How do ((((they)))) allow this?
How do ((((they)))) allow this?
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Clitch in the Jew-Matrix, just like 'Er ist wieder da'.
I don’t get it. Never seen this show but can’t imagine it paints Nazis in a positive light.
oh my fuck dude you think everything gets checked by jews? ffs its historical fiction, why would they bother having oversight of it when they and we know its a work of fiction?
it gives me erections
Explain to me why do you think so. Should I watch it?
nigger you havent seen it yet?
Why would I watch more jewish propaganda?
I hardly watch movies at all
They fetishize that which they demonize.
Plus, it's not like the Nazis are portrayed as anything but evil.
The kikes really do wish they were as awesome and as productive as the Nazis.
fuck off shill
aesthetics of the first two are very comfy, but they really ramped up the poz in the third season
its about women rebelling against the nazis literal fuel for feminists and sjws in liberal arts majors on every campus on the globe
At first the show was breddy bugging good. Showed how the world was better off under NatSoc rule, with beautiful neighborhoods and white picket fences. They only made subtle jabs at the world, but when the "dumb goyim" started admiring heroes like Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith, they started ratcheting up the EBIL NOTSEE meme and deviating from the book, making it so that the faggot beatnik hippie resistance wins.
Isn’t the show completely pozzed now?
Man in the High Castle is ironically really good. The Greater German Reich is really the good guys while the resistance fighters are unorganized, selfish, constant bickering among themselves and retarded. The National Socialist aesthetics were on point. They did a great job at making the Germans bad ass.
The first two seasons made Nazi society look pretty good. The resistance were all unlikable people. Not sure about season three since I assumed the first two seasons were a trap to set viewers up from evil Nazis in season three.
>a show about things that didn't happen during an event that never happened
Obvious ***ish propaganda
they had to septuple down on evil nazi shit in the later seasons because they accidentally made Smith, fascism, and the benevolent technologically advanced greater Reich so empathetic.
>the (((worse than literally hitler))) guy trying to kill hitler is a civil engineer
>the Reich is creating mass desalination infrastructure to terraform africa
>new york to berlin in a few hours due to supersonic passenger jets being the norm.
>literal white picket fences and nuclear families
>American Reich is essentially it's own superstate, being led by an american.
>japs are subhuman bugmen scum and the american reich needs to liberate their brothers on the west coast.
then they had to do the bullshit of blowing up the statue of liberty and "erasing history", the exact opposite of the blood and soil uplifting state propaganda they actually utilized. Because nazis are evil and shit. a complex take on the "you would be a camp guard at auschwitz" is too big brain for the goy.
Kentucky user is that you?
Good summary, user.
no im over here fucking your moms dead ass
I was pretty torqued they made Cmdr Rockwell some kind of bisexual degenerate before they murdered him.
based and redpilled
>dead ass
18 years old to post
People like Darth Vader in Star Wars, now people like Nazis.
>nazis bad
>not nazis good
Of course they would allow it.
>The National Socialist aesthetics were on point.
This was the biggest problem I had with the show, do you see all those shitty buildings next to the Reich now do they fall in line with Nazi aesthetic to you? Looks like brutalism from the 70's in some areas.
>The first two seasons made Nazi society look pretty good.
Please it did nothing of the sort.
You dumb asses are so Nazi happy you don't even see what the show was trying to do.
In the VERY first episode there's a scene where ash is raining from the sky because they said the Nazi's just burn the old people instead of nursing homes.
It's fucking retarded. And the first episode had about 10 other things that retarded.
No the show does not put Nazi's in a good light.
What's wrong with cremating retards user? Scared?
>What's wrong with cremating retards user
Because that's not something Nazi's would ever do. Having their grandparents thrown in ovens. Or retards.
Now that's what I call ironic.
It wasn't old people from nursing homes, dude. It was retards and terminal cases, but I see your point.
They think what they are showing is something bad and public will view it as bad when the truth is total opposite.
It's same as failed satire like Starship Troopers.
They intend to make something they hate to look bad but fail hard instead.
That's why their utopias in movies always turns out to be dystopian.
The first two seasons were good. There was some over the top stuff, but it was as evenhanded as could be expected. Then they changed showrunners, and season 3 was pozzed as fuck. I expect season 4 will be even worse.
