An ominous sign?

Recently, a girl from my old university got upset at me during a conversation when I talked about withdrawing from society and living a more rural life. I told her I was thinking about buying some rural land with power and internet connections and leaving the city. To my surprise, she actually got kind of mad

>"So you're just going to WASTE your education?"
>"So you're just going to leave everyone else behind? What about people who CAN'T just quit their jobs?"

Bitch, what the fuck do I care about that?

But it did make me think - what was she upset ABOUT? Women tend to react emotionally to things that they already feel, but can't conceptualize or verbalize very precisely. Is there a growing subconscious sense among women that "the system" isn't stable, and that productive men "defecting" from the system threatens their safety? Maybe that's too broad of a conclusion to reach, but I wonder...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Maybe that's too broad of a conclusion to reach, but I wonder...
You were so close to self-awareness. user. So very close.

>giving two shits about what some wench says to you

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Maybe she wants your dick, user. But I think you're on the money about them being terrified of losing prospective providers.

leftards are being told that people that seek out rural lifestyles are nazis.

Depending on your financial situation, just buy the land and take her there for a vacation, the another longer vacation, repeat until she's ready to move and have kids in your log cabin user. I have a pretty similar plan tbqh.

Access to the productivity and neighborhoods built and maintained by white men is goal of women, and thus leftism. You threatened her future by proposing and alternative to being subject to societal slavery.

Good analysis.
Almost like...”what do you mean you want to leave my party early?”

>that productive men "defecting" from the system threatens their safety?
the idea of YOU defecting the system makes her uncomfortable because she's into you and cant fuck off to the woods herself

That or she's afraid, government wants people like you dead. But you are doing the right thing.

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These educated, liberal bulwarks of matriarchal strength and integrity hate the world they've made for themselves. That's a good goal to have, user.

Rub their fucking noses in it.

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This guys on the money. She wants the D.

>Occam's razor

That or she wants your cock and wallet

She has feelings for you and ree'd about the thought of you leaving

She either wants to fuck you or is genuinely retarded.

I might have gone for that at one point, but we're mid-20's now, and she has a tattoo on her upper arm, was a bit of thot after leaving school, etc. I'm not interested in that.

Maybe, but she gets plenty of attention from relatively successful guys, so I don't think she is at any risk of losing out on men's resources.


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Women are attracted to strong males on the one hand and to males who are willing and able to provide for them on the other. Your stated objective of hiding from danger whilst living like agrarian peasant trash is unattractive to her on both axes and she is letting you know.

If you haven't noticed yet, women are solipsistic and always think from a selfish perspective. They try to hide this by generalizing their emotions, "what about everyone else?" when they really mean themselves.

Maybe she sees you as one of her paypig options.

It's staggering that this may actually be genuine and not at all ironic satire.

>But it did make me think - what was she upset ABOUT?
As a group, only men are a net positive on the states economy. Obviously she is not going to like it if men just leaves society and stop paying for her in groups parasitic way of life.

It's the logical conclusion.

women only do what the tribe tells them its OK to do. they don't understand.

If you're severely autistic, maybe. With no other context, no normal individual would come to that conclusion.

She wants to leave the cities but feels trapped by debt/obligation/social pressure. She worries that if too many quality men leave cities (assuming she thinks youre a quality man) then she
A. Won't get a quality man
B. The cities will stop working the way she wants
But MOST of all... she's secretly worried her education was a waste. Hence "don't WASTE your education"

So you're right, women can't rationally verbalize their feels.

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Read this article years ago. The executive summary is that in a gynocentric/feral feminist society men will drop out and the tax base will be eroded leading to less tax dollars and less gibs (for wymyn).Most women probably aren't that smart to think that far ahead.

Almost, just a little more.

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Better to move on.

Who is John Galt?

Just being posting a bit and I already have two doubles.

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I dont post the same reaction image twice. Also watch the video I posted, mines better, the other fag just posted the meme in video format.

Maybe she was just on the blob. You know how unstable it males them.


more like hivemind. i didnt see i just saw >what was she upset ABOUT?

and immediately thought 'who cares?' and auto posted the pic cuz its so on the NOSE.

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OP is a dirty whore synth

>several people came to that conclusion almost instantly
>you're the only one sperging out over it
Okay, autist.

