Be me

>be me
>pulled over by cops while leaving my house
>wtf I literally didn't do anything it's like he was waiting for me
>tells me my license plate light is out
>give him id registration and insurance
>comes back with a warning for the light and a citation for driving on a suspended license
>what the fuck, ask him why
>he doesn't know
>I paid a lot of money and jumped through hoops to get my license back after poor people problems, don't understand
>go to DMV
>ask why
>they claim my SR22 isn't valid
>ask why
>they say my policy lapsed
>it didn't, wtf
>instructed to call my insurance company and get a new SR22
>call insurance company because I can't find the fucking button to add it on their website
>agent looks at my account
>says SR22 is valid
>all of my wat
>he sends me a copy of it, and a letter of experience stating I haven't had any lapses in my policy since it began, and a copy of my SR22.
>take this to the DMV, documented proof that my policy never lapsed, and my SR22 is good and has been since I began the policy nearly a year ago
>DMV informs me that their internal workspace website doesn't have a drop down menu that lets them enter dates older than 1 month
>so even though my SR22 is valid and my insurance is as well, because the SR22 has been good for nearly a year they won't enter it because it says it started over a year ago
>try to use the letter of experience, showing their confirmation
>they say because the letter of experience only mentions my policy not explicitly my SR22 they won't consider it
>call insurance company
>plead with them
>they will send me a new SR22 when my policy renews in a few days
>they also inform me that an SR22 endorsement is part of the policy and they verify them by sending out letters of experience combined with a copy of that policy's SR22
>letter is a form letter generated automatically and they can't customize it for me
>DMV is ignoring documentation and holding my license hostage for post paperwork that doesn't exist

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if you were a nigger they would hand you your license without question. they have to keep dangerous white people off the road

Cool blogpost faggot

Fuck bureaucracy and fuck governments

Who gives a fuck, handle your shit and move on faggot.

Jesus Christ user, go post on FB. Nobody here cares

how is this tumblr post related to politics?

Don’t tell me. Black women at the DMV and black women at the insurance company, yes?

Get a lawyer and force it outta them?



>answer citation with documentation proving that there has been no lapse in coverage and any additional documentation the DMV can provide for reason for suspension
>plead not guilty
this isn't hard

What the fuck state are you in

>shills getting it in every thread

Stop replying to this slide posting shit fucktards!

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Nice try Rick Shaw

shoot up the dmv

Driving is a privilege not a right.

How fucking dense are you OP? Its a fucking clerical error you can get out of without cost. Most attorneys will council you on this for free with just a phone call.


He erased it

rampage time

What have you done to the cops or the government to get them to do this to you, or do you fit the description of someone that has?

Why are you bothering with all that license and insurance shit?

>license back after poor people problems
>code for niggershines or white trash
go somewheres else to gripe you fucking degenerate

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Protip, courts & judges are retarded. Scan and edit dates on your insurance paperwork, print and bring to court. Works everytime.

Out here in Cali, I've seen traffic judges let spics go for driving without a license, then a few mins later give a native born person a $1200 fine for the same ticket. Its utter bullshit and you could tell people were PISSED.

It's a gangstalking OP. You're being target with abuse for not toeing the line.

>this is what I get for being a white gun owner in the blue part of AZ

No, my gut says they'll actually do their due diligence if I did that. Besides, they rejected legitimate documents, I've still got insurance and whatnot