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Brit/pol/ - Biological Warfare edition
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any norf man in?
I got norfs...
Not watching your faggoty vid if you can't be bothered to recap.
Biowarfare has been going on for a while on multiple fronts.
2019, i am forgotten
Is leasing a car a good idea?
Saw a Merc that’s £200 a month for 2 years, the car itself is worth £40k.
>Hey user, wanna fuck?
>.. n.. no mate, I don't uh.. swing like that-
>HAHAHA, only fucking with ya mate
>h.. heh..
>Is leasing a car a good idea?
Depends what the crippling balloon payment is like at the end of the 2 years. If you fancy owning it that is.
New Merc? Sounds okay. Depends on the model.
>Giganon concern other Brit anons
It could be serious. I went full 1888 on a video when drunk in the pub directed toward some servicemen who were supporting Israel and Islam in the same sentence. I was named in the vid and.it.was becoming viral. But just made hundreds of accounts and got.it removed for racism saying they all found it offensive
>school boy crush on fine ass lass in class
>end up dating her for years
>go to different unis and brake up
>decide to fuck off and travel
>end up living abroad for 10 years
>stay friends and talk online thru all this
>she gets married
>she has kids
>come back to uk
>go for a drink to catch up
>she seems happy and content and loving been a good housewife and a good mother
>talk about my plans to find a good british girl to settle down with and start a wholesome white family with
>get home from drink
>drops this on me
the fuck do I do lads? the very fact she’s telling me this as a married woman and mother of his children makes me doubt everything I thought about her, but on the other hand I genuinely feel for her, and she’s perfect for me... or so I thought
>tfw the goverment imported rapefugees to kil leftists
>I refuse to bileave any Brit in magaluf isn’t absolutely shitfaced at all times.
I know we meme "Brexit cancelled" a lot... but is it? The 2nd referendum is stillborn but this push for a vote on the new Cooper-Letwin amendment is fucking scary lads.
Just shag the bitch.
It's definitely an aclass. You will have to pay £500 every six months for a service and you will never own the car and be a poser fag. You should just buy a nice Dacia or Kia for under £5,000
I can't wait until we all have 4channel IDs so every thread becomes as shit as this general.
>£500 every six months for a service
She's fucking with you user. Tell her to stop being a whore and respect her vows. Or bang her and tell her husband. Either way her husband doesn't deserve having a whore wife
What you mean push? The Cooper-Letwin amendment is being voted in less that 24 hours... Brexit is likely going to be cancelled. British politics will never be the same. I am expecting extreme civil tensions and riots whether we have no deal or no Brexit. The ship has left the harbour so to speak
>brake up
*break up
>and talk online thru all this
>boy does my mind wander about us
Be moral. Don't break up a marriage. Find someone else.
You need to get an official service from mercedes
Invite her to come and see you and then bang the seven hells out of her. Fuck her so hard she will never want to see her husband again
You sat on it. You already let her go
>Of my chest
Honestly she sounds like a fucking attention seeking whore.
Does noone care about gig user in this thread
Cuck her husband lmao
She wants the D
... Well actually she wants you to come onto her and say that you want to give her the D so that she can turn you down and fantasize about it later. Slag!
no he said some mean things about some guys book and now his autism won't let it go
>All these anons telling textanon to make a cuck out of another lad.
Not on this, not on.
>married woman with kids fucking her ex
Yeah perfect mate. Go for it.
fucking women
Throw acid in her face, god willing of course
Is that all he did. Fucking hell. I thought it was serious. You can just delete that shit
don't worry its fake
This Wtf
If anything he should send the text to the lad
Accurate assessment.
For a quick shag? no, I’d never sleep with a married woman casually.
if we were gonna fuck it would be coz we were gonna tear their marriage apart so we could be together
I’d it was anyone else I’d call them a slut, tell their husband, and leave it at that. but she’s my ‘one that got away’
I don’t think she’s fkin with me, I think this is her attempt at telling me to try and fk her when we go for a drink next time.
