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Jew Here; AMA part 3
Xavier James
Other urls found in this thread:
Dylan Ramirez
>me in picutre
Elijah Sanders
That's not me, that's one of the ATG boxers; Gene Tunney.
Check out his fights with Dempsey.
Jackson Carter
Are you a practising one? Cause two of my friends are Jewish however they are not practising ones. And what is your stance on cultural subversion (not asking as a meme or something).
Jack Jenkins
>Are you a practising one?
Depends on what you mean by practicing. I had a bar mitzvah and I celebrate the Jewish holidays. As for whether I believe in a god, I'm agnostic.
>And what is your stance on cultural subversion
I don't really know what that is.
From the words literal meanings my guess is that would be that Jews are apparently subverting cultural norms in America by promoting degeneracy?
Some google searches is just bringing me to just subversion in general.
Was my previous definition accurate?
Lincoln Perry
Yeah pretty accurate I wouldn't use the word degeneracy, however. And regarding the practising part...somehow, I haven't really met any younger Jewish person who is completely practising as you know with Christians or Muslims, is that typical or is it just that only these are outgoing?
Ethan Price
>Yeah pretty accurate I wouldn't use the word degeneracy, however.
Alrighty, so my opinion on Jews subverting cultural norms in America.
Well, first I'd like to ask if Jews actually are subverting cultural norms, and if so, which norms?
If so, are all Jews doing it, and is it intentional?
There's a claim (Jews are subverting cultural norms in America), but there doesn't seem to be any evidence to back it up (if you have any I'd love to see it). There are a lot of different Jews (including the more conservative members of my family) that love the cultural norms in America and don't want to subvert it at all.
>.somehow, I haven't really met any younger Jewish person who is completely practising as you know with Christians or Muslims, is that typical or is it just that only these are outgoing?
Generally, there's less pressure. Unless you're in a Jewish ultra-orthodox community you aren't required to believe in god and your parents won't think less of you for not believing.
For my muslim friends, a lot of them actually aren't muslim but they don't wanna say it because their parents will at best disown them. In a lot of christian parts of the country your children not being christian is seen as a bad thing.
As for why there's less pressure for kids to be religious, I don't know.
Aaron Hughes
I mean at this point its the whole meme here on /Pol with the whole immigration thing in the US and Europe being pushed by the "global Jewish conspiracy" and you know that kinda shit I was just curious on how you perceive that on an individual basis since these beliefs are one of the root causes for blatant antisemitism all over Europe
Adrian Morales
>I mean at this point its the whole meme here on /Pol with the whole immigration thing in the US and Europe being pushed by the "global Jewish conspiracy" and you know that kinda shit I was just curious on how you perceive that on an individual basis since these beliefs are one of the root causes for blatant antisemitism all over Europe
Well, I can't really disagree with something that I only just learned about like 10 minutes ago in this conversation (the concept of cultural subversion), but it seems to me a dubious claim not backed up by evidence.
I think people who actually commit blatant anti-semitic attacks aren't the people on Jow Forums (who mostly engage in memes), but rather people who've had bad upbringings and lash out against "an other". People in Europe that feature small Jewish populations will use any fear or bad individual Jewish behavior as justification for anti-semitism.
I have nothing against memes and jokes, I do have something against actual anti-semitism.
Aaron Jenkins
URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..
SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us
Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?
Find out here
Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP
Jayden Evans
Ok, I got you. So why did you decide to go on Pol, which has a name for it to be antisemitic and racist? If you haven't heard about that oh god you got a lot of reading to do there is some loony stuff out there..from Nazi apologists to the old but gold Rothschild stuff. But i don't think that i have to tell you that. So have you been in Europe? And from where within the US are you from?
Nathan Williams
Um.... What's your question?
Landon Parker
Do God's Chosen People have some kind of psychic hivemind? It would explain why there's all the articles with stereotypical jewy names, among other degenerate things with stereotypical attachments that make it cohencidental instead of the usual coincidences. I assume not, but its an option.
Ethan Powell
Tyler Martin
Y u h8 goyim
Christian Sanders
>So why did you decide to go on Pol, which has a name for it to be antisemitic and racist?
