Is America ready for a asian president?

Is America ready for a asian president?

Attached: yangangbang.jpg (450x450, 21K)

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Thought that was the JUST hair at first

Yang would win against Trump

It would essentially be Yid vs. Yang

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Give everyone $1000 . $ or 5 friends pool money together and get a cheap place to rent then never work again. This is a win -win on the backs of those blue color fuckers.

>all the working class stops working

Who’s to fix power lines or AC units? Immigrants?

Is America ready for a bug president?

Attached: BUGMAN 2020.jpg (400x400, 88K)

They are born with it

if the labor pool diminishes, won't the wages for jobs go up? Supply and demand?

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>Is America ready for a bug president?
No, but we're ready to crush the bug

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Why not. They had a african. They have a hebrew. They will have a asian

Only npcs who hate math aren’t ready for the rise of the yanggang

Fuck no. Insects need to get RAIDed. Kill yourself, /leftypol/ lazyfags.

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boomers can't meme

We'll get rid of them soon.

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His 200 iq is too much for Americans to handle

> Bugs eat parasites
Be scared boomer



All hail Andrew YANGlin

No, Asians don't count as a race in America. Ask all the POC who keep forgetting about them when they rant about racism.

sure why not, he's miles above zognald at this point desu

Who the fuck is this gook nigger


Attached: bug man yang 2020 buzz buzz.jpg (450x450, 91K)

Oh herro mistah presideh suh

Jews hate Asians because they're a nonwhite race who has managed to excel and even surpass whites in white homelands despite being a minority, unlike niggers and spics. Which completely dismantles the narrative of the evil white man. An Asian president is more dangerous than a white nationalist president to the jews

he's not a race identitarian

they've also surpassed Ashkenazis who are high iq but bad at STEM and good at liberal arts only.

asians are ready for it. good thing we don't have many asians

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Trump's not going anywhere

>An Asian president is more dangerous than a white nationalist president to the jews
shut the fuck up dumbass

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Expains the influx anti /yang/ memes

based boomer nationalism

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URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP,,..

the democrats / CNN have chosen Bernie as their front runner. Yang is the dark horse threat

hell yeah that'd be gr8 m8

Polls show Biden leading the pack. Bernie is just there to bait and switch.

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I’m only going to say one thing about this guy. remember Pearl Harbor

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they're both unelectable. they'll be over 80 by 2021, i guess they can train up right next to RBG's mummified corpse

take your meds gramps

>Who’s to fix power lines or AC units?

Most of these trades pay a lot more than 12k a year.

why can't boomers meme?

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