Was Prohibition good or bad? It led to a lot of degenerates kvetching and that faggot FDR repealing it...

Was Prohibition good or bad? It led to a lot of degenerates kvetching and that faggot FDR repealing it, so it must have at least done some things right.

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I love boozing and getting fucked up, so yes, it was bad.

I see the something to the idiots who want to ban porn that wanted to bend booze don't tell people not to do something to just going to want to do it more once something is legal it loses its appeal

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terrible idea i wouldnt be surprised if the Jews Pushing It already had black market connections

It was actually terrible, because it gave us the income tax.

>The amendment prohibited the commercial manufacture and distribution of alcoholic beverages; it did not prohibit use, nor production for one's own consumption.

>Arrests for public drunkennness and disorderly conduct declined 50 percent between 1916 and 1922. For the population as a whole, the best estimates are that consumption of alcohol declined by 30 percent to 50 percent.

>Homicide rates rose dramatically from 1900 to 1910 but remained roughly constant during Prohibition's 14 year rule. Organized crime may have become more visible and lurid during Prohibition, but it existed before and after.

>Prohibition did not end alcohol use. What is remarkable, however, is that a relatively narrow political movement, relying on a relatively weak set of statutes, succeeded in reducing, by one-third, the consumption of a drug that had wide historical and popular sanction.


>Women played a strong role in the temperance movement, as alcohol was seen as a destructive force in families and marriages.

Prohibition did NOT ban alcohol consumption for rural Joe and Mike. What it did was trigger urban degenerates because they couldn't get their quick fix after leaving work so easily.

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good and the kikes ruined it

Put a lot of people in prison for no real reason, created the modern day mob and the government poisoned thousands of people with planted tainted booze.

It was a pile of shit is what it was. Just allowed al Capone to rise up and start his bootlegging empire. And the same shit happens today with all other “sinful chemicals”. You may cut the supply, but the demand is still there, and then unsavory criminal murderers are the ones who meet the demand. Simple concept that dumbass politicians for years and years still can’t figure out

someone translate plz

Holy fuck user, You need to sue whatever school/s you attended.

Homeboy thinks people who push for restricting vices only encourage edgy and adventurous people to indulge in the outlawed activities just to spite the law.

The problem is not putting the clamps on even harder. They should have firebombed everything Capone owned. If you're going to ban something, do it with full force like Germany did in the 30s.

ty, user

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He’s saying this basically:
Show a child a cookie tell him, “look here’s a cookie!” Child salivates and Jumps up and down saying gimme gimme. You then put the cookie in cookie jar, set it up high and say, “you can’t have that”. Kid throws a tantrum while you go off to take a nap.
That kid is going to risk his life stacking chairs and shit trying to get that cookie and your going to punish the kid if he gets the cookie. Simple
Same thing applies to pot, cocaine, meth. Tell someone they can’t have something, then it’s now the most important thing for them to acquire.

Imagine the smell


Sure firebomb Capone. And firebomb the cartels and ms13. But FUCK drug regulation. Degenerates can just degenerate on their own

>comparing adults to children
So should we just legalize sex with dogs and everything else "that doesn't harm anyone else" or however you want to define it because people might be tempted to do it? If something is legalized, then there exists an even bigger market it for it. If all of the hard drugs were legalized, you know Jews would get right on with their advertising and start shilling them as a way to feel good to everyone over 18. Look at pharmaceuticals. Everyone nowadays takes painkillers for the slightest headache. This country has an addiction to doctors and prescription pills. Just because there exists a market for something illegal doesn't mean it wouldn't be even worse if it was legalized. Again, the problem is the government being corrupt and not giving a shit about actually enforcing the bans. Marijuana was banned but they never went after it completely, they just sat on their asses and made money from fines and other petty shit. Bans have to be enforced.

I'd say bad because you can extract valuable plant stuff from plants which can be used as healing. The alcohol would be metabolized into less toxic stuff while the benefits would outweigh the badies.

>Jews would get right on with their advertising and start shilling them as a way to feel good to everyone over 18
So? We can't educate our kids to spot these obvious lies and deceit? We shouldn't be trying to ban this shit, we should be embracing it and educating our kids about it. It will always be there, no matter how much you try and get rid of it. The best solution is that of educating kids on the effects of these things. Some won't listen and will never learn, or learn the hard way. Others will have heard it and will watch their peers to judge it for themselves, when they see the effects on their peers they will fuck off from it. Let the weak and easily fooled part ways with their money and life, and strengthen your posterity to not let the same fate beget them. No matter how much you try and ban something, it will be around.

prohibition doesnt work, it only creates black markets.

Also you cannot legislate morality.

it was a good thing.

ive went to jail 4 fucking times because of stupid shit i did when i was drunk

>i dont drink any alcohol anymore

>women get the right to vote
>immediately outlaw alcohol

Prohibition made it possible for criminals to gain the wealth to buy our Republic. I dont know if you've noticed, but our whole government is a criminal enterprise

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

It destroyed the beer and wine industry and it strengthened organized crime in the US.
Prohibition was pushed by women and women never push for anything good politically.

It also connect organized crime with government in a more centralized way. Prohibition created crony capitalism in America.

People are fucking animals left and right. Just another thing to be kept in the closet like homosexuality. Drug regulation has done absolutely nothing for addiction/addicts but waste my hard earned tax dollars.
I want to go back to the Wild West where everything was legal. Firearms, drugs, cigars, cigarettes everywhere and all the booze your heart could desire. That was fuking freedom. People had heroine in their medicine cabinet it was as common as Tylenol. Cocaine as well. And it never was a huge issue. Because those who overdosed or got addicted to something would die and it was their fault. Fuck em. Dipshits don’t need to be in the gene pool or sitting in prison getting three free meals a day off my taxes. We got too many fucking laws and regulations in a country that’s supposedly “free”. And it’s not just the liberal communist democrats it’s the stupid ass republitards as well. Both mainstream parties love government control.

It was a criminal enterprise BEFORE prohibition. A government is nothing more than an entity which has granted itself a monopoly on crime in a particular geographical area.