Well, I read a story about a guy named Daryl Davis (who's black) that converted hundreds of members out of the Ku Klux Klan. He spread a message of love and listening to others so I thought I'd visit a place I know generally doesn't like Jewish people and talk to them with an open mind.
I'd figure it'd do them good to debate their beliefs and talk with someone they often vituperate against.
>So have you been in Europe?
No, but my parents were born in Europe and immigrated here in the 90's. My father was born in Lithuania and my mother in Ukraine. Father's half Jewish, mother's full Jew.
>And from where within the US are you from?
Lincoln Cooper
How do you feel about porn?
Jeremiah Sanders
>Do God's Chosen People have some kind of psychic hivemind?
Who are God's chosen people?
If you mean Jew's, then no. Both my parents voted for Trump, while my sister and grandmother voted for Hillary. They don't all think the same way.
I don't really know what your question is for the statement after "psychic hivemind".
Juan Morris
>Jew Here; AMA
aren't you happy 6 million jews didn't die in the holocaust?
Adam Gonzalez
I don't hate it but I don't really think it's that good. It's a free way to receive pleasure, which isn't a good way to live one's life. Again, not the worst thing in the world, but the time of people who view porn could be spent more productively (on procuring a partner or learning a hobby).
Josiah Johnson
I don't. In fact, my 2nd favorite person (1st favorite is my mom, who's Jewish) is a gentile.
Juan Wright
>My father was born in Lithuania and my mother in Ukraine.
Nice I mean I'm not Lithuanian I am just studying here but they are nice people.
Been there once when visiting friends, its nice city, but god damn the TImesquare smells pretty bad.
>Talk to them with an open mind.
I like your idea
So how do you identify yourself politically?
Nathaniel Clark
Then why are you anti-white? In fact why are most Jews anti-white?
Chase Torres
Well the population of Jews in the world is still less than before the Holocaust. Despite the fact that the world's population has increased 3x. So, clearly something happened. I also had many relatives who're holocaust survivors and my great grandfather's parents died in the holocaust.
If you're not joking about the Holocaust not being real I'd love to talk about and discuss your point of view.
Mason Rogers
I'm not anti-white. In fact I consider myself to be white.
My race is white, my ethnicity is Jewish, my religion is agnostic, and my language is english.
Considering a ton of Jews are from Europe, I doubt they would all be anti-white considering they are white.
Even if I wasn't white, I still wouldn't be anti-white. I'm not anti-anything. I'm not pro or against any race, I'm in support of people who are good, whether they be white, black, asian, mexican etc..
Gavin Powell
>Been there once when visiting friends, its nice city, but god damn the TImesquare smells pretty bad.
I don't really go to manhattan except for chess tournaments. I've visited times square only once, it did indeed smell pretty bad.
>So how do you identify yourself politically?
That's very difficult to pin down. It's constantly changing. If you'd ask me a few years ago I would say very heavy conservative. If you asked me 1 year ago I'd say liberal. Now I'd say I'm around libertarian, but that's not set in stone and I don't believe in all libertarian ideas (especially the idea that taxation = theft; I think that's stupid).
Christopher Rivera
But you, along with most Jews, forward the narrative according to which (almost) everything bad that's ever happened is white people's fault? That whenever non-whites fail to perform as well as whites, whether it is in their own countries or in the West, it is always white people's fault? That white people should suffer the downsides of mass immigration because of some imagined crimes committed against third-worlders?
Wyatt Taylor
How do you feel about the Jews in your community. Do you think they are nice or does something about their personality types annoy you?
Would you consider yourself oppressed or privilgeged? Meaning, taking an objective look at your life, do you think your Jewish background and family was a detriment to your success in America or a positive? Do you think you have been given opportunities specifically because you are Jewish? Do you think a person's antisemitism has ever actually kept you suppressed in whatever line of work you are in?
Landon Davis
>clearly something happened
maybe, but 6 million?? it doesn't add up!
>If you're not joking about the Holocaust
i'm not. how ashamed do you feel about jewish atrocities in Palestine as well as jewish slave traders
Jackson Martin
He post in every thread. Don't worry about it. A little interesting desu.
