>inb4 "the sun"
Their political guy is respected.
>inb4 "the sun"
Their political guy is respected.
Time to blow up parliament
Remember remember, the fifth of november
welp, looks like their cuck ass leaders deserve the riots they asked for
Who could have forseen such events?
It's over, brexit is finsiehd. Won't ever happen.
Congratulations you dumb british cucks for allowing this cunt to sink you freedom.
>tfw been had
it's all been theatre, well there ya go. why don't we ever learn
Explain this to me, I don't get this No Deal shit.
Its not even begun.
Now there'll be riots
We'll see if the votes are forthcoming.
Nobody will believe democracy is real if they go back on Brexit. The greedy Left don't want to lose the money they get from the EU to destabilize Britain.
I hope it doesn't go through that way it'll redpill the masses in great great numbers and make yellow jackets look like a joke
No deal is original Brexit what everyone voted for
It was quickly relabeled and taken off the table. Replaced with 2 options:
> Faux Brexit (May's deal which is worse than remain)
> 2nd Referendum / Peoples vote
Nobody wants Faux Brexit which has been twisted to everybody wants to remain in the EU
However the cost has been the complete destruction of the political establishment.
The one thing everyone agrees on is we all hate the cunts (Irregardless of political opinions)
Essentially we are just waiting for the whole thing to play out until we can legitimately riot and burn the whole thing to the ground.
It means we are cucked and the EU can refuse all deal offers from May meaning UK will never leave the EU
revolution or black pill overdose?
They have forgotten the guillotine.
Withdraw your cash and watch them squirm
The politicians made a bunch of promises to people that they didn't have the full authority to make. You can't just leave a relationship with a country or a bloc of countries and demand a deal favorable to yourself.
They're going to have to negotiate with the EU, and the EU is going to use their leverage to fuck the UK for causing all of this trouble by voting in support of leaving. Basically on one side you have the UK, where politicians have painted themselves into a corner about how great brexit was going to be and how they were going to get what they wanted and outmaneuver those pesky, silly Europeans in negotiations. That the UK had all the leverage when really it didn't. On the other side you have the EU, where politicians have been spending months happily refusing unreasonable (Due to the UKs poor bargaining position) demands that would make for even a partly comfy, happy brexit.
Shit is gonna be downright punitive. Have fun brits! You sure did shit the bed this time.
No deal means we leave the EU entirely. The deal is basically "don't actually leave the EU".
You limes really better do something about this.
Reinstate the Tower.
You have zero grasp of what is going on.
Blackpill-overdose induced revolution
"No Deal" means leaving the EU without signing their offered post-brexit deal that they agreed with May.
The deal is so fucking awful, it can barely even be called a deal. All it does is make the UK hand over £39 billion, and enter a transition period where the post-brexit economic arrangements are negotiated. And the EU can unilaterally choose to keep the UK in an indefinite "backstop" (i.e., cuckshed). The excuse for this is the Irish border.
In other words, it is simply the current situation but with both of the UKs highest points of leverage (the money, and ability to walk away) taken off the table.
The idea that they were ever going to accept terms where the UK would come out on top is ridiculous. That was never, ever, ever going to happen. People tried to tell you leave-voters that it was never, ever going to happen because why in the fuck would you think it would?
What crock of shit did you get sold that you somehow thought the UK on its own would have the bargaining power or position to make demands of the EU?
These people fucking lied to you. They knew their plan wasn't going to work for you or your family, but hey, they got what they wanted.
Lads if you didn't think this was the outcome from the start, how thick can you be? Brexit had 3 main goals.
- Serve as an example to any other country thinking of leaving
- Decimate the right in England, which is one of the biggest threats to the British establishment
- Reduce the UK's status and influence so they can push for deeper integration.
Everything else was theatre, and the Irish government (well, Fine Gael specifically) are playing along.
