Why arnt you like this guy ? Be a Man Jow Forumsjeet.
Why arnt you like this guy ? Be a Man Jow Forumsjeet
>brown eyed children, and they're armed
god damned niggers
Because I'm a 21 y.o. Asian... I'll gladly take the one on the far right to get started though.
>bone structure
>everyone who doesnt have blue eyes and white hair is licrly a nigger
underage b&
Go ahead, they're already tainted with non-white genetics.
If you have brown eyes, you're not white.
'cause shotguns are for HD. I'm not trolling.
I'd kill myself if I had all daughters.
Okay, I'm bored so I'll bite.
I guarantee every female in the picture has been niggered out by at least 5 Tyrones. The absolute degenerate state of white women today. I pray fro artificial wombs so we can finally shed the white female parasite from off our backs. The niggers can keep them. The future is AI and AW tech. White women have come to their evolutionary dead end.
copernicus has green eyes. tesla has blue eyes. bach has blue eyes. beethoven has green eyes. i'm ignoring your post because it's full of incorrect information.
Are you a colorblind nigger?
Imagine living with five women.
If nazis won, present day America would look like this.
the women in your picture grew up without fathers, the ones in OPs pic will actually get raised.
I'm glad I'm not. I have a son
kids on the right are from his first wife, kids on the left are his new wifes kids form her marriage. girl on the back left is a stoner.
>girl on the back left is a stoner.
No, those are the "sleepy eyes" jews get. Do you not see that these people are not white? Are you a nigger too? How come niggers can't tell whites and jews apart?
Who the fuck is this guy
Why does everyone dress their daughters like shit ?
dibs on brown hair/blue dress
Fuck off. I bet you think they should be wearing ripped jeans, or some other hoodrat shit.
are those his daughters or his wives
Imagine getting a 5-way blowjob from all of them
Are they his 5 wives or what am I looking at?
Including the little girl on the left
That guy is a cuck who needs to compensate.
>flip the coin FOUR times
>it comes up XX every time
Poor bastard.
Only daughters.
He has more oestrogen than testosteron