Does Jow Forums have any favorite ideology?

does Jow Forums have any favorite ideology?

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toll status: paid

This is the spic who got shot by the cops on camera. Thanks for posting the unedited photo of the crime scene.



>white girl dies
>le toll paid
Why do whites act like white males dont do this sort of shit too?
There are plenty still locked up in prison doing the same thing.

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because people here are autistic shut-ins living in their own reality that they've concocted in their minds after looking at echo-chamber conspiracy memes for years lol

Because overrepresentation

How they both look hispanic...

I bet you mom blew a few in her day...Why do you go collect on her??

>Malaynigger not understanding simple concepts like per capita for demographics.

Juche, even if it is lefty in nature, self reliance should be encouraged and it will weed out all the lazy chimps and pablos dragging down our society

This is what's called 'overkill', no??


>the person with the biggest dick rules the world
>the person with the second bigest dick can challenge the person with the biggest dick for the right to be in charge
>the fight ends when one of the two loses his dick or dies
>only the 20% of males with the biggest dicks have the right to reproduce
>the remaining 80% of men are castrated at birth and do all the work in society
>if a castrated man can't work he'll be thrown off a helicopter
>women's only role in society is just fucking and having children with the top 20% of men
>women should be pregnant 100% of the time
>if a woman can't get pregnant she'll be thrown off a helicopter

And Alex Jones

Because we actually look into crime statistics nigger
That's why we avoid you and anyone that has anything to with your kind.

I am the official spokesperson of Jow Forums. We are activists of nation building, we have strong Judeo-Christian values, we solidify our unwavering alliance with the state of Israel, and we LOVE assimilating minorities from around the world to the American society.

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This. Unironically


Ladies and Gentlemen, the whitest man in Argentina.

>she was just a single mother
blacks do this too. they fuck the thotie and gets killed or beaten to death. too commo;

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roastie detected

>implying she's white