Jon Leibowitz embraces his last name again as tears form in his eyes

Praise Emperor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They're freaking out about 9/11 because Mueller is gonna reveal everything.


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>wearing a FDNY shirt to help your bullshittery

Fuck this mutant.

Quick buy everyone off.


>gillibrand's face when

Israel used 3 nukes on 9/11.
>Individuals and companies have increasingly expressed interest in buying detectors to warn them in case of a biological, chemical or radiological attack. But now a City Council committee is considering a proposal that would require New Yorkers to get a permit from the Police Department to buy or use such detectors.

>The legislation — which was proposed by the Bloomberg administration and would be the first of its kind in the nation — would empower the police commissioner to decide whether to grant a free five-year permit to individuals and companies seeking to “possess or deploy such detectors.” Common smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors would not be covered by the law, the Police Department said. Violations of the law would be considered a misdemeanor.


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Hey retards

Stewart has been the main face fighting for the 911 first responder fund for 2 decades.
He made 5 different media runs throughout the years to make sure it isnt defunded.

well ya everybody likes free money. that's the problem. we don't have any fucking money we're broke as fuuuck.

Because all that money is actually going straight to Israel.

Clearly this anti-white kike feels remorse because he knows his kind did 9/11.

The absolute number of homos in this board is astounding.

Imagine being a name cuck

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he's doing work to support the FDNY you literal retarded nigger

You shouldn't take 90% of anything posted here serious, its mostly literal shills to provoke and manipulate dumbasses.

>You shouldn't take 90% of anything posted here serious, its mostly literal shills to provoke and manipulate dumbasses.
Yeah i know that.
Still like to throw information into the retard pit.

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You would know, you’re one of them

>not victims'
exactly how stupid is fox news

i thought that same thing when i saw adam sandler on the norm macdonald live show wearing all that NY shit

these kikes know what they did

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Israelis all deserve to be put to death for what they did on 9/11.

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Yup, just look at this dirty kike's eyes. Deep deep remorse. He knows mossad set this whole thing up, even warned their fellow jews not to go to work that they. But they let all the Italians and Irish whites die/get cancer.

It is almost as if we shouldnt have sent the 38 billion to israel and helped our own people.


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Eat a shit sandwich retard

what a waste of perfectly good digits..

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I just watched the 911 footage again. It's so obvious it was suitcase nukes.

The fuckers even call it ground zero.


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gotta hand it to him he chose something to fight for and he actually has fought for it unlike the majority of other celebrities

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wtf I love Jon Stewart now

>rhetorician does rhetoric
>gullible normies eating it up since the beginning of the spoken language
so tiresome

>he actually believes this

>t. homo

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>he doesn't know about all the bitching he did about it when he was still on the daily show

Apparently John leibowitz is doing standup again and his entire bit is just some faggot libcuck crying fest


schizo faggot


Hitler's declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature; and his capacity to realize this is the proof of his genius as well as the secret of his power and of the curious fascination which his personality exerts. One has only to attend to the form of the statement to see that it is not the practical power or wealth of the Jews that he fears, but the character of the Jewish mind. It is the Jewish consciousness which is the enemy, not an organized Jewish army.



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Imagine being so smug about being an idiot