What's he trying to do here Jow Forums?

Attached: neocon bernie.jpg (681x311, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Roger Waters called him out too

Attached: roger waters.jpg (672x371, 57K)

So sad seeing losers try to stay relevant and failing miserably.

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Here's how (((Bernie))) can still win....

Trying to use what could be called Rational policy to sway voters.

If there ever was an intelligent Socialist. It was ol gramps here. Not even being ironic about it. Hate his communist guts, but he had his shit in order at least. Probably would have wrecked the economy, but his shit was in order. His policies made sense, if not in the long term.

What is up with this weird shitty image quality?

Did you use a camera or something?

screenshotted from Jimmy Dore's video :^)

Took a picture of his monitor? Or tablet?

He is calling out the obvious bad guy how brave

See He has it on a projector I think.
I felt it would give the image an interesting flavor.

> Thinking the opinion of artists is valuable in any form.


He raises a good point though

To be president, you either have to be a neocon or neolib, no realists allowed

No he doesn't, people is starving to death and he wants to play anti imperialism. Rofl.

Attached: pepejoy.jpg (125x118, 2K)

People are starving all over the place. Should the US invade everywhere where people are starving?

He's trying to separate communist ideology from a corrupt leader and also playing part in the manufacturing of a "humanitarian crisis" which treasonous neoliberal elites will use to further flood the USA with every illegal brown person that the Open Borders Foundation can stuff in the back of a bus to give a free ride to the border.
Communists have tyrannized and holocausted hundreds of millions of humans in dozens of countries over the last century and they'll still insist true communism has never been tried.

URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP!!.!!.

Yang Gang!

Attached: 42e[1].jpg (600x600, 46K)

Attached: bernie 2020.png (625x479, 439K)

You have to be on board with Israel's plans as a US politician, otherwise your career will be a failaure to launch

Sanders and Trump are both frauds and controlled opposition


In capitalism countries food is so abundant that homeless people rarely die from starvation, they die mostly from diseases unrelated to the food or by freezing.

Leftards are the only ones capable of actually making people mass starve because their brains are fucking dysfunctional and can't understand basic economy

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After his betrayal in 2016, why tf would ANY SANE person want him to run, let alone give this nigga $$???
t. Genuinely fucking confused

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Notice how NATO posting happens during working hours?

So let them lie in the bed if that's the case. Which it isn't by the way, Bolton has said outright he wants to 'Starve Venezeula' and said 'We're taking the oil'. Elliot Abrams, another trotskyite neocon war criminal (all neocons are trotskyites) is now in charge of this. And you still parrot the CNN / Fox talking points.

Stop buying into MSM nonesense anyway, here's what VZ is all about. It's about Iran.
Saudi Arabia is directly linked to the VZ crisis. Their oil reserves are low, and when the Iran war happens the Iranians will block the strait of Hormuz, so the US needs an oil supply coming from outside the ME. Saudi Aramco is directly involved in this.
The US also doesn't want Citgo to fall into Russian or Chinese hands because if that happens, again, the Saudis are fucked and it reduces the petrodollar.


i thought that said necron bernie, I'd vote for a soulless automaton over a commie anyday

>we should let Russia take over Venezuela because reasons
Monroe Doctrine. No.

did someone leave this tweet in their pocket before doing laundry?

>unironically believing bernie isn't controlled opposition

So you planning to invade Saudi Arabia and end the famine in Yemen then? Since muh starving people and all that.

What's that? They're already part of the petrodollar network? Oh...

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>Russia taking over VZ
>Muh Monroe doctrine

No, you should have allied with Russia long ago instead of allying with the wahhabist terrorists who spread terrorism all over Europe and the rest of the world, the KSA and the other leading terrorist state of the region. If you hadn't been controlled by dual citizen traitors like John Bolton then this mess would never have started. Trump said he would be different but sadly he is the same.
VZ is entirely about planning for a war with Iran as i've outlined above, you cannot dispute this because it is a fact. The neocons are not your friend they are trotskyites who planned the inside job of 9/11 and got you into the war on terror, they are now planning another even bigger war.
By the way, Bolton and Trump and Pompeo and Abrams never served a day in their life, they are perfectly happy though to send other Americans to die for their evil schemes. Abrams in particular is a convicted war criminal, you should stop supporting these traitors. They are anti American in every sense of the word.

>muh monroe doctrine
Not an argument.

what's the difference

The argument is below that part

Never once did I read the word "Venezuela" in your "argument."

You're just throwing liberal whataboutisms at the wall to see if any stick. Now show your Israeli flag.

>muh monroe doctrine
The cold war is over, you fucking boomer retard

I shortened it to 'VZ' in that post, sorry if it's confusing for you.

You started talking about Iran, after mentioning Venezuela, but you didn't address Venezuela at all.

Show your flag.

>millennial shills think that the monroe doctrine has something to do with the cold war

Did you take pictures of these tweets, why do they look so shit?

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I've said it already here My comment to you was an elaboration on those points. The regime change in VZ Is directly related to Saudi Arabia and the coming war with Iran.

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literally communicating secret messages to his fag commie pal. maduro endorsed sanders in 2016. there are at least 7 secret communications in that tweet. sanders should be hanged for treason.

You're wrong though, this has nothing to do with Iran. Over 90% of Cuba's energy comes from Venezuela. Venezuela will not export to Cuba after the regime change is finalised. This is about Cuba.

No, it's about the petrodollar. Maduro wants to sever his country's dependence on the U.S. dollar and start selling their oil in exhange for petro, an oil-backed state cryptocurrency. Saddam and Gaddafi tried to do the same thing, which is why they were both killed.

