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You dying is good, goy. It's a cause for celebration!
Thomas Jones
Joseph Nguyen
>population expert
explain this profession
Luke Taylor
So then keep it shouldn't be a problem if I want to keep those fucking migrants out of my goddamn country shlomo
Jonathan Hernandez
Less white people is good because whites are omly dead weight that neither pay taxes nor make anything productive.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Whoever wrote this is right.
Robert Stewart
What a fucking moron
John White
Stop pretending it's jews doing this you filthy muslim fuck:
Samuel Powell
That's a Jew trying to convince you by reason of an authority, because goyim sheep do what authority tells them.
Lucas Phillips
The fertility declines among Whites have mostly been on the Left/Communist side. Our race will emerge stronger and more pure.
Xavier Cooper
automation will phase out tons of jobs in your life time even "safe" professions
Robert Kelly
jejs now show the stats for shitskin africans and shitskin middle easterners
Gavin Long
>import browns to kill off whites (the main threat to ((them)))
>without ((their)) leadership, browns all end up killing each other
Dominic Martin
>population expert
Ryder Foster
>it’s good you’re not having kids goy
>oy vey we need more immigrants because you’re not having kids goy
I don’t understand.
Cameron Williams
>stop having children
>take “refugees” you’re not having children
I hope every single kike gets fucking skinned alive.
Carter Nguyen
genocide engineer
Gabriel Stewart
give me more money for not reproducing stingy kikes
Hudson Cruz
But arabs are white.
Cameron Torres
It’s pretty simple. Different people say different things for different agendas.
David Diaz
>the entire reason the white population is declining is because of liberals
I lol everytime. Reminder that Trump doubled the baby bonus tax credit for taxpaying people (aka whites) while slashing benefits for single mothers. Non-white births will keep crashing, white births will go up. If we finally get that anchor baby ban, by the time Trump leaves office 70% of kids born in the USA with citizenship will be white.
Joseph Phillips
70 percent is a bit optimistic, but if we have enough kids it could happen some day.
Like Jews, we need to rid minorities of anything resembling family values. Juan the catholic construction worker might have a lot of kids but Juan the non binary activist will be a zero forever
Jack Bennett
blame white women
Hudson Thompson
Nice source, faggot.
Jace Thompson
It is good you brainlet. Humans are a cancer on this earth.
Eli Hughes
>Falling birthrates are good because we are overpopulated!
>Oh no your birthrates are falling, you need immigrants to sustain your ageing population!
Nolan Bennett
There are 800k~ children born to non-citizens each year. Ending birthright citizenship means that it instantly shifts to be 2/3 white instead of 1/2. Increasing white births further while removing gibs from nigs pushes it to 70%~.