>The first two seasons were good. There was some over the top stuff
Maybe I'm just too redpilled because I watched the first episode and saw so many over the top things that I shut the show off and didn't watch anymore and was offended for Nazi's.
All they produced was the destruction of Europe.
>The Man in the High Castle
show ...
>when it was so good you accidentally make it good in an attempt to make it seem bad
they were pretty ok with getting rid of the retards by euthanasia, the same reason you'd be the first to go
That's just it though, they legit think they're showing off Nazi's as the bad guys. What they're actually doing is showing us the world that could have been, what they robbed from us.
Normies are actually rooting for the Nazis. It's a major redpill. The show portrays what the world would have looked like if the Nazi's had won. Clan streets, all White nuclear families, everyone's wealthy, free healthcare, housing and education.
Just look at the comment section -
Fucking watch it. Season 1 and 2 are really good. Even if it is Jewish propaganda, what's not these days?
Watch this clip and then decide -
3rd season is how. subhuman kikes.
Next biggest redpill was that Hitler didnt hate Jews he just wanted them to return to their homeland just as he wished Germans to have theirs. We interned Japanese, had the Germans and Japanese invaded North America I wonder if their food supplies and hygiene supplies would be cut too being there was I dont know, total and absolute war happening.
The Biggest redpill of them all is realizing that if the japs and germans invaded America they would have found concentration camps with piles of dead bodies from starvation and typhus along with canisters of DDT. Really makes you think...
they call it jewish propaganda while eating GMO and fucking chipotle while watching spongebob or whatever teens watch these days, while on google chrome on their Amazon ISP
fucking irony
In the end "muh resistance" will win, that's why
good guys lose yet again
> nazi fahrt
The endgoal is a Fascist State with a Jewish ruling class.
The Jews are profiting off of these Nazi fags. Does anyone here actually believe the Jews couldn't stop this show? They own and control it, and deliberately market it to wehraboos so they can profit off of them just like everything else.
>implying anyone on here pays for their media content
your id is literally "Blue Pill"
Basically portrays a perfect society, but to Jews it looks horrible so they thought everyone else would see it that way too.
If the Nazis won ww2, would Detroit and Chicago be shitholes???
why memeflag?
I have seen 2 things yet that I didn't like about this show
1: They gassed people, a family. Never happened IRL
2: Ashes of Jews and mentally crippled in the air like snow flakes: Makes no sense
I am waiting for the show to be cucked soon
Any user has read the book(s)?
I wish so fucking much to be legitimately called Obergruppenführer someday
Sponge Bob is based
Guten Abend, ObergruppenFuehrer
Wie geht es?
>Looks like brutalism from the 70's in some areas
That was literally the plan.
better than Paris 2019 or whatever the fuck it'll look like in ten years
Are you retarded. keeping the Nazi story alive in the minds of people makes sure the holocaust stays alive.
Sehr gut, Mein Freund
(I don't speak German bro)
Nazis are (unwittingly) saving the timeline and are the good guys because of it
Advertising revenue, dumbass
I love this show. You just see that there everything works fine.
why aren't you learning?
I should learn a language according to the country I plan to live in later. Cucknada is NOT worth fight and dying for.
I'll keep your link in my bookmarks
It doesn't try to, but it made the mistake of making the main Nazi character (John Smith) the most interesting and compelling character of the show. Julianna is a retard, Frank is a cuck, all the rebels are unrepentant sociopaths, etc.
John is a bastard, but he's a bastard you can understand and even empathize with. He fought for the losing side in the war and his side didn't just get beat, they got fucking wiped out. He's a man who took the only path he could and who is now willing to do whatever it takes to protect what's left of his family and his homeland.
Controlled opposition programming. The bait and switch.
>the power of fascist imagery is so strong that even in when presented in it's harshest light, the most ardent of leftist will sit in awe of a CGI rendering of the Volkshalle
Panning shots and interiors of the planned rebuilding of berlin into a pinnacle of western architecture and civil design was a mistake by (((them))).