It's about taking out Cuba since they started attacking our diplomats with sonic weapons. Crypto's finished anyway with the commercialisation of quantum computers.

Feel the Bern you massive faggot

What are the coincidences that everyone across the US political spectrum come in unison against Memezuela? Trump, Bolton, Sanders, Dems, Republicans... everyone.

Except Tulsi Gabbard? Who are the non-ZOG anti-interventionists left? Let me tell you; it is to be Tiresome.

Attached: TIRESOME.jpg (741x550, 63K)

Someone makes a "Everybody that doesn't suck Maduro's dong is a neocon" meme.

Look at OP's pic, Bernie's on board with regime change.

That boomer dad rock has been faggot isn't even American.

If all the neocons are aggressively pushing for regime change and you support them, yeah you might be a fucking neocon, buddy.

You have less intel than them. They have a reason why they want to destroy Maduro. Why do you want Maduro out? Because the media that is neolib-neocon dominated told you he is a bad man?

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>guy in the 1% whines about the 1%

are libtards really so stupid?

>This is about Cuba
Imagine actually thinking Cuba is some kind of a threat, the absolute state of neocons from ptg.

It's entirely about Iran. All my information is sourced and furthermore, Saudi Aramco is running low in reserves (they've been inflating the numbers for many years now). In order to create a safety net for the coming Iran war they need to take out VZ and seize the oil. That's why the traitor that Trump appointed went on Fox Business and said in plain English 'we're taking the oil'.
That's why Trump hired war criminal and trotskyite, former nevertrumper, Elliot Abrams has been appointed by Neocon Don in order to 'take care' of Venezeula.
That 'humanitarian aid' you hear about is another lie. Abrams used 'humanitarian aid' to ship in weapons to the Contras, of which he was convicted, amongst other things, only to be pardoned by HW Bush.

Bernie has always been a chickenhawk MIC Zionist stooge. He's almost as big a warmonger as Hillary. 10 minutes of looking at his voting record will show this. How anyone thought this clown was ever anti-war is beyond me.

Yes, if you want regime change to seize oil (Bolton's words, not mine) then you're a neocon.
The neocons are the most destructive agents in America, they were directly involved in setting up 9/11 to create the war on terror. that's what the PNAC was about. They have no alliegence to America at all.

This stuff used to be common knowledge on Jow Forums before the blithering idiots from t_d invaded this place.

Another goal of the neocons (which has clearly worked), is to convince the sheeple that the American Empire actually serves the citizens of America when in reality it does the opposite, by stripping them of their rights (Patriot act and so on), getting them killed in immoral unjustified wars, wasting their tax dollars, and gradually hollowing out the middle class.
The end goal of these globalists is to create a coast to coast sweatshop where everyone is working on a dollar a day and there are millions of low wage workers. Sound familiar?

Now you might realize the reason that Ron Paul is against these wars. There is no benefit to the American people from any of it. Just like there was no benefit to the American people from Iraq.

Of course you can ignore these facts and believe that John Bolton, Elliot Abrams (convicted war criminal) and Pompeo all have a deep feeling of solidarity with the people of VZ. You can choose to believe that they want this regime change out of their humanitarian feelings for the downtrodden and that they are really saints among men.

Attached: veneuzela 1.jpg (1080x1262, 449K)

Well you see go- I mean guys, we need to stir up shit in central and south America in order to create a flood of "refugees" to inundate America with as we've done in Europe.

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Cuba's a threat and their recent psychotronic attacks on our personnel will not go unpunished. Did they suspect that clowning around with sonic weapons would result in 90% of their country's energy supply being cut off? Would they have done it if they knew?

Too late now but other shit holes should be careful when playing with Russian toys lest they be sent to their rooms without fuel or electricity.

Fabricated war propaganda nonsense
Half of the protestors in videos are fat

Yankee go home

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he already fled the country, it's over

>Cuba's a threat and their recent psychotronic attacks on our personnel will not go unpunished.

That wasn't the Cubans who did it. It would make 0 sense to do that either. Likely the Chinese at best, or alphabets. CIA have had those weapons for over 50 years now.
You're concocting versions of events which just happen go fit in with exactly what Bolton wants. Question why that is.

>Cuba's a threat
Think about this statement.
>Threat to America

It was the Cubans, playing with Russian weapons.

Cuba's a big threat. They will fall now that Venezuela's regime change is going down.

>Cuba's a big threat.
Yeah every night I am shaking in my boots because of the BIG THREAT from Cuba.

based rogers

Dude they’re actually super rich

>everyone drives vintage cars from the 50’s and 60’s
>sell them to collectors for billions

It’s the perfect crime

Well let's face it, you're an Israeli shill so why would you?

>They will fall now that Venezuela's regime change is going down.
So they need to fight in Venezuela?

And then all the refugees form the civil war need to be let in to America.

>he already fled the country, it's over
The USA needs a civil war, so the new and democratic Venezuela don't just vote Maduro back into power.

He's just trying to make up for the fact that he shilled for Venezuela and now it's failing

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Bernie admits socialism is a humanitarian crisis

What are you going to do, starve them to death?

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>Bernie admits socialism is a humanitarian crisis
Bernie know Venezuela will fall, and that horror stories will come to justify the regime change.

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So let’s invade Syria then?

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>starve them to death?
Like you care?

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>their recent psychotronic attacks

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He's a Jew, of course he supports Venezuelan intervention. That would mean more refugees.