White women and this tattoo

When they let their wife's do this weird black spade BBC shit

If a white woman has this tattoo it means she 100% fucks black guys ?

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I don't know man just whatever you do don't talk to me twice

that's exactly what it means, user. it means she exclusively fucks black men.

Why do white men like this?

And yes I'm black

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It means she is a kween, dumbass. Stop watching porn and maybe you won't be thinking about BBC every 10 minutes.

Its shitty white women who want control over negro men.

It means BBC wanted, but sluts think they can hide that from wealthy white suitors with memes.

lots of confusion at the poker tournament. but my face doesn't reveal a single tell, except for my earbuds blaring THE ACE OF SPADES THE ACE OF SPADES

and niggers can't understand the nature of women

it means she's a routine victim of domestic battery

Just like gangsta-culture and walfare was a psyop to destroy black families in USA. Cuckoldry/porn and demoralization and psyop against white family

What's up with this tattoo I saw it today with a mixed race couple?

Even some celebritys have this

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There's tons of really broken people out there, niganon.





It means, I like to have radiator hose run through my vagina and I like to be smacked.

>the mark of the mudshark avoid like AIDS

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During the extermination of the Jews, Germans had to mark social parasites with Stars of David and eventually tattooed them to catalog. These women are doing us a service by sparing us the trouble. Bless them!


URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
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Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP,.,.,.,.,

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Do you ever watch videos of buildings getting blown the fuck up and just watch in awe. That’s what I cuck feels watching his wife get plowed by a black man. Seeing something you view as pure and precious, be irreparably destroyed. Then the feeling of relief that comes from the acceptance that once something is broken, it can never be broken again.
>T. Actual Cuck but I only let my girlfriend fuck other white guys. I find the racial component distasteful.

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Really low iq answer please try not go on sperg mode and give a decent answer to why white men like this.

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This is what a mean I have seen a couple of those
You need help m8 where do you live anyway?

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Nah I don’t like that kind of cucking

to be worthy to own another, first you need to own yourself

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I love how every single one posted is absolutely bottom tier shoops.

Spread your kikery somewhere else, moshe.

It's not even a real thing. Judt more pathetic shit cucks do to perpetuate their fucked up little fetish.

They can and will ge genocided with the rest of them when the time comes.

No one has that tattoo. Its a made up thing that only exists on the internet, its always photoshopped on. That includes all the pictures posted ITT.

So this is the power of a nigger using photoshop...

i feel sad for you guys.

haha apparently a friend of mine's sister has it, but not be cause of the sex thing, the q of spades reminds her of their family card game they played as kids.

That California teacher had a legit one. God I wish I had been a student there. Can you imagine finding out your hot teacher does porn where she's literally gang banged by niggers


This level of cope

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>Why do white men like this?

degradation fetish

Nigger can't you read? Sage.

>believing his sister got a tattoo because of a childhood card game and not because she's actually taking thick nigger dick on a nightly basis


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Q predicted this.

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They don't. You'd have to be low-IQ to believe this. Generally speaking, every race wants to mate with their own. There are some deviations, of course, but it's not really the norm. Each of these girls you posted with blacks are damaged goods; probably hailing from a broken home with a serious of substance abuse issues. Just taking these suggestive photos tell me that each of those girls are complete and utter trash. These are the type of girls that were or would be rejected by white males.

It is real. A young white woman was tortured to death by Mexicans a decade ago over some drug running crap. That tattoo was one of the tattoos the Mexicans tried to remove from her body before disposing of her parts. The Mexicans failed.

Why would you fucking do that retard

Pretty sure people don't do this in real life
It's just an internet thing

It makes me feel excited and she’s happy as well.

Don't have children.

Nah, they will suck black men off too.

Why? It’s just sex games. We’re good people