Attack Norway

>attack Norway
>only 1 hour away from capturing the Norwegian king
>the king escapes to Britain
>establishes an exile government
>the king orders the entire Norwegian merchant navy (third largest in the world after Britain and the US) to enter British waters. Over 1000 state of the art Norwegian freight vessels and tankers to help the British war effort (most modern merchant navy in the world at the time).
>At one point over 50% of the supplies (including fuel) were brought from the US to Britain on Norwegian ships.
>After the war one British politician said that without the Norwegian merchant navy on their side Britain and the allies would have lost the war.

And some say Norway was not important. The audacity.

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my Opa was in Norway and said the girls were nice

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Good goy

Actually, I come from a small place in Norway with only 400 ppl. There were about 7-8 Germans stationed here.

They were pretty nice though (even let some people keep their radios which was totally illegal).

If you only had better plans to capture our king. Sucks to be 1 hour away from victory and defeat.

he made maps so i assume he was all over the place

>>At one point over 50% of the supplies (including fuel) were brought from the US
wtf all these euros keep telling me america never did anything

Hey Norway user

You still ther


Reminder that the constitution clearly states the King isn't allowed to flee the Kingdom and collaborate with an enemy power without the parliament convening and voting over it, which didn't happen back then. So by fleeing to his cronies in Britain, the King abdicated back then. Also the British-Soviet occupation had no constitutional mandate to reinstate said King or reinstate the parliament that fled to Britain and spent years under enemy influence beyond their mandate. Thus Norway doesn't have a government but a post-occupational regime and Norway doesn't have a King, but a pretender sitting on the throne.

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Op btfo

Based Norway

Vassal State of The North...

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Better than being the Arab state of the North.

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>enemy power

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Now we want to hide it.

And our shit stain politicians wants to eat cake and children in Brussel instead.

What an odd looking fellow

Friends don't occupy their friends.

That's the future King of Norway

No it's not. Like the rest of cucked Europe we no longer have male primogeniture in Norway. Also unconstitutionally done, of course.

I like norway

Without Norway:

1. Britain would have lost against Germany and forced to sue for peace (or be occupied)
2. The US would have no base in western Europe and would most likely not have gotten involved at all
3. Germany would be able to focus all their power on the eastern front and not waste resources on the Atlantic Wall etc.
4. The Soviets would have lost.
5. Germany would have won the war and would have been the largest superpower in the world today (with the US as a second and maybe Japan as a third).

>things that happens when you mess with Norway

Finland good too.

You should take your medicine.

Your back i need to show you something

Look at this map norway

Look Norway

Ancient swedes made greece and Parthinia

King sitacles

King Tanausis

Makers of The east

I have also been to Norway and i second your opa.

I kinda like this one though. He is the last decent one.

EU must never win.

This might have been the best outcome. Come on, we are on Jow Forums here.

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>This might have been the best outcome.

Might... or might not. Who knows. I think mostly, that people should in general be happy that they are alive. We live in the timeline we live in.

My only gripe is the massive third world immigration and the low native birth rate. If that was fixed... I would be happy about the outcome of ww2.

It would be. No gays. No immigrants. National pride. Man in the high castle basically. (More or less.)

Wow, what a bunch of dick eating niggers. Go fuck yourselves, norwiggerians, you self-loathing pieces of shit.

The whores who touched the germans got lynched when the war was over.

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And what did everyone get for it? Degeneracy and kikery.
>Thanks, Norway. I hate it.

We wouldn't be independent and our oil and fish would be owned by the German empire. Our resources would be spread out thin all over the European continent.

Our independence and lack of resources might have been worth it compared to what we have now. At the current rate, ethnic norwegian new borns will be a minority by 2032.

I could tolerate a few gays. But I can't tolerate massive third world immigration.

It was not evident at the time.
It was not our fault. It was because of British and US post war propaganda.

Look at this map

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>muh fish

>killing unarmed women
Wow allies seem cool.