>this could be the world if we'd sided against communism
reading things like the autobiography of otto carius most german soldiers during the fall of berlin thought that the US, who near the end even unsurrendered hard points of german tanks and soldiers were on ceasefire terms and negotiating, would immediately attack the communists and the remnants of the german army would help expel the soviets from western europe.
>it could of happened if Patton hadn't been killed in a (((car accident)))
>deviating from the book
only thing that this have common with book are fake historical watches you can sell to retarted japanesse and alternative history where Hitler won.
Yeah. But ressistance are terrorists. There are few scenes of nadzees bad. But later you see why they have to do it and keep order.
Horrible taste, do it properly and then return
John Smith did nothing wrong
Its an amazon show... out of all the networks amazon might actually be producing the least sjw content, especially in contrast to netflix which seems to be incessantly putting black and white race mixing couples into every fucking show they produce. Doubt Bezos is fascist or all that much against race mixing but hes certainly a technocrat, have to imagine he has a respect for guys like von braun.
with english and german you'll be pretty much fine anywhere
You fags need to understand how propaganda works.
In short: the best propaganda isnt one sided...
they paint the Nazis exactly as evil as they think they are
>white picketed fences
>happy nuclear families
>civic pride
>chaste society
>massive public works projects
>American led, american staffed, american reich of former US military and civil professionals
>strict meritocracy
>ardent nationalism
>people sympathise with the nazis far more than the literal terrorists, criminals, and murderers who make up the "resistance" to this (((dystopia)))
and then we get season 3 where the nazi bitch is a degenerate and they start blowing up national monuments, as if the founding fathers in their works and letters wouldn't be a powerful tool of propaganda in and of itself and the b l o o d a n d s o i l aspect of american exceptionalism
Wrong forum grandpa, reddiit is thatttwayy =>>>>
He wanted to get them out of germany. His initial plan was to ship them to madagascar
Same thing happened in the Civil War. The Union did everything they could to starve and blockade the Confederacy then tried and executed the officers at Andersonville for not feeding their prisoners.
>over the top
Are you saying you wouldnt airplane swing jewish children in circles gleefully until you gain enough angular momentum that when you guide them into the wall that fragile Semitic skull would crack open like a coconut after you executed their mother?
Juden Raus my man.
why are jews constantly trying to take stuff they have no relation to?
the dome is ugly af, they should have picked the german imperial palace rather than that pile of rubbish.
>not knowing where you are
heh, japs got a whole coast of future liberal shitholes
not if you behead them first
The reich was planned to look something like this.
hahaha, holy shit can you imagine, what a wet dream. if those nazi's are still hiding out in the center of the earth I hope they come and murder all these fucking kikes soon my god they are letting the timer run.
It's more than everyone in the resistance are shitbags to each other. Like the lady who tries to murder Juliana for whatever reason.
Conversely the Nazi's grant her asylum. The main nazi dude smith is often shown as a man who deeply cares about his family (A positive trait). Whereas the Jap dudes whole deal was that his family in this timeline is dead and he was a shitbag to them in the other timeline. That's why they're all amazed when he remakes the tea pot or whatever. The resistance are similar. Julianas sister just up and fucking dumps a load of bullshit onto Juliana then gets herself killed.
Also there's every single scene after Juliana requests asylum. While Smith drives her to the apartment she constantly remarks on how clean everything in the Reich is compared to the Japanese states. This all culminates with Juliana asking for a key and being told that there are no keys, nobody in the Reich ever needs to lock their doors.
yeah they sure got me on the ads with that torreeeent
”This pan-Germanic Empire was expected to assimilate practically all of Germanic Europe into an enormously expanded Reich. Territorially speaking, this encompassed the already-enlarged German Reich itself (consisting of pre-1938 Germany proper, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, Alsace-Lorraine, Eupen-Malmedy, Memel, Lower Styria, Upper Carniola, Southern Carinthia and German-occupied Poland), the Netherlands, the Flemish part of Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, at least the German-speaking parts of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.”
>allowing the perifidious anglos to self rule
>even under a puppet state
history shows leaving Britain alone for too long results in jewish world domination
That's churchill and globohomo
Stop falling for memes.
Because labor is...laborious...
Oh, so thats what its going to take... I don't think we have the guts... Easier to starve them as they collapse into a shithole.