What is Trump's legacy at this point Jow Forums?

What is Trump's legacy at this point Jow Forums?

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Best President ever.

Most Jew-friendly president in u.s. history.

Last white president

neocon like all the rest.

Providing me laughs and memes. I think it's great. The guy is a living meme and he pisses off the left, so that's a bonus.

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The used car salesman between the black guy and the communist

Greatest President of the United States since Jefferson.

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an American embassy in Jerusalem

your eternal butthurt

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Overshadowing Obama so everyone forgets about the time a nigger stunk up the Whitehouse.

ppl assume he did something. what dont ask just repeat "Best Pres Ever"

Last president in American history

kike puppet

Cyrus the Great

made the left armed again


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Here's an old short list.
Don't know why you guys even waste your time on this stuff anymore.

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Amnesty, Aid to Israel and Mass immigration. He conned white voters badly and will likely lose because of it.

He revealed to the nation that the FBI is just a political tool trying to meddle and collude in our elections. An existential threat to our way of government.

Entertaining billions of people.

It's to gather information to plan the 2020 campaign attack vectors.

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Trump is a liberal mole playing a better parody game than Stephen Colbert and will dissolve the GOP into two or three factions promising several generations of democratic presidencies ...

Don't be a daft cunt.

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Making laught europeans at US

The wall is buil...
He locked her u.....
He stopped imigra...
The swamp is drai....


from an objective, entirely neutral viewpoint:

Tax Code (mixed)
Repealed Obamacare (didn't replace it though)
Trade Wars with China (mixed)
Scrapped NAFTA, TPP (mostly good)
North Korea talks (good)
Two SCOTUS Justices (good)
Banned bump stocks (bad)
Longest gov shutdown (bad)
Good Economy (good)

His biggest and most long-lasting move will be making Jerusalem capital of Israel.

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Strength of economy broadly. Just booming stock market. The focus on the muslim ban, dismantling of the refugee racket. Deportations, ending of TPS status for Haitians and Slavadorans with their subsequent flight to Canada. Obviously a peace agreement with North and South Korea will change the fastest growing economic region in the world forever if finalized.

Jeff Epstein will be his next justice right? or Bill Cosby?

Billionaire real estate tycoon turned reality tv star turned president

breaking news: 72 year old finally learns steel is stronger than concrete!

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Setting up the war with Iran to cause the global economic collapse and the establishment of a one world government. FUCKING BASED

Very accurate, could include more stuff though

hes going to show hillary is in reality a serial murderer merely posing as a failed politician and arch criminal.

Best president in my lifetime.

ironic that Alex Jones would endorse the very manchurian candidate he was dreading and warning everyone about lol

When the only presidents in your lifetime are Bush 2, Obama, and Trump it's not much of a competition

Mike Pence isn't a communist, though...

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Alex Jones sucks Israel's balls. Jews will never admit it.

Hell yeah LARP gang

More than that. You're wrong. Why are you afraid?

>why am I afraid of satanic jews being in control of my government
Gee user I don't quite know

>imagine thinking it's still 2017 and a Great Reckoning is still coming

wew lad

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THICCEST shitposts ever

Former millionaire who turned his family's real estate company into a billion dollar corporation by helping to revolutionize NYC real estate development. Then revolutionizing the licensing business. And then revolutionizing television. It's always funny seeing people trying to minimize the intelligence of this man...

Thanks for repeating my talking points.

Fattest,orangest kike to ever walk the face of the Earth

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imagine still being stuck in 2016

Why do Jews do that?

A sadistic whipping machine...in a good way.
The reason I like him because he triggers every Arab that is not Saudi nor from the Emirates

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Twitter shitposts

Fucking this, hes more entertaining than all the shit throwing chimps in our zoo (parliament)

TRUMP 2020

Muslim ban

God bless our wonderful President, I'm so proud to be an American because of him!

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this meme

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he's not taking the recasting of hell boy very well

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His legacy is the first robber Barron to take over America after it became a banana republic. Or maybe lying about buildin* a wall or lying about draining the swamp will be his legacy

This. He hasn't really got anything of note other than moving the embassy that'll promptly be moved back the next communist we get in office.

Half that list is lies and the other half is routine job functions lauded as victories

His legacy is the keks

hes giving us space to take america back.
trump has been useless as a political tool. and invaluable as a focus for a cultural movement.

Reagan 2 except nobody respects him

Ended catch and re. . .
Protected American wo. . .
Reduced illegal imm. . .
Reduced legal immigration. . .
Investigated uranium o. . .
Jerked us off then did what they all do

Being a jootard ziocuck invader clan.

Moving US foreign relations away from ideologically motivated "globalism" and towards transactionalism based on national interests.

>salty tranny

If he weren't making permanent changes, you wouldn't even be half as asshurt.

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requires way too much typing desu

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Go fuck yourself, kike. (((Trump))) is no Cyrus the Great.


URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP1

A stronger Israel.

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When Trump announced that the US now considers Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital he crossed the Rubicon.
I was mocking him and his Chabad cabal.

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Pay more attention and figure it out for yourself