Would you eat if someone offered you an israeli produced edible product?

would you eat if someone offered you an israeli produced edible product?

Attached: hebrew-chocolate1.jpg (484x248, 28K)

Better than eating dutch products that probably were packed/touched by achmed

Yes, imagine a world without in-store prices

Sure as long as I’m not the one buying it

How much interest would I have to pay on it?

sure why not
they make good hummus
i love meditteranean food. i've worked around the middle east and the food is the only good thing about it

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What do they even produce other than religious foods? Hummus? Maybe dates or something?

You better goy, or you can't get government contracts!

Theres this chain here called 'me va me' I bought a sandwich there once and while I was waiting for it, realized it was an Israeli owned establishment but fuck it, it tasted good

I doubt jews poison themselves.

Of course

Chocolate-covered matzos are pretty good, user.

So Jewish food is unironically the only food that hasn't been Jewed or would they jew it anyway for good measure?

Mind = Blown!

If it's free I'll take it. I'm antisemitic, not stupid.

Goyim do not know about BAMBA

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Actually i heard about it in a documentary about peanut allergies.

Somethings gotta be shut down over this leak!

>macedonian wanting gibs
Color me shocked

cheese puffs, extra shekels edition.

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Are those blood passover snacks?

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>newborn on the pack
Babycock flavoured snack? For when you just cant find a foreskin to suck?

Not a chance.