None of that. She can't see beyond her plans for the coming few months, never mind impending collapse of the West. She is a brainwashed minion of the system unable to comprehend the realities of the world that exists outside of it, save for safe excursions into it from time to time with others like her. It has nothing to do with sex/gender.

He’s a guy from an ayn rand book. Why what’s up?

Kek has blessed you on this day

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start small.
learn how to can your own food 1st.
(water bath and pressure can)
learn some of the skills before hand.

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She can feel the sheckles you would have put into the city coffers drying up. Who's going to pay for her abortion or bastard kid's welfare if guys like you take your money away to spend it on yourself and your family?

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Aw now I feel all cosy inside in contentment.

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He is showing some subtlety of mind and doubt where doubt is at least to be entertained.

Unlike bold oafs . . .

But it did make me think - what was she upset ABOUT? Women tend to react emotionally to things that they already feel, but can't conceptualize or verbalize very precisely. Is there a growing subconscious sense among women that "the system" isn't stable, and that productive men "defecting" from the system threatens their safety? Maybe that's too broad of a conclusion to reach, but I wonder...
It is exactly that. I mentioned something similar to a woman recently. I am originally from Galiza in Spain and I said that I was working to save money so I could buy land there and live a traditional lifestyle (i.e. farming, herding, large family, etc.) and find me a Galician woman to marry (I don't believe in mixing ethnic groups, let alone races) and she flipped out. In fact, she was incredibly pissed and it looked like she was going to physically attack me. She went on a rant about me being a 'racist' and said I was 'an idiot' and all kinds of crap about my plans being 'destructive to the environment' and that I was 'holding back progress' and 'on the wrong side of history' and what not. It was really kind of funny and it showed that me wanting to live a simple and quiet life like my ancestors and to keep my people in existence was a threat to everything she believed in and wanted.

user, do the right thing and live a traditional European life style. Buy some land, make it productive, and have a big family with lots of White children and raise them up to follow in your foot steps.

P.S. - Fuck the Jews.

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>tfw no trad gf to make you cans of tasty soup so you have to do it yourself

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Lets dissect into the important parts
>"So you're just going (to)
Woman dont want that people leave
> WASTE your education?"
Your education is wasted if it does not serve her enviorment/society/city/...
>"So you're just going
You are going without without talking with others? She/People might depend (socially or financially) on you
>to leave everyone else behind?
You are abandoning us/me
>What about people who CAN'T just quit their jobs?"
I dont want to change my life, you need to stay here, i need you

Woman often consider their wellbeing to be the cause of a working and financially rich enviorment. You leaving might hurt the tribe. You have a high value in her mind

Your leftie girl just wanted some of that hot Spanish Chorizo

This. Stay where you are in the cities. It is safe.

An onimously

>hey guys a woman i know did thing
Please be more considerate of nonchad anons, user

learn to greentext, faggot

>She probably has a crush on you faggot


wait so you think he might score with her?

obviously its cause she wants to be with you and she doesnt want to leave the city

or you can just pickle anything.,.... potato and sauerkraut are also great stuff and can be kept for a long time.

She's mad because you've broken the programming and she hasn't but she knows instinctively that something's wrong with the world.
People like her are dangerous; watch your back.

trips o' truth
but it is best to get her out of the city

I can't wait till the day I save enough money to buy my own little slice of freedom. At rate it's going I'll be 30 before I can, but at least I'll have a young wife to compensate.

Naw the roastie OP was talking to just wants him to stick around for the taxbux. She's probably getting fuck and chucked back and forth between a couple of chads.

maybe she thinks you're cute and hopes you don't go, at least not like this

>Maybe she was just on the blob. You know how unstable it males them
This but unironically

The most sacred right on this earth is mans right to own a piece of earth to till with his own hands, the most sacred sacrifice is the blood that a man sheds for his piece of earth….

- Adolf Hitler

i wish i would be able to reaquire my familys lands. and jsut live there for a while, tell the peasants what to do and shit... helping where i can...
but sadly poland is nor a real country for some reason ... damn i miss prussia

I can report similar experience. There are two reactions: Take me with you, or Please don't be serious.

White men on strike, when?