You do understand that most people arnt blaming you spacifically when damming the jews? We're not saying all jews, I've known afew, some cool, some dickheads, at the end of the day like everyone else you're just people, with a different label. It's just most heads of, banking, Hollywood, and news are Jewish, like not alot, a massive majority across the board. As well as strong political ties, with most of congress having dual citizenship, and massive Isreal lobbying firms that tend to push socialist, anti gun, and globalist agendas. Weather that is just because of family ties and a culture that encourages success, or a zionist cabal trying to subvert the nation.
Would you agree that jews have an inordinate amount of power in the US?
Nolan Lopez
So what do you think of Andrew Yang?
And what is your opinion on Merkel (gotta ask that since I'm German)?
Logan Ross
>maybe, but 6 million?? it doesn't add up!
Why doesn't it add up to you? If the population doubled 3x since start of WW2 but there's still less Jewish people then there was then, millions must have been killed or all Jews have a birthrate of 0.
>i'm not.
Alrighty, then why do you think the holocaust didn't happen (or it did but the number isn't 6 million)?
>how ashamed do you feel about jewish atrocities in Palestine as well as jewish slave traders
I don't know much about either of those, but I will say that I'm not a fan of people committing atrocities on anyone and I absolutely detest slavery.
Although, I don't particularly feel shame about people who happen to share my race. I wasn't them. Nor should white's feel shame for the actions of their ancestors.
You shouldn't feel shame or pride for the actions of people who aren't you. Feel shame and pride for actions you did.
If you did something wrong, you should feel ashamed. If you did something right, you should feel proud.
Julian Johnson
>So what do you think of Andrew Yang?
I don't know who that is.
>And what is your opinion on Merkel (gotta ask that since I'm German)?
I have no idea about the politics of Germany, sorry.
Joseph Evans
do jews find jewish women's noses attractive?
Gavin Gray
comment on the politics of israel and the threat that liberalism poses to traditional jews.
Ethan Thomas
>Jew here ; AMA
>check flag
not even surprised a bit
Jacob Gonzalez
Hudson Taylor
Do you understand how fucked you are because kikes in power want to dismantle western civilization?
Anything you say will not change what we continually notice.
Gavin Smith
Holy shit, answer this.
Jewish women are almost as disgusting as niggers, I'm curious how he'll answer.
Andrew Myers
>Would you agree that jews have an inordinate amount of power in the US?
Do you think that all power and influence should be forcibly proportionate?
Because if you allow people just to be themselves then you're going to get disproportionate outcomes. People are born under different environments and milieus.
Aaron Jenkins
It's subverted.
>which norms?
Pornography, Secularism, egalitarianism are some of the cultural phenomena that have been implemented by our primarily Jewish fellow Americans
>are all Jews doing it
No, probably not even a plurality. Are non-Jews involved? Yes
By the ones who are doing it, yes.
Angel Cook
>I don't know who that is.
He's a presidential candidate for the Dem's which is actually tackling the problems of digitalisation and automatisation.
>I have no idea about the politics of Germany, sorry.
So what do you think about Netanjahu? Do you support his policies and if not what would you change in regards of the West-Banks and Palestine?
Charles Gray
>do jews find jewish women's noses attractive?
I don't know. For me personally I never really cared about the size of the nose. Obviously if it was so large it seemed to be a deformity then I wouldn't be attracted to it, but personally my nose is quite small and I don't notice any Jewish people around me with particularly large noses.
tl;dr: not all Jewish women have the same size noses and not all Jewish men think the same regarding it
Luke Hernandez
Seeing as youre white do you support the stopping of immigration and keeping the USA majority white?
Jonathan Morales
OP do you and most Jews support the anti-white narrative, as described here
Leo Rodriguez
>He's a presidential candidate for the Dem's which is actually tackling the problems of digitalisation and automatisation.
Alrighty. I'm not personally a democrat but from a very brief reading of his policies he seems like a pretty decent guy with pretty decent ideas.
>So what do you think about Netanjahu?
I'm personally not a zionist so I disagree with him on that, but I don't have anything against him personally.
>what would you change in regards of the West-Banks and Palestine?
I don't know much about that area. I try not to speak on things that I don't really know anything of. I just wish all the people in that area would live together in peace & harmony (despite how cheesy that sounds).
