reposting because magick niggers
POTENTIAL HAPPENING 911 weeks from 911
Other urls found in this thread:
"Tomorrow is 911 weeks from 9/11, and it is the 26th February, the date of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing (2/26/93)...and Trump is out of the country. It is a well known operation to pull shit off when the President is abroad, weaving spiders and all that shit.
It is also 216 Lunar months from 9/11 (216, being 6x6x6)."
from britanon
Why are you guys so obsessed with 9/11.
Why does your origin myth start there?
I think it's magick nigger shit about skipping "10"
spooky numbers
Shills will never bump an accurate thread.
Alright you know what
Remphan my nigger I summon thee
make some crazy fucking shit happen for our perceptive pleasures this week
>for our perceptive pleasures
while I don't agree that it will be pleasurable
fucking checked
my nigga
I'm slliiiiding... sllliiiiding
you are literally my nigga
Habbening cancelled
do tell Pakibro..
tomorrow is a half moon as well
blurrrph for shieet
Well our entire airforce fleet of 400+ aircrafts is on standby with tactical nukes already attached to the first strike squadrons. Here’s hoping the pajeets make the mistake of escalation because our PM & Military already warned of a “Full spectrum” retaliatory assault. Time to get comfy
thanks niggers
you guys are alright, don't go to earth tomorrow
that's right, you guys just had a flare up
Digits and shit is going down proper
i live near an arming station for navy destroyers (nukes). nonstop loading for 3 straight months.
thanks niggers
This is a good thread, post more redpills!
If shit goes down here US will strike Iran.
>tfw all reality can turn to ash any day now
thanks for the bump mountain nigger
and thanks for inventing apline skiing
Kek, no problem.
If this get's archived, keep making new threads.
This is to good.
What do you think will happen tomorrow?
What kind of happening will happen?
Plane crash, bomb, war?
arrrgh, slllliiiiiding
as the world's only competent sunni army, your importance on the grand chessboard cannot be overstated.
what does the thoughtful Paki think of MBS?
what is the attitude on among the informed of China?
does china have a notable presence in Pakistan?
I hope that anons wake up and have a fulfilling day and that none of them die.. unless they want to. It's seems the world is about to shove itself up it's own ass.. but I live in the middle of the woods.. so here, nothing will happen
Same, i want WW3 to break out so that the prophecy can be fulfilled and we can get rid of the Jews and their father Satan.
Also live in the middle of nowhere, so i am fine.
We received MBS just last week and gave him a presidential guard . China is our best pal since the 60’s we fixed 800+ of their battletanks free of cost when we wuz rich and shit & they were poor. They’re making the new silk route and one corridor is through pakistan to reach the warm waters of our side of the arabian/persian coast to reduce the oil import distance. Saudi & China are working together to build oil refineries & mega infrastructures like highways rails etc in the country. Three houses down my street chink family lives amongst countless other chinks turks and saudis that frequent the markets everyday. Good to be in the chink camp in 2019
have you seen this?
look at the release date and album title
Hmmmm big if true.
Also interesting is Jared Kushner is also abroad negotiating his prophetic peace deal in the middle east.
strange times. the world is due for a big happening, let it come oh Father in heaven.
yeah, that's a classic my nigga
I saw that and I was like, fucking comped
I like this one though
Bump for happening
I always see those Kubrik pics, but i don't understand much from them.
Can you post a Youtube video, or a explanation what they all mean?
thanks for the bump nigga
we're gonna make it
my nigga
I have high functioning autism and I like Kubrick
this is the quick run down
hey what does this mean with the two lions, two suns, two moons, and the knight...?
are you up to date with what's going on in the Mid East?
>Jared Kushner, Trump's Son in law, has been talking to Israel and Saudi Arabia trying to reach a peace agreement
>His current career path aligns with the third temple prophecy, where a man of the number 666 (kushner owns the 666 building that is developing an RFID chip) will bring about a peace agreement between Israel and the Muslims that will lead to Jewish prophecy that he is the messiah and will bring them their Third Temple.
Also worth mentioning Trump is rumored to be related to King Cyrus, who helped build the 2nd temple and is on the new Israeli Temple coin right next to Trump. pic related.