He has a high value for her, but it does not mean she considers dating him.
Woman take everything personal. So if you say you want to leave your wife because she cheated, she will defend your wife, because she thinks in that moment she is your wife.
Thats why woman are bad for advices.

older user here. while most ppl won't say it, doing something very different and "leaving them behind" triggers insecurities. like, what does he know that I don't? why can't I bolt like him? what makes him so special? this is particularly true for women since they are creatures of friends, family and home. I've traveled a lot and lived in 3 other countries and also deployed to Iraq. You got it right bro: Be the master of your destiny.

its fucked eh?
i waste so much time doing shit that a wife is supposed to do, that i cant optimize my income potential

women get even mad at you for telling them you are not interested in interacting if she has no intention of dating you. fuck that's fucking miserable to think there are guys being cucked by that

did you not learn the last time?

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yeah , it was a mistake to refrain from using gas and such weapons
we could have wiped them all...

This is common with a lot of people. They identify with the status quo. They have an ideology and it helps structure their world. When you choose to question that, they take it as an attack to their identity.

You are not going to convince her that it's a good choice. Most people will not understand. It's not necessarily a female thing, but they do tend to lash out more. Now, if you actually bought the land and had a thriving situation develop you would be more likely to get women on board. They need to know that you aren't crazy and on to something.

my first thought. his npc training almost broke but not quite

Live like third world gutter trash in the cities goys it's wouldn't want to be a competent self sustaining Nazi would you

>"So you're just going to leave everyone else behind? What about people who CAN'T just quit their jobs?"

Invite her to Utah and Mormon that shit up with a new white babby compound.

>Don't actually be Mormon though because they're fucking lame.

Property taxes assure that families can never be self sustaining. You will always be paying money to the ZOG to live, there's no place left to run.

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Mormons are Jew LARPers and love shitskins now.

women have an extra layer of implied communications that you're supposed to understand but never reply directly to.

maybe she wants to keep you as an option in the background in case things dont work out with other guys and she cant count on you as a backup orbiter if you are leaving society. she wants her orbiters to stay close or she gets insecure about ending up alone.

i dunno. you pretty much have to guess. its likely she doesnt even know what she means. but thats why her direct statement didnt make sense, because that was secondary to the implied subtle message that made even less sense.

Strictly speaking this is not true. However it does rely on the sort of financial trickery that tends to make city dwellers rich.

This is why nobody has ever been able to defeat my stance that property taxes are immoral.

sounds about right. she doesn't want to live in the woods and wear beaver skins. probably not the posh, cosmopolitan lifestyle she had in mind.

>what was she upset ABOUT?
Someone having the balls to do something she couldn't.

>what was [woman] mad about?
Almost always true.

like maybe she thought you weren't just talking about it for the sake of it. women dont understand that men usually dont have a hidden meaning to what they say like women do.

perhaps she thought you wanted to be with her and was trying to convince her to come with you. and thats why she responded like that, because she is angry that you would try to drag her into it or something.

maybe its a lot of things. in a vague sort of soup of half-formed notions and feels all clamoring for attention in her woman brain.

like how dare he try to drag me off into the woods when he should be trying to use his education to make money and attract my attention, not that im interested, but i want him to try


Women often interpret everything in personal terms. Given she likely can't comprehend why would someone would want to do that, she's internalizing your critiques of contemporary urban society. Given she "likes" that environment,I have my doubts as to whether women actually like anything, she's taken it as a personal slight.

Women are weird OP.

kek that sounds about right

Story time part 1

>be me
>lived in rural area growing up
>huge garden every year
>chickens and shit
>went to high school in rural area
>have qt 3.14 red haired farmers daughter gf with rocking body and big titties
>Junior year
>high school drills into my head the 'you don't want to work on a farm or factory floor all your life do you, user?' bullshit
>fall for it
>graduated high school
>leave behind qt 3.14 gf and go to college
>nope the fuck out of that shit after two years because I wasn't willing to go any further in debt
>got job working in office making 55k because college contacts and being smooth operator
>do okay for a 20's something college drop out
>years go by
>early 30's hit
>discontent grows
>fell for the 'you can have kids later wait' meme
>still live in shit hole one bedroom apartment beside train tracks
>$900 a month
>skip red pills and go straight to black pills
>talk to father about how I've fucked my whole life up
>remember roots, son
>quit job inside a month and leave city
>go back home
>rent a two bedroom house with back yard for $500 a month
>get job working sales again for another office making 3/4 what I was making in city
>dollar goes further in rural area


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>maybe women are weak willed leeches with complex attention issues based on their relationship with their fathers and emotionally selfish value systems based on the marketable quality of their bodies vs how much we submit to them...