I don't think most Brits realise Fine Gael is just a Western arm of the tories. They've been in cahoots for fucking decades
>Hurr durr Leo Varadkar is a republican
No. He's just playing his role in the Brexit show, as planned.
Fake News. OP is a legitimate fag.
UKIP are going to have a field day! Populist wave incoming as voters backlash against May!
Let’s see didn’t this brexit Beal happen before trump got elected? That would mean over the course of years they have played stupid with the population acting as if they don’t understand how to rule and can only pretend to at this point. Yes please elect us so we can pretend to do what you want without actually doing it
This. You know how people look back on past events (mainly WW1 and 2) and go 'damn these could have been so easily avoided how did these retards fall for this shit lmao'? The failure of Brexit will absolutely be one of those things. In the not too distant future, I guarantee people are gonna look back and say 'lmao did these niggas seriously expect to get away betraying democracy like nigga just do what the people voted for holy shit'. Failure of brexit is a necessary evil
Time for riots then. I can already see it.
>May rules of no-deal
>2nd referendum passes in parliament
>referendum ballot paper is Mays deal or remain
>remain wins in a low turnout
This will be the greatest betrayal in British political history. My only fear is that the British people will not do anything about it. We wont forget this May.... never ever ever... heads will fly
Sure I do.
Politicians told people brexit would be good, so people voted for it. Then things went to negotiations, where the EU kept refusing to give UK nice stuff in the proposal.
The proposal put up by either side is viewed as unacceptable by the other, so they are unable to reach an agreement.
Now we are looking at no-deal brexit. What, if not that, is going on?
Dude you have to go completely fucking haam I'm sorry bruv there's just nothing else on the table for the any of you over there
Just go man, Heaven's got ya covered
So just go, and fix this fucking shit with no rules, and for good too man, don't forget! Don't let this fucking shit ever come back, so do it once for good.
The referendum did. The deal is about the terms of our exit.
>populist wave incoming
>many more months of negotiations
>no-deal Brexit off the table again
>maybe another election will do it?
do I have it right?
No deal = Britain outright leaves the EU overnight. No trade deals, a hard border, and complete independence again. Basically what everyone voted for.
(((Deal))) = leave the EU on paper but stay within the customs union, keep EU regulations, keep EU laws, keep immigration laws, pay a huge "fee" to be allowed to trade with EU. Jews and neocons have been pushing this since day one.
>implying there's a choice
They want violence, so they can sic the cops on people. Normally they use agent provocateurs to make a peaceful protest turn violent. The Gilet Jeunes must be great at self-policing, as they have largely avoided their cause being derailed like this. Hopefully Brits learn from their example, and deal with any rats causing trouble if there are mass protests.
I'll wait until she says it herself but here is how it'll go down.
>May says there will be no deal I promise!
>Everyone is like woo yeah!
>Mays deal doesn't get past parliament
>EU wont allow for a delay
>We leave on March 29th with no deal because that is the default option
That is all. She's just playing the delay game now.
This was literally an existential crisis for the EU. The EU is a key part of the driven globohomo agenda that is destroying western civilization. They would literally do anything to keep it.
They also had every incentive to make a terrible example of the UK to warn other countries. And as soon as you started “negotiating” that was going to be the end result.
This is life and death for them. You all had to be ready to deal with what may come. You had to rely on the internal strength of the country to get through whatever shit the globohomos throw at you because they will do everything.
>Politicians told people brexit would be good
They did the complete opposite and went all out for people to vote remain which is what they were certain was going to happen.
>Then things went to negotiations
Only in the last half a year at most and most leavers don't want a negotiation we just want out.
I suggest you educate yourself before embarrassing yourself any further.
This is like the dems finally impeaching Trump after 2+ years of kikery
May can't refuse no-deal, if there's no deal by the 29th then it becomes no-deal, the leave date is written in law and May alone doesn't have the power to extend it, neither does the EU, Parliament can though but certainly not in 4 weeks.
