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romanians fought way worse than germans

> Hitler was a retard
Ye, cos he chose to rely on Romanians and didnt expect them to fuck his shit up.

>Join ZOG in our conquest
No thanks, kike.

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based vodka niggers

Imagine being a fucking gypsy and posting this shit unironically

Hitler was a brachycephalic Türk from the balkans, with E-V13 haplogroup albanian heritage.

Attached: sunnetsiz.png (732x283, 13K)

imagine being a kraut this cucked into defending your former neotenized enemies from the east lmao.

>implying Romanians are better than Russians

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He can’t help himself. He’s a Russian rapepaby.

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He refused to work with Carol II, then "settled" the North Transylvania issue and delayed Barbarossa by months because of it. Romania was thrown into dissarray because of the regime change as well, reducing our oil production for the entire war and ruining the organization of our army.

prefer russians to the germans, the swedish, the french, the africans, the canadians, and the mexicans.

You had no chance

Doesn't surprise me. Today g*rmans aren't the ones before 1939. They're mongrels of various kinds, turk g*rmans, slav g*rmans, balkan germs, arab germs and so on.

No more brother wars

Romania is based.