How do we solve the female teacher problem?

How do we solve the female teacher problem?

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i feel left out ;(

Well, obviously we have to keep the boys from talking about it so that more female teachers feel comfortable doing this.


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Segregate schools based on sex.

>high school teacher

I could of (

i remember this kid grabbed my spanish teachers ass and she acted like nothing happened. we all saw it. i wonder if he was banging her


Is this just Jow Forums confirmation bias or has there been a substantial uptick in female teachers banging their students over the last several years?


Damn it! Where were all of these hot sex crazed teachers when I was a kid!


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I wish there were more teachers like this when I was a kid.


Lol , pathetic



nah its definitely becoming more common

Fucking the male teachers on staff.
Once male teachers dried up, these women have a lack of contact with adult males in their lives so they turn to children.

You see the same shit with the amount of faggots in the Navy. Lack of women making people turn gay.

Increase teaching requirements and make it harder to get a teaching license. This bitch was 23 and lots of 23 yr old are still in college an are in no shape to teach children.

Fucking more attractive children than you

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Depends, Did the student pass puberty? If no then that can fuck him up mentally. If yes then you can guess that he probably enjoyed it.

Me and this retarded black kid were literally talking about our french teachers tits in grade 5.

She came over and asked us several times about what we were talking about. She said she wouldn't tell anyone. We said some random shit and she went back to her desk.

You guys think, i could have smashed?

Invent a time machine so I can go back to middle school and fuck a qt3.14 25 year old teacher.

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>Talking about tits in 5th grade.

The fuck?

Also nice digits.

I missed out on blowies under the bridge in middle school. We can't grab every opportunity that comes our way.

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You probably could have smashed the retarded black kid, he wouldn't have told anyone.

As bad as you think it is now, just wait another 10 years...

Wait until the current batch of Faceberg / Instaberg high school girls producing softcore p0rn all day long from their bedrooms, go off to college and get the simple 4-year teaching degree and bounce back into the School System as teachers, in about 10 years time.... the student-assault problem will be twice as bad as it is now.

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I called him retarded and he got mad and told the special needs teacher i called him dumb.

Had to give a speech about how im sorry for calling the special need kid retarded.

He wasn't even special needs, he wasn't too literate.

Similar situation for me, but I called the black girl a nigger

I wish I'd had a female teacher like that when I was at school.

its the facial structure and cheek bones of the teacher. women with this face structure have daddy issues

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I hope she becomes reformed after a long period of confinement.


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This is actually not okay, I mean I'm sure the student involved was happy, but for the parents this is not good. You don't potentially want a grand kid with your son's teacher.

Imagine being intentionally retarded

I fucked my teacher once...
NOTHING wrong with that.

Millions of Teachers worldwide,
Teaching close to a billion children, maybe more.
Every Year, Every Term, Every School Day.

Many Billions of Teacher-pupil interactions.
Few teachers are retards who only took the profession because they answered "like kids - yes" on some school leavers form. Handful of interactions turn sour based on immature idiots teaching their immaturity to children who could feasibly be a sibling.

MSM makes the mountain out of a mole-hill as always, because it sells more papers, gets more clicks and draws in more shekels.

Don't listen to them user. You are better than they are.

Grow and be a man.

Yeah, greentext it boi

Says the prison state


Yaaaas kween slayyy

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bitch looks like amy schumer

Abolish public schools.

That's a hard 23.


Watch your supply lines in a couple of months.

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When will we addrsss the teachers unions dirty tricks. They move accused teachers to new districts and keep their filth under wraps to become another child’s problem. Once it cracks open it will look similar to the Catholic Church. Abuse and cover up going back decades. Hell is empty OP.

If they want to do it they have to fuck every male in the class.

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based and fairpilled

OH no another poor dude enjoys the fuck of his lifetime

we need to get psychologists studying female sexual predators, obviously. because it's not a male sex specific issue.

why not? other than the fucking her student part a teacher has a steady job and is good with children. all things considered it's better than your kid knocking up another kid or some trailer park slut.

I was a sr in high school, middle of a pasture oklahoma, she was my "computer science teacher" mrs H was 35. She liked to show off her tits, and walk around in tight skirts, a little meat on the bones, but not thick or fatty. i was a timebomb waiting to explode, i got after school detention, and i had the option of setting up desks, or going to the computer lab and carry in new computers. It was only me and her and i took the opportunity. grabbed her ass with no slap, so we went a whole 5 minutes under her desk. i got a leg cramp, hurt like a bitch, probably why i didnt continued a few times after during baseball season. her husband started volunteering at the school and after that we kinda just ignored each other


I hate the fact the only issue I can see so far is if we let it become “the norm” all the snowflake kids will start getting upset because it’s not an everyone deserves a medal kinda world...that being said it IS different if the genders (yes both of them) were reversed. Obviously if the female teacher hits on a gay kid “by mistake” then she should be punished for not being perceptive to peoples choices and freedoms (and for being so desperate she’s literally just attracted to the smell of cock)
I wonder what the spread of teacher roles is. What does /pol think? Maths?Science? Substitute R.E? who’s the sluttiest?

based nice poster

Fire the teachers enmasse. Spit the schools into boys/girls and provide uniforms. Hire old retires, vets, as their replacement. Lots of physical team sports blue collar tech related training, and homec classes. Separate the 5% who are gifted. The whole system we currently have is a waste.

It's becoming more and more obvious and more of a problem.