Also interesting OP I looked up Feb 26th happenings and found this youtube channel saying there will be an economic collapse tomorrow
a mislabeled rung has spoiled many an angel's ascent to heaven. thats why i joined the guild of correct thought.
yeah, this is the "Jared Kushner = Moshiach" meme
pretty fucking weird, man
reminds me of "Krishnamurti is Jesus" shit from back in the day
checked, but you are going to need to find a real teach for that because I don't entirely know
thanks for the bump. this is the interesting thing about being alive during the Kali Yuga.. "where is the fucking path ?" "oh, right here."
Also to add to the economic collapse tomorrow theory:
Currently there's a massive adpocalypse taking place on Youtube which is a HUGE deal for corporations because they get a huge chunk revenue from marketing on there. Not an end all deal but this is another sign pointing towards collapse.
Thanks, i really like these redpills!
Kubrick the kike made all these movies to spit in our faces and make fun of us.
I hate the Jews and their father Satan.
Didn't watch yet just found
>Watch before February 26th 2019!
wtf OP I was looking for jobs online and now I'm watching economic collapse videos that are claiming the world will change tomorrow.
I have an alternate theory which is that Kubrick started working for the Jews but then got fucking pissed and quit. the killing of JFK was when he quit and started with the puzzle. working theory, but yeah. he was king hollywood jew for a few decades.
don't worry about this stuff user. find a job that you really enjoy. totally possible in the ole us of a right now.
The fact that they had to cut almost an hour out of Eyes Wide Shut AFTER Kubrick's death screams that they were trying to hide something.
I wish the full version got leaked someday. There's rumors there is an extra 40 minutes after the Christmas Shopping final scene where it confirms the two men that walked away with their daughter worked with the society and it was the transaction they had to make for their life.
More boomer level talking points. This is Jow Forums we know who it is.
I didn't watch it but it's interesting OP brought up a random date and there's videos with millions of views from months or years ago also mentioning that date.
checked my nigga
Do you have Solomon’s words of god scrolls by any Chance
the False Flag of all times has already been announced, user.
Straight from the horse's mouth.
The elections are on April the 9th. Purim is between March 20th and March 21st.
we need another couple of 9//11 haps
Spill it Sand nig
that's the rumor.. BUT.. the only "proof" you need is the guy walking behind with the black monolith folder
Love Kubrick
nothing that isn't on google search
But he was a Jew himself, and isn't there some fucked up footage that was found where he tortures a young girl and rapes her while filming it.
It is also said that Kubrick recorded a lot of pedo/satanic shit in Hollywood.
Moon landing too, isn’t that why they offend him?
Bump for numerical
It's not happening, it never happens.
that is also a rumor out there (crazy days and nights website I think) but let's assume that the Jew exposing puzzle in the movies is really there. they will have to discredit Kubrick for all time.
oh man it'll be brutal, fucking brutal
but oh well!
I think Kubrick only actually had to film 14-17 and that maybe Polanski did 11 and 12.
(nigger music warning)
There was some rabbi saying that messiah is about to appear. So maybe antichrist will appear soon.
Fuck i didn't know that there is parts of the movie missing.
What was cut out?
What are the rumors?
I know, user. I know.
The whole world changed on 9/11, you know who used it to tear down the old western Weltanschauung and replace it with their new one which suspended the American constitution and all notions of individual liberty. It also caused the immigration crisis in the west.
Hang around a bit more newfriend.
Let’s keep this thread bumped goys
my niggas
thanks for bumping
URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..
SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us
Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?
Find out here
Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP!!.!.!!.
Big, if true.
The man who is the only prophet in history that was never wrong, not even once.
The Sienners prophecies are happening as i type.
rumors are scenes missing from the mansion and some scene on a pond with tom nicole and the kid. my guess is that the movie is structured like a dream, so not supposed to be total and that the "missing explosive footage" is some David Wilcock bullshit.
so, if i beat off with loose cat shit as lube, can i talk to demons and shit? cause that would be cool.
Pope Francis, the first Jesuit POPE aka crypto-jew rat. Read up on jesuits its apparently a jewish gang.
Prophecy of the popes, last pope is Pope Francis, Petrus Romanus.