Michael Hernandez
>my nose is quite small
Joshua Flores
>Seeing as youre white do you support the stopping of immigration
Well my parents are 1st generation immigrants. I don't really see anything wrong with immigration (just illegal immigration).
>and keeping the USA majority white?
I don't know why that matters. The values of the USA matter more than the physical appearance of it.
Blake Moore
I actually never measured so I just did and it came out to 2.5 - 3 cm.
I don't know if that's small, but it certainly looks small/average compared to most people I meet (including thousands of non Jews; I live in NYC).
Isaac Butler
Do you recognise that that view is very common among jews and particularly rich and media connected jews?
Do you think its likely that you support immigration because your parents are immigrants rather than any concern for the majority white population who built the country?
Would you recognise that that notion is therefore wrong?
Eli Myers
Typical, answeting a yes or no question with a deflective, open ended question that could be answered by anything. Do you realize that people see through that?
But let's follow your reasoning for a little bit. People ARE born under different milieus, but why is it that almost all American jews are born under the SAME, extremely wealthy milieu? Why haven't Armenians or the millions of poor Muslim refugees found the same sort of springboard to success that American jews found after fleeing germany? Could it be because they don't have the same kind of nepotistic global support network that jews have access to?
You are answering everything in this thread, but when it comes to reckoning with the question of "Is being Jewish a privilege or a detriment?" you can't bring yourself to make a concrete answer. The truth is because your self-narrative is defined by your victimhood, you are struggling to accept the idea that you actually a member of the ruling class and not the serving class. You live in New York, so you are already known to be rich (unless your jewish landlord got you a great deal in a black neighborhood where he works as a slum lord), has it ever crossed your mind that you are the BENEFACTOR of oppression and not the victim of it?
Cameron Morris
>It's subverted.
If those norms you speak of are the ones that the Jews have supposedly been subverting then they've been subverted since the country's founding.
I'm personally against pornography.
I also don't see how pornography has been implemented by Jewish Americans
>Secularism, egalitarianism
Those were not "implemented" by Jewish Americans.
Secularism and Egalitarianism were beliefs that coincided with the founding of this country. Unless you think the founding fathers were Jewish?
>No, probably not even a plurality. Are non-Jews involved? Yes
Then why claim that Jews are subverting (or have apparently already subverted) America?
>By the ones who are doing it, yes.
How do you know their intentions?
Owen Cooper
mine is also 3cm
but it is totally straight
also, according to my research (on Jow Forums)
NYC is exclusively kikes, niggers and shitalians (the missing link between niggers and kikes)
John Fisher
I would sage this if I were you.
Dylan Roberts
Dear inbred rat,
What makes you think we give a fuck what you think about anything? You're one random queer on the internet. You have no special insight.
White People
James Howard
>I don't know why that matters.
What about migration to Europe tho? Europe has a rich culture and history, which has been in majority white. If a country is not only built on ideas do you still support mass migration?
Daniel Adams
What's a zionist jew, and why the hell do I keep hearing about them?
Samuel Collins
>pornography isn't overwhelmingly Jewish
I didn't realize I'd even have to defend this one.
Freedom of religion primarily was meant to dissuade conflict between Catholics and different denominations of protestants. Left wing atheist Jews (think Bolshevik) and along with Non Jew conspirators have been attacking Christianity for decades.
Didn't the founders own slaves? Didn't Literally every single one of them believe blacks and whites couldn't live together equally without conflict? I'm against discrimination and racism, but diversity was never about everyone coming togther to love. Modern leftists think elites use race as a tool to divide and we should all love each other. But they don't realize that the reason diversity was implemented was for conflict. That's all it was ever about.
>why claim Jews
Idk. It's ultra capitalists collaborating with marxists imo. There is an over representation would be the reason. You are an outsider, Jews know they aren't real Europeans.
>how do I know their intentions
Even if I didn't, does it matter?
Brandon Hall
>but why is it that almost all American jews are born under the SAME, extremely wealthy milieu?
I wasn't. So, unless I'm the very rare exception, I'm going to need evidence of "almost all American Jews" (let's say 75%) being extremely wealthy.
>Why haven't Armenians or the millions of poor Muslim refugees found the same sort of springboard to success that American jews found after fleeing germany?
What makes you think they haven't?
