How has this trait survived for thousands of years when it would be easy to breed out?
Why do so many men have weak jawlines?
"Poor diet = cuck face"
-Weston A. Price
Weak chins are an abomination.
Thousands of years of breeding and chins like this still exist?
Luckily in the modern age most men who look like this are incels and will never breed.
Tongue and jaw position. Mouth-breathing while growing up causes a lot of facial problems.
Thousands and years and this wtf
because if everyone was a chad, we'd no longer have attractive people as you'd need to be better than chad and how can that be?
>poor diet
>jewed into getting their wisdom teeth pulled
He should close his fucking mouth.
This. Also massive onions consumption creates a condition where the face muscles (and others) contract and pulls the face inward. I forget what its called. Thats why so many boys who love onions looks like children with patches of facial hair.
Why do we see weak chins running in families if as you say it's caused by breathing problems?
>Luckily in the modern age most men who look like this are incels and will never breed.
This is such a dumb way to look at it. What about the women with melting faces?
That's ridiculous
Its also genetic like how your teeth are fucked
epigenetics. low t = little secondary skeletal development
Because their dumbass mouth breather parents don't know any better
this its like fishmouth syndrome in feminists, they are making their face look like that
that and unhealthy food
Because you get 50% of your genes from the female side, and there's 0 sexual selection against females biologically and socially n our species, save for extreme cases like downs (even then downs women reproduce infinitely more than downs men).
Its caused by genetics, quit spreading that bullshit like it's possible to fix it.
I've always wondered is there's any actual truth to this.
I mean, as a kid I had nasal conchas that were too large and wouldn't allow me to breath properly through my nose, so I had to breathe through to my mouth for a long ass time, and I never developed anything resembling this.
If you're under thirty you still have a chance to fix it, my jawlet friend.
Yep. Whores and whoremongers are both at fault. Just fucking whatever, giving no thought about the children.
Alpha-Chins mostly died out in the two world wars.
>when it would be easy to breed out
Evolution works in minimums.
If you can survive and reproduce with a weak jaw, then you do. There is very little reproductive pressure these days, and things like money and social popularity matter 1000x more for passing on your genes.
Lol no you dont, that's just cope
Whatever you say mouthlet.
Because we soften our food.
I'm kinda conflicted on this one, on one hand having such a jaw is obviously unattractive to females, and "looks" weaker. On the other hand, for a fighter, you don't want a big clunky easy-target of a jaw, you want that nice lil tucked-in nothing that you can slip punches off all day long. But then such a chin does not normally come in combination with a fighters personality. Nature doesn't seem to know what is best in this case, or is working on two conflicting experiments.
Not all mouth-breathing, just the lazy type done while sitting. I spent half my youth with my mouth hanging open gasping for more oxygen to keep pumping a bike up a hill or climbing rocks or swimming and my jaw is just fine. Probably if a person just sits slack-jawed watching TV is the problem, pretty hard to have a good vigorous childhood if you cant grab some extra Oxy to keep playing harder.
Mewing is real
You're the one pushing retarded jaw exercises, you expect us to believe you arent some womanly faced Male trying to fix it? The only reason you're even mad is because I'm telling you it wont work. Next you'll be telling us you jelq your dick.
And dick growth pills are real too
I’ve had numerous .... numerous women blurt out and comment on my jawline ..... by themselves to me and around others
Feeling comfy right now
It's almost like your face is a set of muscles and bones that looks better when it's toned and in shape. And nah I already grew my foreskin back that's enough dick tugging for one lifetime.
I’m gonna get surgery to transition from betacuck to jawgod
You could apply all the eugenics in the world, it won't work. Genetics are not a one way street. Sure, Mr. chinless, 5'2 died an incel, but his sister with a pound of make up to cover her inferior genes just had the entire football team take turns on her and by 30 she has 7 kids from different fathers. I've never seen a single eugenic program ever proposed even mention the female side of things. Even sperm banks are a joke. You've got yourself the sperm of 6 feet tall doctors build like Greek statues, but what good will that do with the eggs of a 45 year old genetic bottom feeder with barely functioning eggs?
What are your parent's chins like?
I've noticed that sons often inherit their mother's chins and as a consequence, women with oversized and masculine chins will often have Chad sons.
Women don't actually care that your jawline isn't in the top 1% of aesthetics
You actually can't fix it after a rather young age.
Should've nosed breathed like chad.
Your pic answers your own question: by hiding it.
Shaven faces are a microcosm of human evolution's history. Maybe if the '80s and '50s had lasted longer we could have inevitably snuffed it out.
>I've never seen a single eugenic program ever proposed even mention the female side of things.
Because it's hatred of men. They want men so degraded they're more like women so they're easily controlled.
But I care.
Life is like 90% looks bro. You gotta look good.
Clearly there is an evolutionary purpose, mostly likely kept around as beta servants for those strong jawlines.
The jawbone gets smaller to make room for the brain, it's evolution
This. Tall guys that breed with womanlets are just as bad as racemixers.
It mainly has to do with tong position and what you eat. Harder foods make you have a wider face and stronger jaw, this is because the higher forces made stimulate growth along the suture lines in the facial structure. The human diet changed when we learned how to cook, which made food mushy and easy to chew.
