Why 4chans Jow Forums hates the jews so much? What have they done?
If they were good boys who dindu nuffin wrong why have they been expelled from over 150 countries throughout their history?
Apparently everything, hell even this post was made by jews
the tire swing cracks me the fuck up LMAO
I'm a third world Brazilian, fuck, what i have of jewish blood indians have in dick size
The right question is what haven't they done
Jow Forums is a board of peace and love. You must be mistaken.
This is just a Myanmar nautical knot-tying site.
OK, back to the Monkey's Fist.
You shouldn't be worried about what "da joos" did, but what people are going to do with them if they find out. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
They just keep sticking their noses in other people's business.
Got any proof of that inb4 list, eye witnesses don't count, they don't count for the holocaust so why should they count for literally anything else?
> remember the six trillion, goyim
Like I said, if people find out there is no way you will be able to play the victim.
Fuck off mutt holocaust Happened and hurt so many people
It shouldve happened, you mean
Got any proofs?
You don't know how depressed stupid memes like this make me
Ask Farakhan, he'll tell you the same shit we do.
Sigh,,, fuk off
Ready for round 2 asshole? This time it's for real.
Like I said, it doesn't matter now.
>check'd the bullshit
moar lyes
>super efficient nazi death camps that could kill and incinerate 6 gorillion people
>shoots out water instead of gas
they are nazis
Take off my flag you subhuman
Inbred 8 day old baby dick cut and suck ethnic cult. Even the "secular" ones are pedokikes.
So they were delousing them? Where have I heard this before? Oh right, that guy who had his office blown up for talking about it & the other guy who had a Jewish group put a hit out on him.
Wtf are you talking about. Nazis are a american invention. Germany had National Socialists who loved their country
> Jewish group put a hit out on him.
What!? They would never do such thing. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Its the religion that they are all brainwashed by at an early age that lets them to think they are gods chosen people, separating them from the rest of humanity, the only religion to recognize a race as significant. They are prone to an us against them attitude from birth and it enables deceptive malignant manipulations of the goyim while they practice nepotism.
God dammit I didn’t think that was even remotely true
user, is it true
Funnier than I thought it would be
lmao brazillians arent THAT dark
They threw out the first amendment last month, for starters.
>Why 4chans Jow Forums hates the jews so much? What have they done?
Jews are the 'intellectual boogeymen' of modern society. Where everything from 9/11 to the 2008 recession spawns from some Jewish conspiracy to enslave the common white christian people. Even the way modern Capitalism works, like how Jews love to fool white-girls into loving nigger-rap so Jewish record producers make their money.....all a conspiracy
In all fairness, some of the connections makes sense (since NWA was promoted by jew producers), some are accurate, other times it's just pure hate because it's non-Christian ideals vs. Christian ideals.
Overall, it doesn't matter, those that push for the Jewish conspiracies tend to be small and tiny people, working at Wal-Mart, living in trailer parks, wishing life could be better, while looking for someone to blame for their failures in life. Even if the Jews were responsible for everything, they'd still lack the acumen to make themselves better once they're "free".
Its funny how all this proof is brought forth but you ignore it, kike
>you ignore it
And what am I supposed to do with that info faggot?
Make my own salted crackers instead of buying basic Premium Plus crackers, because I could be making some jew guy rich enough to buy his own news organization that spreads misinformation about World War 4 10 years from now?
Their "rationale" is simple propoganda & semantics.
No dumb fuck, you start orginizing against them.
Not sit on yur thumbs and hope itll blow over
most brazilians have portuguese blood and a lot of potuguese have jewish blood, jokes on u
>you start organizing against them
only if it bothers me....it doesn't. Because nothing they've done has affected me at all.
>Not sit on yur thumbs and hope itll blow over
But I'm happy where I am, I love what I do, I make good money, I travel a lot.....never really cared about anything else, as long as I've achieved a level of comfortableness, where I'm not bothered by anyone else, and they don't bother me. And if the jewish boogeymen are somehow making money off my avails, then so be it...as long as I get my cut.
White leaders sold out the white man. I don't give a fuck if it so happens to be jews. Jews would have no power if white leaders and white people weren't so weak
brazilians are not monkey fucking nigger
posting in a mason kike zionist thread
Fake evidence you made up don't count!
Eyewitness accounts are fine - as long as they are corroborated with forensic evidence.
Nice try kike
Cultural thieves + took over everyones politics.
Why every country tho?
absolute massive global invasion then attempts to change cultures of indigenous natives, like stripping of citizenship even tho citizenship is only recognised by civil idiots an once national always national..unlike non nationals that move in learn your language an call themselves nationals.
Look at uk anti semite BULSHIT when all is semitics...
fucking cunts.
> those that push for the Jewish conspiracies tend to be small and tiny people
Like Henry Ford, Bobby Fischer, Martin Luther, ...
More like Jow Forums posters with nothing better to do.