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Sweden never 'conquered' Norway. It was handed to you by Britain after Napoleon lost the war.

The only part of Norway you 'conquered' was the district of Trondelag. But only for like 2 years after which you were forced to hand it back.

The union after 1814 was a personal union where the Norwegian government controlled everything within Norway (except the foreign policy - which was why we got our independence in 1905 because Sweden refused to build embassies in cities important to the Norway and the Norwegian merchant fleet)

white knights got it too faggot

Imagine being proud of fighting the only country in history who wanted to create a white ethnostate, thus cucking the west for all eternity. Great job Norway, great job.

They forced our hand.
They could have approached the situation differently and maybe gotten the government and kings approval. They decided to attack in silence. Not a good idea, and it caused them everything.


He says while poor ethnic Norweigans in Jemtland and Herjedalen is held captive under the oppressive yoke of the Eternal Swede.

wtf i hate norway now

>My only gripe is the massive third world immigration and the low native birth rate.
But you wouldn't have either of those things if Hitler had one

>if Hitler had won

Who knows, maybe it would be for the better.
Or maybe not. Who knows.

I agree, OP

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Are you sure that Hitler would have invaded your country though.
afaik Hitler only wanted to regain the territories of the German Empire at the outset of WW1, which didn't include you, so I'm sure you'd still have your precious oil and fish.
And regardless, I'd rather have a guaranteed future for my people and culture than some fucking resources

Canadians serving on the Norwegian merchant navy

Not only were they harming unarmed women. Did you know that there were real life concentration camps in Norway after the war? Not many do. You see, the joint British-Soviet occupational government did all sorts of things here. They instated death penalty laws and made them retroactive, not only completely unconstitutional in Norway, but pretty much unheard of in western history of law at all. That's how they hanged all the guys from the previous occupational government. Then they seized assets from hundreds of thousands of Norwegians and sent tens of thousands to jail for nothing more than having been members or affiliated in any way with a legal political party before or during the war. They pretty much ruined every single nationalist family in Norway. Just like the allies behaved like monsters in Germany, they did so too in Norway but on a smaller scale because we are small. As a final insult before handing the government over to their communist collaborators they signed us up for the UN breaking what amounts to our constitutional first amendment (Norway can never be put under foreign legislative power.)

What many people don't know is that Norway wasn't on the allied "side" during the war. We had voted on all that and we wanted to be neutral. We had no animosity towards Germany. We resisted the Germans because they were occupants, and we resisted the British-Soviets because they were too. But where the Germans were pretty mild occupants and behaved humanely, the allies were fucking beasts and ground every piece of resistance into dust. And so Norway's fate was sealed, with cultural marxism and immigration policies instated and made law to destroy us.

>I'd rather have a guaranteed future for my people and culture than some fucking resources

I agree with that
We ded now

someone charismatic rises up

Very sad, user.

>Norwegian merchant navy
a bunch of cruise ships went real slow with food

>holy shit how can such nice women exist?!?

We won the war. Without us Germany would have been the sole world superpower today.

Without us German would have been the world language today.

What thanks do we get?!?


You entire culture is centered around being left alone and no that world has left you alone you are upset.

Dette gjelder kun i fredstid. Under okkupasjon står det helt tydelig i grunnloven din nisse

We are not left alone today really...
Everyone tries to become us. Scandinavia is the BENCHMARK.

Without Scandinavia the world would be in caos. We formed the modern world.

T-thank you

>We formed the modern world. OUR expence


>Scandinavia currently being left alone
Oh I'm fucking laughing my ass off

American Jews loaning money doesn’t constitute as doing something

You norgs are ok, nice job on the heavy water as well btw.

Det gjor det så absolutt ikke din femtekolumnist.

I have a "Teach Yourself Norwegian" book from the 1940s. It has rather funny scenes in it where, for example, Norwegian ladies politely refuse to dance with German soldiers.

>And some say Norway was not important.

