What's Jow Forums general consensus towards the IRA?

What's Jow Forums general consensus towards the IRA?

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seem like a bunch of larpers

worthless like the jews

based potato niggers.

traitorous scumbags who use nailbombs and flamethrowers on civilians

Sounds like UDF behaviour on Shankill Rd you limey twat

Fuck the ira, they kill their celtic british brothers, no more brother wars.

They're cool with Palestine from what I hear, so they're ok in my book


>GODLIKE aesthetics and music
>one of the rare example of modern European guerrila tactics, rather succesful too
>trigger traitorous Anglos like nothing else
>bros with Palestine against (((them)))
>Very strange mix of left-wing politics, nationalism and racism

9/10 in my book, very based.

they're cool with Palestine because of commie, cultural Marxist reasons, not because they hate Jews like the rest of us

Socialist terrorists.
Willing to kill innocent civilians to achieve their goals, but today their political branch (Sinn Fein) is literally fine with having niggers as representatives. Nice nationalism you have there Paddy.

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The only thing wrong the Provos ever did was being socialists
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

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based. tiocfaidh ár lá

They’re pro Palestine and anti black so I’m against them

Glad its over obviously. Ireland too rich to care about ancient brother wars. Particularly in an era of endless mass immivasion of Europe by foreign races and religious fanatics.

Woe to the vanquished.

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One thing that i never understood is how this people got their hands on american weapons.

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Because 'Irish' Americans helped fund them and get weapons out to them

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Its the guys that robbed Jussie Smolett!!

CIA sold them arms because before they became a Mexican enclave, they were an Irish enclave.

>pro-Muslim, pro-nigger, pro-gay Marxists who stated that "racism" and "homophobia" deserved death and who routinely attacked Protestant churches

Gee, I dunno. Let me think about that.

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>Very strange mix of left-wing politics, nationalism and racism

If by "racism" you mean "We want to flood Ireland with niggers", then yeah.

Literal IRA slogan: "Brits Out. Blacks In."

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Surely a best source of information about those things.

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What part of what I said is factually incorrect? Don't tell me about how I hurt your feelings or triggered you, squatmonkey. Tell me what I said that was not true.

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One pistol between them

>actually dissing the PLA
Oy vey.

>What's Jow Forums general consensus towards the IRA?
They hate Jews and Israel
When they start up again Moshe better get worried
The PLO and the IRA will be a formidable team

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they are basically just antifa now

dumb cunts

Leftists who needlessly blew up civilians so their country could become a puppet of the EU.

>Love the music and general asthetics. >Love the patriotism and general nationalism they fought for. The love of homeland and such.
>Love the religious background.
>Great PR campaign to get people to be sympathetic and fund their gun running.
>Fuck anglos
>Supported the PLO against Israel before it was cool

However, I can't understand for the life of me why the children of those who fought in the IRA and its political wing now want to get Blacked so badly? Is it really they just love whatever undermines anglos that much they will even replace themselves? I don't understand it at all.

Maybe there wouldn't be a conflict if you weren't occupying their territory? On a scale of 0 to 1, how Jewish are you, Ezra?

>Nice nationalism you have there Paddy.
The IRA doesn't like mainstream Sinn Fein for basically turning into Democrat Party: Ireland Edition. They support a political party called Republican Sinn Fein.
>pic related

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Even ISIS has M16s. We have flooded the world with our military equipment. We leave shit all over the place when we're done using it.

It's called right of conquest, like the land you're sat on now you fat hispanic border jumping shithead. Ireland was a bunch of tribes fighting for supremacy, they were only ever united under the British.

Stop crying because history isn't fair. We beat them four centuries ago, we beat them two decades ago. Northern Ireland is British.

first IRA were valid

second IRA were glorified drug dealers

Provos weren't socialists, PIRA literally split due to what was the mainstream IRA at the time being too marxist. Marxists just shill that shit to make themselves sound cooler than they actually were.

Post Civil War iterations of the IRA were basically the dregs who lived on the margins of Irish political life. Ireland never had a significant leftist party other than the very moderate Labour party, so it attracted the very small Marxist fringe.

Come the Troubles it capitalized on being the defacto armed representatives of Northern Catholics, but only entrenched itself further into far leftist because of chronic tunnel vision on behalf of most Republicans.

Anyway, fuck anyone who'd conflate them with Irish national identity at large. I'm sure there were good people in the Provos, but its too tainted by Marxism and postcolonial theory and tunnel vision of an old, increasingly irrelevant conflict which precludes seriously thinking about issues like migration or the EU to be a meaningful vehicle for Irish nationalism.

I only wish you would be this hardcore on shitskins and niggers that currently conquest your own land, women and state. But hey, it is easier to larp on anonymous cantonese butterfly breeding forum.

