I will never forgive my parents for putting me into a world where hot women always reject me and treat me like shit

I will never forgive my parents for putting me into a world where hot women always reject me and treat me like shit

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>implying it isn't entirely your own fault you can't overcome your pathetic limitations

>its my parents fault I'm ugly

You know, this is one of those times I might actually agree with someone blaming their parents

>your genes are your fault


You should have had hotter parents.

Git gud Sven. You sad fuck.

blame them nigga!

Your parents are the reason as to why you refuse to improve yourself, be sociable and not be a sperg? I have a beer gut, am not cute by any modern dating application standard and am not rolling in cash. I still have no problem getting laid when I want to, which is what I do on the weekend. 1 girl a week average.

Seriously, if you cannot get laid, you're a complete mongoloid with zero social skills.

Yes working on yourself is impossible isn't it? Ever heard of trying to make the best out of a shitty situation?

Pls go stab some children

Being here is shit even without being rejected by some hot whores.

stale pasta

>nobody would ever think I’m lying on the internet

Where do you meet the women?

Just be yourself, Sven.

>Saturday night
>can hear everyone is out having fun
>you're alone on Jow Forums

We get a lot of temps at work and the bar scene.

>Everyone on Jow Forums has to be an incel

buy a doll

Ok fuck you

Between the ages of 25-30 the dynamics change. Instead of chasing women, women chase you. This provided you have a few qualifications. If you are educated, on a good career path, have some money in your pocket, and a clean criminal record then you instantly become a golden catch. Of course, most women by that point are roasties. So you'll want to steer clear. Remember that 35 year old men don't date 35 year old women. They date 25 year old women. And due to their circumstances they have first dibs over younger guys which means they get the cream of the crop. Time is on the man's side. Focus on yourself, improve yourself, bide your time, and then pounce when you're ready.

Well where the fuck do you expect to meet women outside of a social scene? They're not made at a factory just waiting for your dumb spergy ass to be fucked. Get a sex doll if that's what you want and cry yourself to sleep on it like everyone else who owns one does.

You'll have to forgive them some day but most importantly yourself. Detach your mind from pain and really pay attention to what goes on. Or if that's too hard, fully immerse yourself in it until the shift occurs.

>don't worry, you too can beta a beta provider :^)
seriously what is the point

Guess your ugly ass should try and score with ugly women you entitled retard
>Hurrrr why can't I get people more attractive than me
Ugly shit gene mother fucker stay the fuck in your league before you further taint the gene pool

>I will never forgive my parents for putting me into a world where hot women always reject me and treat me like shit
you have to be 18 to post here

You have not been choosen by nature to be a chad. Dont worry its overrated.
Just focus on something else, now you have time to become your best version and master your favorite field.

>I hate people who gave me life because I am bad at living it according to the bad understanding I have of it

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