>Could it be because they don't have the same kind of nepotistic global support network that jews have access to?
Believe me, if there were a nepotistic global support network of Jews, I would know about it.
>"Is being Jewish a privilege or a detriment?"
Because you can't really say that an ethnicity brings a privilege or a detriment.
Your ethnicity and your levels of privilege aren't connected.
I grew up very poor and on food stamps. I never felt I was doing better than others just because I was Jewish.
>The truth is because your self-narrative is defined by your victimhood
My self-narrative is not defined by my victimhood. Jews aren't always the victims and they aren't always the oppressors. I'm lucky to live in NYC and in America, but I was also unlucky in that I was very poor and on food stamps. I've had a lot of bad luck and good luck in my upbringing and it has little to do with my ethnicity.
>you are struggling to accept the idea that you actually a member of the ruling class and not the serving class.
Sounds pretty communist of you.
> You live in New York, so you are already known to be rich (unless your jewish landlord got you a great deal in a black neighborhood where he works as a slum lord), has it ever crossed your mind that you are the BENEFACTOR of oppression and not the victim of it?
I'm lucky to live in New York, and I'm lucky to live in America. A lot of my life is dependent on luck and I'm forever grateful for the people who have sacrificed their lives and wellbeing to bring me here.
Gabriel Fisher
A type of jew not different from others
Jaxon Myers
are you cut? will you cut your kids?
Jeremiah Brown
mine is also 3cm
Got a pretty big nose there. Half an inch bigger than mine. Are you sure you're not Jewish?
>but it is totally straight
Don't worry, mine is an aquiline nose, just like the nazis (
>also, according to my research (on Jow Forums)
Truly the most credible of sources.
>(the missing link between niggers and kikes)
You've discovered the missing link?!? My god! (pic related)
Nathan Foster
Well, dozens of white people are commenting, including you. So....
Also I'm white.
Tyler Mitchell
I didn't ask you.
Ian Hughes
> Because you can't really say that an ethnicity brings a privilege or a detriment.
Rules for Thee and not for Me, I see. Somehow your ethnicity is a detriment enough to motivate you to come here and debate with "antisemites", but when called on how you've profited from that same identity of victimhood then suddenly we're all one, human race.
You are not here to have a
conversation, you are here to use rhetorical tricks to deflect from your privilege and create infighting among the people who see through the obvious tactics.
What industry do you work in?
Liam Garcia
Can you stop arguing with dumbass over there and tell me what a zionist jew is?
Jackson Flores
By the way I live in NYC too and I literally pretend to be Jewish and my landlord cuts off like 300 dollars a month on my rent because he wants to rent to jews.
Jacob Cox
>Freedom of religion primarily was meant to dissuade conflict between Catholics and different denominations of protestants. Left wing atheist Jews (think Bolshevik) and along with Non Jew conspirators have been attacking Christianity for decades.
>Didn't the founders own slaves?
Some did, yes. Their theories and their reality are two different things.
> Didn't Literally every single one of them believe blacks and whites couldn't live together equally without conflict?
Yeah, which is why they declared all people are created equal. This helped remove slavery and helped remove Jim Crow. They didn't believe that blacks & whites could live together equally back then, but in the future they laid the groundwork.
>But they don't realize that the reason diversity was implemented was for conflict.That's all it was ever about.
As a person who lives in NYC (most diverse place in world) I personally haven't seen any conflict. In fact NYC is one of the safest cities in the US.
Even if every person was white there would still be conflict (like in northern ireland).
If you don't know why you are doing something, then why do something?
>You are an outsider, Jews know they aren't real Europeans.
What's a "real European" to you?
>Even if I didn't, does it matter?
It's the crux of your argument, so I'm pretty sure it does. Unless you think that Jews are just doing all these things by accident?
Zachary Long
Third time re-asking, do you and most Jews support the anti-white narrative
Thomas Morales
Answer for the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit that the brilliant E Michael Jones speaks of, Christkiller.
Colton Cook
>Can you stop arguing with dumbass over there and tell me what a zionist jew is?
Well Jews are an ethnoreligious group.
Zionism is a movement that believes that Jews deserve a Jewish homeland in the land of Israel.