They are a pain in the ass because any time you discuss Islam with a leftist, they bring up the IRA as "Catholic Terrorists". As if we can compare an independence organisation with the religion that has come to define terrorism in the modern world.

Gaddafi gave them a bunch of shit that's why same with Irish Americans in the US smuggling weapons into N. Ireland too.
read this image

>its one or the other
Thanks for opinion you child stealing gypsy.

Americans scream about how they need guns to rise up against an oppressive government

Also Americans. " fucking potato larper"

Why not take the whole fucking island then? Wouldn't that have been a much better solution?

Rich Irish American businessmen bought and supplied the weapons. It's well known.

Bunch of fags. Ireland was already independent and they were trying to annex people who didn't want to be annexed. Brits should have executed them without trials.

>Brits should have executed them without trial
I mean.... They did

It used to be all British after the Act of Union 1801 until 1922. I wish it was. Ireland has a smaller population than Greater London and basically no military, it should just be conquered.

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Though most IRA factions are marxist shitheads, Ulster Loyalists are literal "zionist christians" who worship Jews, no better than the evangelicals here that do that shit. So yeah by default the IRA and Irish Nationalists are better since they aren't pro-Jew. Pic related by the way, these retards literally put the Israeli flag over their own and it's no suprise that Mossad was helping the Loyalists and British during the troubles either, again Irish win by default since anyone who's an enemy of the Jews is my friend.

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> It's called right of conquest

That goes both ways m8. You're talking as though Ireland was an unequivocal victory for Britain when all you have left to show for 800 years is six fucking counties.

Cringe LARPers

I know, and it goes for the pakis in London too. I'm allowed to wish they were all shot and Ireland was British though.

The older incarnations do not exist anymore. The modern Incarnation is a relic organization filled with socialist youngsters. The guys from the 70's to 90's are all either dead or are old men.

When people ask what do you think of the IRA you need to specify which ones. The IRA of the early 20th century was very justified, and the provos were too for 2/3 of their campaign. The 90's is when newer incarnations that played dirtier and who didn't care about killing civilians sprung up. Before then the provos tried their best to only kill military personnel, police and politicians and cause economic damage. The real IRA group, however were scumbags.

>they were trying to annex people who didn't want to be annexed.
Well that's going to change soon since the Native Irish population has more kids due to Catholic shit and will soon be the majority population.

I mean those guys are a bunch of fags but aren't they killing drug dealers or is that just a propaganda meme by them?

How did the children of those who fought in the troubles become so cucked? They witnessed what it is like to fight for national pride just then to reject nationalism and what it means to be a nation?

Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Parnell,
When you thought him well and truly persecuted,
Where are the sneers and jeers that you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of '16 were executed?

My dream is more like after the Revolutionary War, you all should have applied for statehood. You might still be allowed to use spoons.

an irish user gave me the rundown a while back,
basically it seemed that when it first started up it was based and redpilled, but the modern day version is infiltrated by Marxists and faggots.

but as an american i am predisposed to like any separatist moments that rally against britbongistan.

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One Struggle against British and Israeli Zionism

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They haven't done anything in 40 years.

>but the modern day version is infiltrated by Marxists and faggots.
the IRA and Irish Nationalism in general has always had Marxist shitheads in it, granted the only time they've ever done shit was when a non-marxist started running things and it went to shit after the non-marxists were gone and marxists took back power because suprisingly you can't run a nationalist movement that well when you're a fucking marxist.


I don't support republicanism but the Loyalists where even bigger retardeds.

In my opinion is a independent Ulster seperate from both countries is the best solution. Both the Republics goverment and the UK's goverment are pozzed to the core.

Adams is a backstabbing cunt but he is smarter than people make him out to be, The good friday agreement guarantees a united irealand when catholics finally exceed prods demographically.

Why is it worth it though? Northern Ireland alone was a massive money sink for the UK during with nothing in return, since the Belfast area industries died out.

Sure, the Irish defense forces would last all of a day or two in a conventional war, but if the last eight centuries should have shown Britain anything its that people here do not want London rule. Ireland used to have the highest consistent peacetime troop concentration of anywhere in the British Empire, even more than India, to keep down possible rebellions. At least back in the day there was the reasoning of not wanting to give Spain or France a back door to attack England, but now what is there even here for you? You'd invariably be sinking money and troops into this island for nothing, except maybe a minor point of pride. In that case, why not take Normandy and Aquitaine back from France too?

What's with the stars of David?

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Tit for tat larping in response to republic larping about palastine

Completely useless cowards and willing serfs of American. What the fuck was the point of all their shitty uprisings and rebellions when they just end up joining the EU and flooding themselves with foreigners? 25% of Dublin became foreign-born in the span of decade. We’ll live to see the Irish annihilate themselves by their own hand in a manner Britain never dreamed of.


