Islam is a religeon of peace!

Islam is a religeon of peace!

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ah well.... that not nice.

Fuck hajis dude. Get them out

I doubt this poor fellow would have ever imagined this would happen to him.

>Muslims can only handle an ALREADY DEAD Crusader

Do you want revenant knights? This is how you get revenant knights. I want them, that sounds fucking awesome.

Jesus, lad. Also, the odds are it was either knackers or rabid leftists looking for their next fight against the big bad Church now that they got abortion. It could be Islam, but I doubt it.

I'd say this was probably done by pagans/occultists. They have an obsession with skulls for use in their rituals. They also have a strong dislike for the Church. An 800 year old Crusader skull would probably be too much of a temptation for collectors and occultists of this sort, but then again who knows. Do they have any leads?

"decapitated" or was the skull simply stolen? if it was stolen who knows who took it, if it was genuinely destroyed, it might have been muds

I cant unsee the tits on this thing

They must be the gay leftist type of Pagan, not the based Varg type of Pagan; since they desecrated the body of a white male who fought sandniggers.


Based pagans? Oh no user no no no
They’re all awful

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They always mess it up with the shoes.

Why the hell is there sand niggers in Ireland?

>is there

cauldron of fire
burn the rich
funeral pyre
ham sandwhich


At least he got 800 years old. He has seen enough

Is there any evidence at all that it was done by muslims?

>not the based Varg type of Pagan

idiot, varg is a subhuman murderer who lives off government aid

he's a literal nigger

Jesus, imagine knowing your body will be decapitated in your own homeland 800 years after your death by an ancestor of your enemies.
That's why it was done. This says a lot about the state of the west.

This is literally a haunting waiting to happen.
Watch out for sudden cold winds and smell of iron around the church.

I mean you'll be dead would you even know?

thanks for waking up newfags to how evil Jews are dumbass

Fucking germans

All pagans work for satan, no exceptions.

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Your burial site is hallowed ground.
It's the reason you burgers have skinwalkers running around every national park. You disturbed the dead.

Stop being an ultra literal autist. Please. Every single time I make a hypothetical post you guys come crawling out of the woodwork.

Skinwalkers are a myth

I've been in woods so deep the sun disappeared and I've never seen a skinwalker. Quite frankly I'd be more surprised than scared at this point.

Oh well. They are going to get haunted by a pissed off crusader.

religion of chopped into pieces


This begs the question of what is the esoteric/occult value of a crusader's skull. In particular, who is the crusader, what did he do in the holy land, and what order did he belong to? I'd imagine the esoteric value of a crusader's skull comes from his devotion to the holy cause at its base. Possibly his role in the ancient myth of the search for the grail depending on what order he belonged to and what he did in the holy land. What the fuck would they need or use it for. Or it might just be some edgy satanists with no respect for the dead who just pissed off God. Either way not good.

>applying materialistic modern views to ancient teachings to justify your faulty beliefs with your political views

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In current year Ireland, this is the least of the insults the crusader's memory has suffered.

Fuck sandniggers.

>t. Skinwalker
Enough of your games!

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did a mudslime do this? it doesn't say in the pic

I think you know exactly (((why)))

desecrating bodies is haram

DESU skulls are actually kind of powerful in a ritual sense. There's something intrinsically deeply striking about the image of the human skull, and they pop up in mysticism all over the world, like in the cult of Santa Muerte or in Tibetan Buddhist Chöd practice, wherein the top of a human skull is used as ritual cup.

Funny enough, closer to home there's a strikingly similar practice which allegedly goes on in the initiation rites of the Royal Black Institution up in the North, whereby the top of a skull is used as a "mystic cup".

Now this is where it starts to get interesting, the Orange Order and Royal Black are essentially derived from Freemasonry, who also of course make heavy use of the skull motif in their mysticism. They also have a lot of lore relating to the Templars, so maybe there's a connection between that and the taking of a crusader's skull in particular. Its known the Knights Templar did have a presence in Norman Dublin (this man may well have been one), and furthermore I've been to Saint Michan's crypt and there are other skulls completely detached from bodies kind of lying about which would be easier to take.