A zionist Jew is a Jewish person (either ethnically jewish, religiously Jewish, or both) that believes that the Jews deserve a Jewish homeland in the land of Israel.
David Davis
>comment on the politics of israel and the threat that liberalism poses to traditional jews.
still unanswered.
Caleb Russell
Do you think the state of Israel should exist? I don't see why it's controversial to be anti-Israel.
Carson Adams
>But you, along with most Jews, forward the narrative according to which (almost) everything bad that's ever happened is white people's fault?
1. I don't forward the narrative that everything bad that's ever happened is white people's fault.
2. Most Jews don't further that narrative either. Every Jew I've ever met believes that bad things have been done by every race and you shouldn't blame modern white people on the actions of past whites. Someone's ancestors are not them.
3. I'm white.
>That whenever non-whites fail to perform as well as whites, whether it is in their own countries or in the West, it is always white people's fault?
I don't forward that narrative, nor does anyone I know forward that narrative.
>That white people should suffer the downsides of mass immigration because of some imagined crimes committed against third-worlders?
Which crimes are imagined?
Jayden Edwards
Answer for your subversive crimes, Christkiller!
Elijah Nelson
>Do you think the state of Israel should exist?
No, it shouldn't exist.
>I don't see why it's controversial to be anti-Israel.
Because anti-zionism is usually associated pretty heavily with anti-semitism (of course, not everyone).
There are no pro-Israel anti-semites.
Hudson Bailey
>There are no pro-Israel anti-semites
Oh, my sweet, summer child...
Kayden Adams
I don't have time for your mix-tape dude.
Isaiah Martin
The phrase "separation between church & state" is generally traced to a January 1, 1802, letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote,
>Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.
When given the context, it's seems he's speaking from a Protestant point of view from catholic over reach.
>declared all people
Feminist Subversion. They declared all men created equal.
>helped removed from Jim Crowe
Your own people happily admit to this one big guy.
>muh anecdote about NYC
82% of this country when polled believe the country is divided along racial lines. Do I need to source this one for you too?
>idk bit
Because there are many non-Jews involved. Doesn't mean it isn't Jewish influenced.
>what is a real European
A person who has a overwhelming genetic lineage to a nation within Europe. Norwegians, Italians-European. Jews, Gypsies-non European diasporas in Europe.
>it's the crux of my argument
No it isn't. I'm identifying a means, that doesn't mean I have to know what the ends are to be correct in my observations.
Mason Young
You ever hear any old head jews using 'goyim' as a derogatory slur?
Do you have a lawyer?
Is your sur-name obviously jewish?
What do you think about the dozens of dozens of exoduses/ expulsions throughout history of people kicking jews out? Why do you think these happened?
Why are my politicians allowed to have Israeli dual citizenship?
Thomas Davis
> Somehow your ethnicity is a detriment enough to motivate you to come here and debate with "antisemites"
I don't know how me taking some free time to debate with people is a detriment.
>but when called on how you've profited from that same identity of victimhood then suddenly we're all one, human race.
I never said we're all one human race. Respond to my actual points, don't just make up ones.
>You are not here to have a
conversation, you are here to use rhetorical tricks to deflect from your privilege and create infighting among the people who see through the obvious tactics.
If you believe I work in bad faith, then don't debate with me. I believe that insulting your opponent's ethnicity and assuming they speak in bad faith is bad faith. So, unless you have any actual arguments (of which I'd love to debate you on), this conversation is over.
>What industry do you work in?
Commercial Fisherman.
Also, care to answer the other points?
Parker Sanders
Are you a zionist?
Ayden Jones
And why is it illegal for me to criticize your ethnic group when you have free reign to criticize mine?
Notice, I'm not implying that YOU, personally as a Jew ARE doing this, Im simply noting that you COULD do this if you chose to, while I COULD NOT do the same to you. Why does a person who believes in equal liberties get special protection under the law without being seen as a hypocrite?
Angel Jackson
>Jew here
>I'm white.
My sides.
Blake Stewart
Serious Question:
Do you think Muslims are responsible for all the anti-Jewish propaganda on this website?
Robert Young
Jews have white skin dumbass.
Joshua Perez
uh....... It's not illegal to criticize jews at all in america. Are you retarded?