Jow Forums is a pit of ignorance. I wouldn't let it bother you.

>Without Scandinavia the world would be in caos.
I doubt it. Fuck you cock sucking faggots.

>We formed the modern world.
Hmm. I'd like someone else to take the blame, but really . . .

Finn paragrafen da din homo

We are probably the LEAST cuck sucking faggots in the world (if you exclude die hard muslim countries).

But, we allow gay people to exist though. But it's an extremely minor problem. The major problem is third world immigration - and the US is the worst propagandist.

>§ 11. Kongen skal bo innen riket, og han må ikke uten Stortingets samtykke oppholde seg utenfor riket lenger enn seks måneder ad gangen, med mindre han for sin person vil ha tapt retten til kronen.
Merk, en eksilregjering som utover selvtekt under fremmed makts flagg har ingen grunnlovsfestet rett til å operere som "storting." Nå gå og ta deg en kopp te og legg deg.

>and the US is the worst propagandist.

Without US movie and TV-show propaganda everything would be just fine.

It should all be banned in Europe.

Kunngjort i 20114....
Holy shit user I eat up ww2 history and this is the first i ever heard of this. Wikipedia says they even prosecuted medics but doesn't give any details. Any story on that?

Innfort i 1905, din flyttsame.

They also persecuted their greatest living composer, Geirr Tweitt.

fake news
whats true is norweigans prepping migrant bulls

We have better composers now

watch from 1:18

Maybe it was for the better that Germany lost

See if you can find "Under a Harsher Sky" by Jens Bjorneboe. It's an old book and a fictionalized story based on true events, but it was one of the few books by an established and well-known Norwegian author that described some of the things going on back then. Other than that you're just left with Norwegian dissident literature, which is seldom translated and heavily suppressed.

Dope thanks for the help Norway

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Not too shabby so far. Thanks for the tip.

Better than this below, though? Nah.

hey uh just read through this thread and i just wanted to input that yes, norway was actually a fairly critical asset to the nazis, infact i dare to theorize that if germany had decided to enact operation sea lion instead of barbarossa, norway would have made a perfect staging ground to attack the east coast of great britain.

Operation Sea Lion never had a chance in hell even before the Battle of Britain.

>a-at least we're not speaking German...

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According to you everybody but swedes are black niggers

Ancient Egypt was also a Nordic stronghold. The pyramids were designed by a mighty Nordic scientist in 3800 BC. Your ancestors would have surely flown to the stars if it had not been for the m*d dogs and their army of black warriors. Someday we will capture the pyramid and fly home to Hyperborea, as Odin intended. I am sure of it brother.

According to that nutter, every Germanic tribe was Swedish (except when they weren't).

thanks for ruining everything?

Don't encourage him.

Cool story bro. The Russians would have defeated Germany with or without Allied help. Norway was occupied and made little or no difference. Completely irrelevant. By 1943 it was obvious that Germany was going to lose. The Western powers efforts later in the war were really just about the post war division of Europe. And why are we pretending any of this was a good thing again? All the rot in the west today can be traced directly back to German defeat in WW1/2.

>And so Norway's fate was sealed, with cultural marxism and immigration policies instated and made law to destroy us.
Just wait for norwegian Hitler dude.

t. neutral

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The country of Sweden didnt exist back then, just germanic tribes scattered around including the goths.

Do you even finno-korean hyperwar?

>Norway was occupied and made little or no difference.
what about destroying the black-water plants that Hitler was gonna make nukes with?

Thanks for this btw. Always good to learn something actually useful on Jow Forums every once in a while.
How the fuck is your English so good as well? Always weird seeing Scandinavians with better English skills than a lot of yobs back home here in England.

>The Russians would have defeated Germany with or without Allied help

Completely BS
The SOVIETS would have lost without the US and British sending over huge numbers of trucks, planes, trains etc.

Germany would have crushed the Soviets at the beginning of the war without that help from the US and Britain. No doubt.