Tie her up in your cabin and harvest her foot sweat in bags and socks and sell them on soc

Part 2

>house hunting begins
>5 acres, a garage, huge barn for 50k
>buy that shit
>work ass off restoring run down property
>pick back up hunting
>huge garden every year
>chickens and all that good shit
>4 dogs because why the fuck not
>picked up woodworking and build most of the furniture in my house
>remember gf from high school
>she hit the wall a bit, but not hard
>married with 5 red haired blue eyed sons
>admit to being jealous
>smiles amd says she has single friend
>figure its some wall kin and decline blind date
>talks me into it because she can still do that smile where she pushes here boobs together and gets my blood flowing away from my brain
>go on date expecting the worst
>girl is someone she knows from her social circle because she doesn't work
>chestnut hair
>130 pounds and fit
>nice rack
>never left home
>farm girl
>2 years later
>I'm a father, married and have another son on the way
>more black pilled than ever but the 14 words keep the horrors at bay most days
>be me
>be 35
>lots of life ahead of me

Come on out to the country, user. Remember your roots!

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I don't expect a scag would have the same ideals and take on the situation as I do, but I think it's asinine too, dick. Nigger and kike tier shit, man. Let me explain...

From a nationalistic view, you've taken society's investment in you (college) and you're keeping the information you've obtained, will obtain, teach and pass on as though you came up with everything on your own, and you owe nothing to the progress of that field any more. You're being ignorant and selfish to the people whom you beat out to to get accepted into the field you're leaving. Those people might have stuck it out and passed on some breakthrough forever lost to YOUR development.

From a globalist's perspective, this action would be seen as heroic, inspiring, defining, and "deserved." Why? Because you're being an individualist. You've taken the culture that defined the society which gave you every opportunity for success OVER the ability of others, balled it up and shit canned it at the first opportunity you could. Go for you. Way to only care about yourself, because YOU are all that matters! Do you understand the connection now?

I assume that since you're on Jow Forums you're not a complete moron, and you've admitted to at least attending university. People like you, with the causes Jow Forums has, are instrumental in infiltrating workplaces, restaurants, etc and spreading uncomfortable truths, softly and slowly redpilling the masses. Now you can't/won't do that. So, a university educated Jow Forums user ( who seemingly hasn't been outed) working in society on two fronts vs a glorified neet with a superiority complex and inferior skills (comparatively) who drops off the grid to pursue death slowly. Like I said, the cunt probably didn't have this take on it, but that's how most of us who aren't kiked into a globalist view of society and self reflection feel. Real talk. #5

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Fuck off, kike.

How lacking in self awareness are you?
You post that pic, but seemingly seem to completely disregard the welfare state.

>I'm a father, married and have another son on the way

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I'm a woman and would love to live like that.
You're right tho. In Germany we had a case of a female HuffPost blogger who got enraged about drugstores selling pepper spray 2016.

Dear DM
Til this day you used to be one of my favourite drug stores. At your shop I always found what I needed. And you support several social projects and are even cheaper than the rest.
You are known, among other things, for your support for sustainability and sell yoir own, fair trade products. I shpped at your stores regularly. Until I saw the news on Sunday.
It said, that you are selling pepperspray. Pepperspray! Are you kidding me?
I noticed you sell it next to the nail polish. Have you any idea about what you're suggesting with that? Are you aware that pepperspray isn't a harmless substance like bubblegum? Will you sell tasers and air pistols next? are you offering gun licenses?
It seems you didn't think about what you are doing to your costumers? You make them potential criminals. Everybpdy who uses pepperspray in a non definite selfdefense situation gets persecuted.
For what you don't seem to know: It's a dangerous spray to fight off wild animals. It is a weapon. The risk of self harm is high. I don't need to tell you that children shopping in your stores as well, do I?
You defend yourself by claiming there was "an increase request from female customers" What if I ask my friends to demand Soft Air guns, will you sell them too? The package says "Pepperspray is only allowed to be used by police and military"
But I never saw a soldier in your stores and only few cops. Instead I see young girls who buy makeup- and soon pepperspray.
Yor product makes girls feel they need a weapon. Because they can get attacked any time. But that's BS. Females in Germany shouldn't need to carry pepperspray like a gun.
you don't protect those women. You scare them. And as long as you scare women, you have lost me as a client.

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