Benjamin Perez
How many times did Hitler personally fart on your face when you were surviving the endless extermination camp tour during the Holocaust?
Adrian Johnson
Have you ever asked your rabbi about the black cube?
Jeremiah Fisher
so do albino niggers dumbass.
Camden Cruz
>Believe me, if there were a nepotistic global support network of Jews, I would know about it.
It's not that you get an invitation to a secret government in mail, it's that every time a Jew in power decides about another Jew, he is using different standards.
If you were working in IRS and another Jew had some unpaid taxes. What would you do? The most lenient penalty possible, of course. A goy? A harsh one.
Deciding who to hire, a competent non-Jew or a barely competent Jew? A Jew, always.
Extreme ethnic nepotism, all around the globe.
You benefit from jewish privilege all your life so you don't even notice this. It's just how life is and should be for you.
I have seen the latest with my own eyes. A person I didn't even know was Jewish - changed surname - wanted to hire an obviously worse candidate, but with a Jewish surname. I literally found out he was a Jew too because of his tribalism.
Individualistic society has no way to defend itself from ethnic nepotism. Cooperation always wins against atomized individuals. That's why Jews start controlling more and more until people notice, band up and start treating them collectively.
John James
Fuck you kike.
James James
Jaxon Howard
>The phrase "separation between church & state" is generally traced to a January 1, 1802, letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote,
The exact term is traced to then, but the concept goes all the way back to late antiquity (St Augustine called for a separation of earthly cities and heavenly cities).
Locke said that government had no authority on the realm of individual conscience.
>Feminist Subversion. They declared all men created equal.
Semantics. Do you think the phrase "mankind" only refers to men?
>82% of this country when polled believe the country is divided along racial lines. Do I need to source this one for you too?
The truth and what people believe are not related. They sometimes coincide and sometimes don't.
Popular opinions don't disprove my argument.
>Because there are many non-Jews involved. Doesn't mean it isn't Jewish influenced.
If there are non-jews involved, it's also gentile-influenced.
>A person who has a overwhelming genetic lineage to a nation within Europe. Norwegians, Italians-European.
Technically if you go far enough we all have a genetic lineage to Eastern-Africa.
>No it isn't. I'm identifying a means, that doesn't mean I have to know what the ends are to be correct in my observations.
You're identifying an end, not a mean. You know what's going on (supposedly), you just don't know their intentions or why, therefore you "know" the ends, but not the means.
Benjamin Scott
Matthew Thomas
can you leave Jow Forums and never return?
Thomas Morales
White's are people from Europe. My ancestors are European (I'm indistinguishable from any other white person), and I have white skin.
Race and ethnicity are two different things.
My race is white, my ethnicity is Jewish.
Nathan Ortiz
Jaxson Ross
I'm not insulting your ethnicity, you CAME here with the full intention of DEFENDING your ethnicity. I am giving you what you asked for. You actively pursued this by coming here and are now playing victim again. You started this thread as "Ask a Jew anything", and you knew exactly what you were in store for. I personally don't care, I'm not here to convince you because I know you debate in bad faith, I'm here to demonstrate to the others reading this HOW you do it, and you make it more clear with every post.
You are arguing in bad faith because you don't make the effort to understand the points you disagree with. You just say "source?" and then make excuses not to listen to whatever sources are provided. Again, thats not wrong, if we were having a formal debate then it's fair to ask for sources like that. But you are trying to counter a deeply held belief system without even understanding WHY people believe it. You just have this notion that "Anti-semitism = bad because I am Jewish so anti-semitism = anti-me" without allowing yourself to acknowledge the systematic power held by Jewish people that are making other people so angry. You should see it for yourself in NYC but you don't, you see a multi-ethnic paradise where everyone gets along and nobody criticizes you because you are the King there. It doesn't seem to bother you that non-Jewish white people are taking all of the blame for "gentrification" for moving into apartments sold to them by JEWISH landlords who are responsible for raising the rent and kicking black and hispanic people out of their own neighborhoods.
I can have a conversation about White Privilege and acknowledge that there are certain benefits to being a white American, like being assumed to be "normal" without an outside factor determining how people judge me, but you cannot have a conversation about anti-semitism without acknowledging how jews have set up isolated support networks that only they benefit from.
Grayson Rogers