It's because their population is made of european scum and the african elites.
It's because their population is made of european scum and the african elites.
Lel, what's the difference between yoghurt and America?
You can leave yoghurt alone for hundreds of years and it will develope a culture.
i kek'd
Our culture is so widespread you don't even know you're affected by it. All of the top grossing movies of all time are American. All of the most popular websites and apps are American. This country is blessed. Stay mad though
Too many darkies
We are literally the most powerful country on the face of the planet and the only country to land on the moon. We literally own the moon eurofags, so you can thank an American for the tides and moonlight.
germans are scared to get their hands dirty,
amerimutts btfo
>being this booty-blasted at a drunken paddy's rambling
I think it is because they are free to not have culture. Germany's culture is being destroyed at the moment so..
LOL Irish people making fun of someone else's culture. Reeee I'm an alcoholic and my country almost starved because we ran out of potatoes. Please help us America! There are more Irish people in America than in Ireland because it was a complete shithole. Go fuck yourself. You wanna be Scotsman.
I don't like mett or nudelsalat pls delet
What's the difference between the Irish and Americans?
When Americans don't have potatoes they don't die.
Every country adopted American culture. All you fucking faggots eat our food wear our clothes listen to our music watch our movies and TV shows you follow our favorite politics. No one gives a fuck about your pathetic little countries. No one cares about your gay kilts and your dumb fucking yodeling and your fucking lip plates. Except Japan. Everyone likes Japan.
When your skank gf aborts your godless dimwit child, you'll know who to thank. You're welcome.
mutts WILL get triggered by this
pop-culture =/= culture
jewish mutt
LEL, you're just pissed because your fat, dumpy cunt mother hit that wall like a runaway freight train in her late teens, forcing her to cram miles of Mexican dick into her hairy gash for money until you fell out her putrid, gaping axe-wound. The fuck out of here, you wobbling golem.
>irrelevant shitskins spend their ENTIRE life obsessing about america thread #453635784