Get fucked, paddies. If the Somme was God’s gift to Ireland then the Maastricht Treaty was his gift to England. The only thing more pathetic then French Canadians and plastic paddies are the Irish themselves. No one with an ounce of sense has patience for these pozzed idiots.

IRA of today and Michael Collins' IRA are nothing alike.

Calvinists tend to be Philosemitic

Oh definitely I mean Gerry is a smart guy, though he had to basically sell out his own people in order to get a united ireland. I mean by way of Sinn Fein being basically just another DemSoc party akin to Bernie Sanders with the support of shit like Refugees, Fag Marriage etc. . But hey what can you expect from politicians right? They're all sell out swine who'd kill their own mother for their own goals.

Shut up bong. You fuckers tried to wipe out their language, culture and religion. You kicked em off the prime land back in the day and plantationed it off to Protestant bongs. Then spent the next 700 years fucking them over every way you could right down to committing genocide by starvation during the famines.

You deserve every nailbomb, bullet, stabbing and burning you lot got.

love them

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They used to be hard men. Now they're hard gay.

>25% of Dublin became foreign-born in the span of decade.
Most of those are other Euros though not refugees from my knowledge and though this is anecdotal I know plenty of anglos who moved from the UK to Ireland just because it's better to live there than bongistan and cheaper in many cases, it's like the spergs on here spamming about Switzerland's population being like 50% foreign leaving out that nearly all of them are from places like France, Germany or Italy

IRA is split between propper marxists like Gerry Adams, and Old style working class trade union types like Brendan Hughes

>I know plenty of anglos who moved from the UK to Ireland
way way more people went the other way, like my grandparents

Roman empire fuckery.

For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country. For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment. Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by an eminent City firm, which is FSA controlled. Its chairman came to me and said, "We have this extraordinary request to assist in a major financial reconstruction. It is megabucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate". I had the biggest put down of my life from my noble friend Lord Strathclyde when I told him this story. He said, "Why you? You're not important enough to have the answer to a question like that". He is quite right, I am not important enough, but the answer to the next question was, "You haven't got the experience for it". Yes I do. I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.

Baroness Hollis of Heigham: Where did it go to?

Lord James of Blackheath: Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue. I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems.

>it's just a joke
I don't believe you

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Old IRA, their existence was nescessary and justified.
Somewhere along the road they took a wrong turn though and I don't think they're much better than our own thugs larping as peacekeepers of prod communities i.e. Drug dealers, sex trade etc
More familiar with the loyalist side desu. They started as normal working class fighting for their brand of nationalism but they were used by British Intelligence to carry out some very questionable hits, and the nature of wartime ofcourse guaranteed that real psychos got into the organizations who became uncontrollable (Shankhill Butchers is a good example).
IRA had much better leadership and training, and usually (not always though) had the moral highground. The actions of state sanctioned UDR drove many catholics into the IRAs arms.
The RUC weren't as bad as made out to be. Granda was in it for 20 years, god fearing and moral man, deployed at flashpoints all over the country. He'd tell stories of UDR and British army savagery towards catholic civilians, how many RUC officers would seethe at some of the humiliations doled out but couldn't do a thing about it. Ofcourse, the RUC did have a small number of rotten apples but i'm proud of my granda and his service under the name.

If I was a republican right now, i'd be raging at the RA and their politicians. I'm already raging at my own steroid using thugs. Ah, fuck em all really. Worthless bastards. No one gives a fuck that we're importing a new enemy and sowing the seeds of destruction.

>creating a jew containment island is bad

I've heard of black Irish but I didn't know they were THAT black.

Sell outs.

Most of those are other Euros though not refugees from my knowledge and though.
That doesn’t fucking matter. You fill up Ireland with Swedes you get Sweden. You fill it with Poles you get Poland. Bottom line is that the Irish nation doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t understand why anyone outside civic nationalist American retards like Richard Spencer can not grasp this concept. You’re killing your nation whether you fill it with wops, kikes, niggers, hohols, krauts, or frogs.

lmao aint gonna happen, your failed kingdom will fall and will only be left with

>pic related

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Backed by KGB

Cucked beyond all salvation. Marxist inspired organization that chimped out for a century and still can't get NI. Now they do nothing as their streetshitter of a pm floods their country with shitskins.

I agree but still I don't like the dishonesty people use to promote perfectly valid points, hence why I used the example of Switzerland. Again not good but not as bad as having a bunch of Africans around.

yeah also the UVF/UVA among the other loyalist groups were supported by Mossad during the troubles so yeah. Not suprising due to the PIRA's relationship with Palestinian Organizations and Gaddafi among other Anti-Israeli Arab groups/leaders

No they aren't commies retard they're nationalist culturalist they were supported by the ussr because it was against a European power

Alot of stupid people in this thread. My dad was in the hight of the troubles and as an Irish nationalist I don't mind being united. But they have taken questionable politics for terrorists

Germanic brits. Ireland Scotland and Wales are celts