>delusional post
>meme flag
Checks out. There will absolutely be no brexit on march 29. Brexit is the great unknown - the new world, if you will - and current parliament is old world deeply afraid of venturing into said unknown. They're going to do everything they can to delay it, and the EU will use that to their advantage.
>EU wont allow for a delay
They have literally said today they are happy for any extension.
>>We leave on March 29th with no deal because that is the default option
Not going to happen.
You still think we live in a democracy?
Except if Brexit is delayed, cancelled or a second referendum is held then parliament will burn, Britain will have it's own yellow vest movement and people are going to lose faith in the entire political system to the point that come next election both the major parties right now (labour and tories) will lose to a newly formed party that is for Brexit.
Wrong, stop reading fake news. For there to be a delay there has to be a consensus among all other nations in the EU and since Britain has not asked for a delay, no one actually knows if this consensus exists or not.
>They did the complete opposite and went all out for people to vote remain which is what they were certain was going to happen.
You think that I was suggesting that all politicians were shilling for leave? I'm obviously aware that there was a campaign against it and I'm talking about Brexit and the people who backed it. THEY made false promises. Remember all the money that was supposed to go from the EU to NHS? Just one example.
>Only in the last half a year at most and most leavers don't want a negotiation we just want out.
Okay? I didn't say whether you or other leave voters personally wanted negotiations, I said that negotiations started and it quickly became apparent to the observer (If it hadn't been already) that things were not going to go the way that the faces of the leave campaign said they would.
And now youre staring at a hard no-deal brexit where people and businesses get fucked and you STILL have to put up with immigrants in order to have proper access to the EU markets.
>Remember remember, the fifth of november
wow very edgy boy
And what exactly do you think is happening this week in parliament. A Victoria sponge bake off challenge?
There will be a a high number of amendments that will be passed that will ensure at the very least an extension when Mays deal is officially rejected for the 2nd time.
The Tories, head of the remain campaign, spent millions of taxpayers money sending pamphlets to every home about why we should stay in the EU.
>Remember all the money that was supposed to go from the EU to NHS?
We haven't left the EU yet but incase you missed it (because it wasn't reported much in the news), the NHS is right now receiving £20 billion more a year thanks to Brexit. That's actually more than £350 million a week.
>Nigel Farage comes back and starts a new party as he thinks UKIP have gone too far right
>nationalistic vote split down the middle
light every big city on fire
> For there to be a delay there has to be a consensus among all other nations in the EU
They have said they want us to delay and that it is the only "logical move"
>Britain will have it's own yellow vest movement and people are going to lose faith in the entire political system to the point that come next election both the major parties right now (labour and tories) will lose to a newly formed party that is for Brexit.
French have more balls than us Anglos.
It's ok, we British dependencies will roll on home and take up arms and show the mainlander weaklings what the wild frontier does to a man's ability to inflict pain. You should see what a rabid wombat under a bucket can do to a mans arsehole. Theresa May will find out if she does what you predict.
Let's take back Britain and return it to the Crown, under the priviso that neither of the two cucked princes get the crown and only Willy does because he's based and red pilled.
Yes, I know they did. I acknowledged in the last post that I am aware of a robust campaign against leaving.
I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who pushed for brexit knowing damn well that it wasn't going to do the way they were portraying it.
Every such amendment to delay/cancel Brexit has thus far failed. They're going to keep pushing these amendments but none of them will get the votes they need.
Any revolutionary should seek to undermine the elite and make life uncomfortable for the average person. That’s how change happens.
>he bought one of those gay fox masks
It's no so much balls as that France is deeper in the shit than us. People don't riot when their 9-5 is as yet unaffected, so as not to affect their 9-5.
>You would stand up to the government?! wow so edgy!
>then parliament will burn
Oh you poor deluded memeflag.
>And now youre staring at a hard no-deal brexit where people and businesses get fucked and you STILL have to put up with immigrants in order to have proper access to the EU markets.
Brexit is about restoring national sovereignty over every part of the government and not being ruled by autocrats in Brussels. If Britain breaks away and Europe decides to embargo the UK by refusing to trade at all that is a cause for war.
