>this triggers Jow Forums
This triggers Jow Forums
>this makes Jow Forums hard
Grrrrrrrr!!!! I’m angry!!!!
Don't be sexist!
Or rather, Hollywood studios are desperate to try and get trolls to attack the movie, when in reality we don't give a shit
>this triggers feminist critics
It looks like pic related.
it's actually a good movie
It's shit just like the manga. In fact you should lay off anime completely.
Pick up a book
I have always liked Brie Larson as an actress, and she is also an attractive woman within whom I would eagerly ejaculate my semen.
Great job attempting to force a consensus so you can claim pol is obsessed. You posted this thread yesterday.
Seen it with aoc
I’m a gamer and I have many lives as a gamer...
anyone named after a cheese is ok by me
no it doesn't I just don't care cause I don't watch capeshit
>Pick up a book
You're retarded.
literal tranny
I didn't know bitchy resting face was a superpower.
At thie point do any white males even read or care about comics?
>weird zionist genocidal propaganda about trying to push nigger loving "bad ass women" who slaughter for empire
Failed in Afghanistan. Failed in Iraq. Failed in Ukraine. Failed in Syria. Failed in Yemen. Failing in Venezuela.
Your globo-homo is dead. You are isolated in a handful of cities. You can gather no consensus. You have no industry, can project no real force, and have no future.
This is her stunt double, she's in her 30s. Why would they cast Brie when you already have a goddess?
>actress' expresses desire to have racial quotas at media events
If anything this should trigger liberals.
How is this triggering?
>Captain Menstral
>This bankrupts the investor
So you don't read? No wonder you like pretentious and retarded shit like anime
>this destroys the feminist
>>this triggers Jow Forums
>it triggers OP, that Captain Marvel triggers Jow Forums
The idea that Alita will do better in the box office than Cpt. 'girl power'.
See the audience score?
Now look at the critics score
It’ll be reversed for Captain Marvel
because muh femnin nism
>nice captain marvel
>it's not Shazam Captain Mavel
>Rotten tomatoes needs to police the reviews in order to create something like a "safe space" for this movie but somehow Jow Forums is the triggered one.
Disney should have learned from the previous strong womyn flops like the ghostbusters; anyway we know it's not about money but pushing their agenda.
Not really no, but the 28% want to see rating is triggering all the NPCs
>meme flag
>projections down $100M
Have a sage faggot
URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?
while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..
SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us
Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?
Find out here
Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP,.,., , ,.
The only one being pretentious is you.
no one cares, the ruskies cant do shit without getting their backdoor blown out
>movie estimated to take 200 million on box office opener a month ago
>revised down to 100 million last week
>revised down to 80 million today
Yeah! Who cares if her racism against white males is costing Disney shit tons of money before the thing even releases, the evil Nazis are *triggered* LOL!
you are delusional
That's gouda philosophy to live by, user.
gamers rise up
bottom text
Tits or GTFO
lol, like women need more ideas and "empowerment"
No Jew we just don't give a fuck.
Look, the US Navy is trying to blow up the is movie too. Go Maverick!
The pretend Jow Forums cares about this at all, and try to make them personal army attack it was legitimately the weakest shilling I've seen here in ages.
jesus. I never saw that side of her before. I think I have a bigger ass than she does.
Why so triggered? I used to like anime when I was a kid, nice entertainment, but as I grew up I realized it's too superficial and in most cases, borders the retarded, maybe that's why it's intended for CHILDREN.
When you grow up (mentally), (hopefully), you'll understand.
Read a book!
The cheese is old and moldy.
>Why so triggered?
I'm not.
>Read a book!
who dis
>this triggers Jow Forums
That is true, I'm sure most of us don't like shitty movies.
no hips
Will we get a sequel where Rogue saps her power and she fucks off forever?
>thinking the comic book medium is exclusive for children
You are both outdated and a fool.
>trying this hard to elevate fucking comic book cartoon drawn capeshit
kys fucking mentally ill kike
Do you mean a white chick with a case of man jaw?
>implying I was referring to capeshit
Eat a bag of dicks, retard. Capeshit are jewish tools, but you're an idiot for saying all comic mediums are the same when they represent a new artistic medium and are equally capable of telling a good story and having a dedicated message.
>captain bitchface
>opium gang
They were right, gang weed is the gateway gang
>trying this hard to separate capeship from comic books
>literally the same thing
Yep, he's retarded.
>thinking the comic book medium is exclusive for children
It is. Now, whether they are children or MANchildren is irrelevant.
Her flat ass triggers me.
>thinking Jow Forums is interested in capeshit
I wouldn't know what this was about if it wasn't soibois screaming about it.
>Maybe that's why it's intended for CHILDREN.
It's generally agreed upon that you should at least have some idea of what you're talking about before beginning a conversation.
I liked "Supergirl".... she was cute in those few episodes I saw during my time in prison.
And I hate Marvel, all of it.
>name literally in the file
Hoooo lad
>Capt. Marvel
>Rotten Tomatoes
>was at 45% want to see just days ago
>now at 27% want to see
Shit is crashing and burning. Like 2016 Ghostbusters all over again.
An aryan queen? No it triggers the black panther crowd.
Only the marketing.
why would kikes losing money on propaganda trigger pol?
Now post spiderman's Brapper. You know the photo
Fantastic tits though.
Only her ugly face and gigantic forehead
>Implying they don't just attack themselves and kvetch about us.
Would fapping to the mashup be considered gay though?
These pics look like they're from another lifetime...I'd guess 6 years old at least.
the only thing that triggers me about this image is how disproportionately short her arms are. is this T-rex mode?
consider suicide and then reddit in that order
Mogged by a stunt double
That's clearly shopped. Here's the original.
Have you ever seen her ass? it looks like a deflated tire with bruises and scars.
u gon get raped
>Only books can have deep and complex stories
Kill yourself plebbit.
>spiderman's Brapper
imagine trying to explain this to someone 300 years ago