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lol santa muerta
you pulled that from OITNB you dumb fuck euroshit

It's forbiden in islam you dumb cuck

I've never seen that shit show you fucking retard, I'm just aware of the real phenomenon in Mexico

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Take that fucking flag off, you subhuman paki nigger.

nobody except retards believes in christianity anyway. god died literally in the 1800s

father was in the army in dublin
he saw a drunk lad bring a whole coffin into the pub out of that place but he put it back
was during the 1980s though

wtf would (((they))) be stealing heads for i wonder

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ye in england lol

was dead already because they was all prods

You fucking subhuman mut read some religion instead talking shit

Cringey shitmixture between forced evangelization and vestigial death worship misunderstood by retarded savages. Doesn't help that a shitload of the lower castes legitimately see death and crime as worthy lifestyles, enough to sanctify them.


I watched my Mexican friend pay for some Mexican psychic with the Santa Muerte sculptures all over her house. Received a chicken he was urged to sacrifice eventually too, he really believed in it and ignored my advice that it was nonsense.

He died of an overdose only a bit under a year later unfortunately, great guy.

I thought some sand nigger had cut off his head but it looks like someone just ran off with his skull as a trophy.

> wtf would (((they))) be stealing heads for i wonder

Not precisely sure, but like I said, skulls are kind of powerful, or at least they're perceived to be, even if you don't believe in that sort of thing. In esoteric terms, imagery of death is associated with initiation (death and rebirth), hence skulls and coffins are recurring motifs in that context.

Not cool.

>Even the dead can't know peace anymore

Regardless, I'm just giving an example how skull imagery tends to pop up in mystic contexts the world over.

i know in some places shamans used the top of a skull and they would drink some slime out of it

It was Dublin. Probably just a taig being a taig.

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Fucking tourists and their souvenirs

Tasty looking apples

Ireland's prime minister is a sand nigger. A gay sand nigger, actually.

In Ulster, Loyalists are actively removing kebab.

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Yep, same thing. Its most notably associated with Hindu and Buddhist Tantra.

Nuke Mecca

Oh I’m a laffin

im not sure they could get a skull past customs lad it would be searched to see if they were hiding something

What is it with sandniggers (mostly thinking about Israelis and muslims here) dragging out ancient corpses and beefs from 2000 years ago?

That's a dope fucking ash tray. Want.

Bibi brought Moses in a glass coffin to show to the senate. Now they want to invade Venezuela

they aren't doing shit

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Islam is a religion of pieces

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>wow it took you 800 years to kill me

I disagree, but as a general rule it's the case.

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They'll just blame it on light skinned ''''''asians'''''' like always
Shit I don't even understand why you europeans even refer to middle easterners as asians in the first place



>thinks there's a difference between irish and niggers

>This begs the question
raises the question

Yeah, he sounds great.

>I don't even understand why you europeans even refer to middle easterners as asians in the first place

Really? It's to blend and muddy the waters as a way to stop the populace from noticing patterns obviously.

>Arabs/Muslims are still butthurt about getting their asses kicked out of The Holy Land


Take a page from the Nips and move on.

its an axe blade

Only britcucks do that
Asians are called "orientals" in bongistan
Makes absolutely no sense


Most pagans are the gay leftist type.

Based muslims.
Press S to spit on jewish gentile slaves fighting for the Holy Land that God gave for the jews


Sandniggers need to pay for this action

The Holy Land was Christian clay up until the Brits gave it away after WW2.

And God ended up putting a curse on the Jews when they killed Jesus.

People seem to forget that you're supposed to read from the beginning to end.

Damn, if I wasn't already Muslim, I wouldn't need much more encouragement to become one to know that there were female slave markets in the Caliphate. I truly do not understand how Westerners think letting women be free was a good idea.

Palestine was Muslim 98% of the time! The British were unironically jewish. Read Balfour Declaration.

Eurabia incoming. You cant stop it.

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Salah ad-Din, the destroyer of the jewish gentile slaves, the BTFOer of ChristKEKs mongrel dogs. Praises and Peace may rest on His soul, mashallah.

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