You could also push your tong against the roof of your mouth for most of the day for similar results but remembering to do that is annoying.
Baby food. It's the same reason we need braces and wisdom teeth extraction.
All honesty my face more like moms... Swedish Norwegian heritage ... go figure huh
6’4 also
Mom was a stunner in her young days though not masculine .
Men had beards for the vast majority of human evolution.
I don’t know.... I’ve been commented on numerous times by women regarding this...!follwed by the handsome comment
Based golfer chick
Actually your skull isnt fully fused till mid 60s
Save your children from being jawlets. Feed them jerky every day.
It's 99% genetics mate
lack of solid foods, look into orthothropics
Thank fuck I’m not one of those chinlet fucks
The welsh genes run deep senpai
Reminder to shave in case you dont look like a ancient warrior.
also decrease in breastfeeding.
I'd wager it's 50/50
What if it's to do with Jewish ethnicity
Mewing is real. Anyone who claims otherwise hasn’t tried it or didn’t stick with it long enough. You need to remove allergens and whatever is causing you to subconsciously mouth breath for it to work though.
Because of cutlery
This is also a major factor.
Those basedboys on the right look even more onions with no beard
I hear a nice shower and a bake can fix that right up.
fucking dumbass weak chins are a new thing.
Humans are meant to eat trees to strengthen their jaws.
In finland we eat tree bark bread.
I doubt this I think it's more to do with mutt admix of the west
His point is not that whores breed indiscriminately.
They don't.
His point is that females can carry defective genes for all kinds of bad shit (like weak chins or worse) and still get sex!
And THAT is how you can still get guys with no jawline and shit like that.
They are the sons, NOT of fathers with bad chins, but of MOTHERS with bad chins.
The eugenics only really goes one way!
because human civilization only happened because betas were allowed to procreate, thus, many (majority) of men have weak jaws
Your jaw is narrow and slightly recessed
Not terrible but not great either
You look like a greaseball
That's insane, it doesn't even look like the same person. Even the ears slightly changed because her jaw pulls the lobes forward
im just blessed i had a double chin from too much WoW when I was like 13 and realized tongue posture mewing and breathing through my nose to enable the tongue posture made my jaw look great. I was a chad by age 17.
God I wish that was me
Are you a dude looking at other dudes while thinking about breeding?
Congratulations on your massive faggotry.
>t. my ass
Your facial structure's two MAIN actors are genetics and tongue posture. The tongue, when having learned natural, strong swallowing position, pushes hard on the top of the mouth, pushing it up. The jaw follows the upper mouth.
Now, when you feed your child baby glop, they don't learn how to chew properly and that can extend into adult life. I think correcting your tongue posture is so effective that changes akin to facial reconstruction surgery occur at about the 8 month mark. (Can happen a lot earlier if doing stuff like hard mewing for 15min a day, but that's discipline.)
Don't let any antimorale shill tell you that you cannot improve yourself. They have given up, they are those who in nature get eaten by predators, the slowest of the group, not realizing their full potential.
And to finish it off, you're white. You have the goddamn genetics, put in the fucking work you maggots. An abo can mew all day long and look like a fucking Abo +, a white can mew a bit and go to ubermensch city within half a year.
Sure but not just genetics. That's just the go-to answer for puahate.
>inb4 copecel
Im a round jawed eastern euro mutt. At least women still think I’m cute.
>They don't.
They do.
When I was a teenager I was worried girls wouldn't be attracted to me, and my mother told me not to worry because I have a strong jawline and women are attracted to that.
Here's the burning question for you.
fact: females prefer men with bigger jawlines
fact: cavemen had beards
So how the fuck could the females have ever evolved to prefer bigger jawlines if they couldn't even see them because of the beards?
I would postulate that female's preference for bigger jaw isn't 'pure'.
That is to say that the female originally evolved to prefer a male with a maximum of face displacement below the lip line. And that this displacement was all beard. That the longer lived (fitter) the male the longer the beard.
A robust beard originally telegraphed health and longevity to the female.
But that this module in the female brain is only half hard wired.
The environment she grows up in influences it.
So that in a culture where beards are the exception and not the rule this system, instead, 'imprints' upon the male jawline instead of the beard.
This. I have cuck face, I was pretty much malnurished and starving everyday in my childhood. Drink milk (if you are white) and eat your damn meals.
Because they hid their weak jawlines behind their beard so women would fuck them.
hunger creates good mandibles for roots, flesh, walls, etc.
Maybe because your chin has no or even an adverse correlation with bad assery
I've already thought of that. People ought to use their hands and nibble all the damn meat off the bones.
Because women don't actually give a shit about it after the first minute, even if any say otherwise.
>Shit cucknadians believe
Instead of working/running/hunting with the men as puberty starts, now males sit around playing vidya and eating doritos. The lack of testosterone causes them to have weak jaws, weak minds, and weak bodies.
This. It is modern eating that is destroying our jaws.
>How has this trait survived for thousands of years when it would be easy to breed out?
They don't really have much of a choice.
Can confirm son gets bone on bone in rib eyes and likes to chew the remaining meat off the bone like Dad.
We have a laugh and go savage , been doing this since he was 8... god bless that kid in this society