>>welp, looks like their cuck ass leaders deserve the riots they asked for
>says the British subject and EU citizen
Wait. Didn't you guys actually invoke article 50 almost 2 years ago? Doesn't that mean you leave regardless?
The brexit Party is only fighting euro elections not general
I guess you missed what happened the last time there was a threat of Brexit being delayed. People were climbing the fences of 10 downing street and trying to physically remove May. The police couldn't deal with it.
You think people are going to do nothing if Brexit is actually delayed? May will be fucking hung from a street lamp if she's anywhere in the country when she announces a delay.
Falling for the circus act. There is no fucking way on earth we are having the Brexit we voted for in a months time based on who is currently in parliament and what they have all openly said. The only thing the majority and the EU have agreed on is an extension.
>You would stand up to the government?! wow so edgy!
>he thinks reciting shit quotes from a bad movie is standing up to the government
the audacity of these new fags
The EU have made it clear we can kick the can down the road with an extension or even come back.
They didn't say that until they last minute because unlike our cabinet, they know how negotiations work.
We will probably opt for that because no government wants the hot potato of actually leaving the EU and the ensuing shitstorm it will cause.
HAHAHAHA you German queen ruled faggots
Yes. Leaving with no deal happens automatically if nothing else is agreed upon by March 29th. It is also UK law that Brexit must happen and only an act of parliament can cancel this but so far there has been no support to cancel it.
I'm referring to an interview Nige did where he was asked if he would come back to UK politics if Brexit shit the bed.
He said he definitely would but he would not re-join UKIP.
Muslims are evil
>only thing the majority and the EU have agreed on is an extension
Except they haven't because there have been no actual discussions on delaying Brexit. You wouldn't know this because you probably get all your news from the BBC but at the moment no one knows if a delay of Brexit will be allowed by the EU because no one has sat down and asked all 27 nations how they'd vote on such a matter.
It's not a film quote. Guy Fawkes was real, and almost did blow up parliament. He is burned in effigy every year on bonfire night - the 5th of November.
Brits are such cucks.
Hard to believe that not that long ago they ruled over half of this fucking planet.
How is it possible to ignore a democratic vote?
It's one of those type of things where either 1. It will lead to it or 2. Someone will just replay May on it.
They're not putting forward a proposal to extend it this week only a proposal for debate on doing so if May has been unable to get parliament to approve a deal by March 13, there will be no changes made to the leave date this week
Our politicians right now are trying to say ignoring a democratic vote is more democratic than following through with the results of the vote.
Not even joking.
>You think people are going to do nothing if Brexit is actually delayed?
Absolutely. Most people don't give a fucking shit because they're disinterested wagies. The Brexit vote was like a optional latte thing, something to get involved with for the fun of it rather than it being a seriously considered vote. You live in a country where in some towns people under 16 can't purchase eggs and flour. Sorry, but I simply cannot see you flipping a switch a killing mps come March 30.
>Live in an area with 75% turnout
>Leave won by 5000 votes (200k ballots)
I'm curious if I can oust Labour by standing as a UKIP in next general election, particularly if Brexit doesn't happen
>They didn't say that until they last minute because unlike our cabinet, they know how negotiations work.
Seriously, Theresa May sucks at this. You really need your own Donald Trump, who isn't afraid to say no. The UK has way more bargaining power than your government is acting like.
>Except they haven't because there have been no actual discussions on delaying Brexit.
Of course there have. How Naive are you?
This will be put into action "officially" once Mays deal is rejected again.
that seems like it would require quite a spin. sauce? I want to see this tomfoolery at the source.
Guess you got selective reading because I just said the last time they tried to delay Brexit people were trying to break into 10 downing street and remove May.
That was only an attempt at a delay. An actual delay is going to cause utter chaos.
Link me to these discussions if you're so certain they exist.
wtf was the point of voting then?