Go ahead and try to explain this Trumpkins. Another case of 4D chess?
This kills the maga fag
It doesn't make it a crime you stupid faggot it just condemns the action, the US has done this ZOG shit for 40 years and just reissues it after it expires
>I-its just empty rhetoric guys, I swear! Trump is still BASED.
>if i call trump pro kike one more time surely they'll drop him and become leftist!
If those things aren't real why do they need laws like this? This is just fucking ridiculous. Please post the link.
t. Trump supporter
Meanwhile whites can be accused of being responsible for all of the worlds problems without repercussion.
Fuck jews and their vulgar displays of power.
This bill expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) it is in the U.S. national interest to combat anti-Semitism at home and abroad; (2) there is a need to ensure the security of European Jewish communities, including synagogues, schools, and cemeteries; and (3) the United States should continue to emphasize the importance of combating anti-Semitism in multilateral bodies.
The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 is amended to require the Department of State's Annual Report on International Religious Freedom to include, for each European country in which threats or attacks against Jewish persons, schools, and religious institutions are particularly significant, a description of:
the security challenges and needs of European Jewish communities and European law enforcement agencies;
U.S. efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups to combat anti-Semitic incidents;
educational programming and public awareness initiatives that impart values of pluralism and tolerance, showcase the positive contributions of Jews, and pay special attention to population segments that exhibit a high degree of anti-Semitic animus; and
efforts by European governments to adopt and apply a working definition of anti-Semitism.
Serious question. WTF does any of this mean?"
>Not understanding that it will be immediately struck down for violating the 1st Ammendment
Silly Jews.
Well I don't hate them like you guys, but this is sketchy as fuck. I don't care what you guys do anymore, i'm not even going to try to defend them. When you try and make yourselves immune to criticism you should expect and deserve the worst of outcomes.
>Please clap
Look, ShitBlue finally learned how to change their filenames.
Hahahaha America is dead and globohomo s going just as planned.
>real or imagined
It says "european anti-semitism". So no more shitposting for yuros?
OP is a faggot but i think some real discussion on what this law actually does. It looks like some really high level virtue signaling to me unless i'm missing something
Official Titles as Introduced
A bill to require continued and enhanced annual reporting to Congress in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom on anti-Semitic incidents in Europe, the safety and security of European Jewish communities, and the efforts of the United States to partner with European governments, the European Union, and civil society groups, to combat anti-Semitism, and for other purposes.
What does this mean? What the fuck does the U.S. congress have to do with European anti-antisemitism?
EUssr goes full police state on it's citizen. Guess their american (((friends))) want to aid them.
>i'll stay home on election night and let the democrats win to own the kikes
How many of you shills will kys election day 2020 when Trump wins again? Were you here for the last election? It was amazing. Shills had posted for days about how Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. They already had their victory memes made to mock us. Come morning, the realization dawned upon them that Donald J. Trump was now their president for the next 4 years. The amount of salt made it one of the most memorable times to be on Jow Forums. I can't wait for that again in 2020. The amount of time shills wasted here will give me literal orgasms. Thinking about all of their efforts and shitposts being for nothing.