Why has fascism failed every time it has ever actually been tried in a state or tested in a significant military...

Why has fascism failed every time it has ever actually been tried in a state or tested in a significant military conflict?

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Because authoritarian systems are dogshit

Nazi Germany,Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan went through war, although it's debatable weather Imperial Japan followed fascist ideology.

The Kuomintang were Axis collaborators, but were they really fascist?

Fascist parties never came to power in Spain, Portugal, Chile, or Brazil.

>fascism fails every single time it is tried
>jews are kicked out of every single country every time they try something

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Why does OP keep being a retard even though his image has been debunked every thread since 2014?

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same with socialism

woah its like you cant just blame all of your countries problems on a single group of people

woah its like socialism and facism are both founded on principles of reducing all problems down to the rich and subhumans respectively and because those groups can never clearly be defined you end up playing a line drawing game for eternity where people either starve or get exterminated/conquered forever until you either die out or someone stops you

Reminder that the Spanish Fascists beat the Communists, even George Orwell was beaten by the Spanish

To be honest, the jews killed them.
So.. That's why.
I mean, i don't like Fascism.
I believe in the concept of the Republic.
It's beautifull, really, and the individual can express himself, and bring progress to the whole world.
Under an autoritarian dictator, well.. Progress is hindered.

woah who would have thought that war creates jobs

and if women having children is a sign of prosperity we need look no further than africa!

reductionist nonsense, this is why both facism and socialism never prosper in the long run

Sorry, who won the Spanish Civil War? Who shall not pass? Faggot.

That image has been debunked a million times already, the Integralists weren't ever in power here to start with.Fuck off.

>the thousand year reich works
>lasts 12 years

b-but the jews b-but just let us take over europe and kill everyone we deem subhuman

Reminder the bolsheviks killed millions of german soldiers and won the great patriotic war

America was in a great depression while germany was a world superpower at the time #getrekt


Not hunger, not misery.
That's the point of an ideological war, (((they))) will make up "racism" or any other lie to end a nation.

Jews: turn many powerful countries against germany and wage war on germany.
You: national socialism doesn't work.
Me: hmm... I wonder just ((why)) it failed.

>losing war = failed political system

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Doesn't matter, I just proved you a 100% wrong you little jester. You have been owned. Read a book other than Harry Potter sometimes and get educated

>atomizing every statistic so it’s not a holistic result
I’m willing to try and see your point of view but you can’t be a dishonest shitbag about it


really faggot?

>second fastest growing economy in the world
>workers highly protected in a market system
>minimal unemployment
>no homelessness
>virtually no crime
>leftists dragged out into the street and shot
>never invaded or conquered
>government research firm cetme made sick ass weapons and is still a functioning government body

meanwhile, in modern spain
>pic related

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Golem hands wrote this post

The only economic system that works is capitalism, the one that gets me the most money goy, keep believing what I tell you.

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The autobahn is still in Germany, you fucking retard. Seriously, a quick google search can educate you.

National Socialism isn't capitalism by the way, we support a mixed economy, with some socialist and other policies, freedom from debt slavery, free healthcare etc...

Hardly a superpower Tyrone. It took years to get out of hyperinflation and make work in Germany. They had no colonial possessions, were diplomatically isolated, and had no world class navy.

>Why has fascism failed every time

umm except the only remaining super power, AMERICA, is a fascist nation, according to the left.

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>NATIONAL socialist Germany kicked the shit out of Euripe and had one of the best economies
>Fascist Spain won the civil war and carried on well last the 30s and 40s.
>Chile excelled and did nothing wrong
>Nationalist China
Failed because of a communist China backed by a now super power Soviet union thanks to amerilards and British dipshits.

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Largely a land based country who had more pressing issues in land rather than sea. Plus they didnt want a war with the Brotish Empire
>no colonies
Yeah tends to happen when they are stripped from you after being blamed for WW1.
The National Socialists turned Germany into a powerhouse through massive social projects and construction and rearmament.

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In Spain Falange was the adviser of Franco for a time during the second World War

>I enjoy being a lazy, unfit, degenerate slob.

>Bullied other nations
>Won with massive support from other Fascist states. Also they couldn't have done well in the 30s, Devon, if the civil war was happening then.

Lying piece of shit, Integralism didn't even had the power

Hmm I wonder if any of the stuff you just said could be applied to america at the time.

>Invade 22 countries
And I don't even need to comment on Franco's Spain.

>bullied other nations
Like who
>massive support
Yeah like every civil war till today. The Soviet union aided the republic side so what's your point.

Had to be invaded by the entire planet. They did not collapse on their own.

Coups succeeded as public opinion turned liberal and regime heads turned weak after the deaths of Franco/Salazar

Literally gave up power to the peoples vote but overestimated democratic support by 5%

Don't know shit about them so I'm not going to comment

This is dumb if you polled all data together in 500 AD you could accurately say that "Democracy is a shit idea Greece and Rome tried it and it failed it's never worked"
Same with Communism or Feudalism
Time is relative look at their achievements and prosperity and the future looks very Fashy

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Do away with both


USSR wasn't real communism!
America isn't real capitalism!
Hell yeah it was Fascism and it was damn great!

Tells you everything you need to know desu.

Real Fascism has never been tried.

Fucking based. Volta Salazar indeed!

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Is that Herman Goring behind that memeflag

>fascist symbol is a meme

Pussy bitch

White women having children is a sign of prosperity you stupid nigger.

>had no world class navy
inb4 Uboats

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did nazi germany really collapse like the URSS did? or were they defeated in war and were forced to abandon that idelogy?

You would do well to remove the Portuguese flag as we all talk about "the good old days" of dictatorship where thieves and outlaws were hung and police authority meant crime was near to zero.

TL/DR: Bring back dictatorship to Portugal please.

Bullied Lithuania, Norway, Greece, BENELUX, Yugoslavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia by invading them or forcing them to cede land that was established as theirs under the treaties that concluded WWI. Even Austrians after the Anschluss were pissed off that they were being treated as second class citizens, being looked down upon by Germans.

Regarding >massive support
Franco's Spain was in shambles following their civil war. So much so they had to import British food to feed themselves and could be coerced by British port blockages to rescind material support to Germany.

Last time I checked convoys were a good deterrent against uboats and they cucked the Germans.


After the war Spain was hardly fascist though.



>Fascist parties never came to power in Spain, Portugal, Chile, or Brazil.


Something about no oil, Russian winters, two fronts and two nuclear bombs dropped on civilians.

But I'm not too good at history.

I feel like this is intellectually dishonest.

Fascist regimes have been very very successful all the way up to the point where the rest of the world decided it was their duty to destroy these nations and regimes with total war (in hindsight this seems like an act of jealousy).

Especially the NSDAP. They made huge leaps in very short order coming from a terrible position after WWI and had they not been overwhelmed by war (numbers always win) with everyone they probably would have come to dominate the world.

repubclic of china is considered fascist??

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The most fascist country existing at present is Singapore. They even use the Mosley lightning bolt for their PAP flag. Seems to be a successful country, and quite fascist. Of course, they are multicultural zipperhead run fascists, but it's totally a fascist place.

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Every time
>literally china.
>If you read german nazi economic policy they were privatizing industry while UK and US were nationalizing industry in the 1930's and matched them in gdp per cap.

Pinochet saved his country with minimal casualties relative to most revolutions.
Asked economists to guide him from the chicago school. made it the only first world south american country.