If you could press a button and make every single person with 50%+ black blood completely disappear off the face of the earth, would you press it? Remember that you're essentially committing genocide, and that it's not the Christian thing to do.
If you could press a button and make every single person with 50%+ black blood completely disappear off the face of the...
Of course I wouldn't. That'd be a terrible thing to do, also will destroy our economy.
The same problem arises with mice, cockroaches and rats. Sure, they are alive and well and part of God's great plan, but so it would be that I would get my hands on that button, and like with the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, or porn or a handy lie - I would.
a good ol' fashioned lynching should do the trick
I would only do it if it made the jews disappear too, and both groups went to a replica planet that we got to observe to see how things would work out on Planet Nigjew.
Would it count as Genocide. Your post offers the possibility of resettlement on an alien world or simply not existing. No actual deaths. But if I pressed the button twice would that means 100% of all nigs would go or would it mean just 50% of the remaining nigs? If the latter is the case then it would mean that nigs could never be eradicated and therefore genocide is impossible!
Aliens have been visiting this planet for millions of years just observing ape planet and nothing exciting happens. That’s why they created white peoples.
I wouldn't do it myself but I'd support someone who would do it as LONG AS THEY DO IT LEGALLY
I definitely wouldn't do it. Genocide is wrong. So what if it would improve the global quality of life by virtually every metric? You must lack compassion to even ask this. You're no ally.
of course I would
I'd give a black person $100 to push the button
Kek (you)
i'd press it three times to see what happens.
>Genocide is wrong
Not according to history. Its the best way to achieve peace is destroying your enemies.
can we lower it to 1%?
>You're no ally.
you're damn right, reddit
Of course. I'd push it for absolutely any condition that didn't include myself. Power exists to be used.
how is this even a fucking question
God forgives
Small price to pay for salvation.
what happens when I press it twice?
You mean, I can use this button to become the kang of nignogs by threatening them with instant annihilation? Sounds rad!
Of course I would. Global population projections demand it.
>kang of nignogs
why would you want this?
If I hit the button twice would it be 100% or 75% of the original total disappeared?
I’d press it twice
I'd headbutt that thing so fuckin hard it would shatter and the shards would half scalp me.
Is this the fabled American education system?
You’re next, kike
I'd never
Idk, I could use them to hunt down all the juus and sandniggers and only then press the button. When life gives you niggers...
Maybe they just disappear into a better world? You didn't say "kill". But even then, as whites are currently experiencing exactly that, getting disappeared, I wouldn't hesitate one second.
And in the ensuing chaos afterwards it would be time to clean up the traitors as well.
let's restate the question objectively
should 1 billion people simply disappear so that the other 7 billion and countless billions to come don't have to be nigged or nogged ever again?
I'd press it twice.
>with 50%+ black blood
Even 1 subatomic particle of nigger DNA, I'd push it.
Regardless of your silly fantasies, black people will win.
I'd answer you but you have a meme flag.
50% non whites wiped off the face of the planet sounds like a good idea.
Where the button op ?
That's impossible. Only atheists would believe something like that.
I'd would push it.
>It's not the Christian thing to do?
According to? I'll take scripture or renowned philosophers for you to make your point
Don't disappear me pls
Nope. I have some 99% black friends that are based. Now a button that destoys 50%+ of white trash, Ide mash that shit.
Only thing I hate more than uncultured niggers is uncultured whites.
well ya know what they say, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few," so yes
Yes. It’s a failed race dragging all of us down.
And they won’t stay in Africa where the belong
Something has happened to russian flag posters. I think JIDF is using their flag now since everyone hates memeflags and knows it's them
I’ve gone over scenarios like this in my head and it’s always the same result. I don’t think I would ever press the button. I don’t think I could even kill a single person despite how evil they are. Something about murder just seems incredibly wrong
I’d hit that button like I’m playing fucking Mortal Kombat on the SNES.
But what about all the black airline pilots?? All those planes would crash as soon as they disappeared, destroying lots of stuff.