I’d never destroy a marriage, until this one. Fk sake why can certain women just tear away your morals. Am I that weak?
That’s a valid option
Nah, she’s rly not that is extremely out of character for her
He’s kind of a nice guy, and a great dad to their kids, I can’t cuck him,
She wants the D, I don’t think it’s a game for her ego, she doesn’t play those games, at least not with me,
Inshallah you should tell her husband
Is magaluf even nice? Why wouldn't you go somewhere civilized like the Costa del sol or Ibiza
It was fucking years ago too. He thinks he should find the guy and apologise. I cant tell if hes serious.
Nah. It's a meme.
Treason May doesn't give a fuck, she knows that the whole 2021 delay shit is just a scam and that if she goes down that route her whole legacy will be fucked.
She just wants to hang on in and hopefully secure something that people will remember. She's got 1 years grace from a leadership challenge, but then she's fucked, so all this talk about 2021 is bollocks to her.
She's running down the clock to achieve a hard BRExit which can't be blamed on her. She can genuinely say "Tried hard to find a deal with the EU and acted in good faith, but it wasn't to be and it wasn't my fault".
She hopes by doing this she can get rid of the Europe problem that has plagued the Tories for 40 years, reunite the party around the collapsing Labour and go for another election.
Hard BRExit on March 29th at 11pm is the gateway to that. Nothing else is.
>Honestly she sounds like a fucking attention seeking whore.
Aren't they all?
I refuse to take these blackpills
He should
> fuck her
>Take pics
>Post pics on Pol
>Send husband link
>Tell him.shes a whore
If it not user it'll be another man. And at least we will finally get pics for.proof. a leaf posted in store prices the other day so it could happen
We are all dead inside here. This is late hours brit Jow Forums, most here are NEETs or on nightshift. Most here are seriously depressed over the state of the UK in terms of social changes and Brexit being cancelled. Of course when someone brings up the chance to ruin something we will support it. We are all dead and hopeless inside.
Send the messages to her husband. Wreck the family.
Why contain it?
your welcome.
>Costa del Sol
go Costa Blanca or Brava instead
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."
Well just fuck her then it'll probably be quite nice
>Biowarfare has been going on for a while on multiple fronts.
Yeah, uh huh/. Which fronts?
If you don't respond with more than 5 you're a plant. Fuck off.
This was meant for
You should destroy the marriage for his sake..she's a whore an dishes not just messaging you for.these things. And he's a cuck. No chance I would let my wife go for drinks with an ex on her own so she either lied or he's a pussy
Faggot. I thought it was something serious /Pol could help him with. YouTube love removing videos
>everything is fake
whatever you say mate, please don’t confuse your depressing empty life with mine.
I wasn’t expecting those responses, this place preaches traditional values, then tells me to tear apart a white family...
I rly should
I might
send it to the husband, dont be a little beta bitch. you little beta bitch.
Thanks lad.
>I’d never destroy a marriage, until this one. Fk sake why can certain women just tear away your morals. Am I that weak?
Don't know. Are you?
No idea. It was someone else who posted that Magaluf bit, I was just autistically correcting their abysmal spelling.
Hello again lad.
you dodged a bullet, methinks.
Okay then how does she continue to run down the clock WHILST avoiding taking no deal off the table tomorrow?
It will only take about 25-30 Tory defectors to pass Cooper-Letwin and it seems at least 15 ministers (inc. Rudd, Gauke) are prepared to resign and defect.... panicking desu
Can we have a Jackmaster shat in a kettle edition?
Your the one who fucks fat birds and claims they are #phat
>This is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain. Those happy highways where I went and cannot come again.
I actually really like Andalusia. Marbella is lovely. And Cadiz. But I was thinking somewhere that was more party central like Maga
She's a whore. And she destroyed the marriage by going for a drink with an ex. No chance she told her husband because no self respecting man or woman for that matter would allow this
>tfw watching UK TV advert compilations from the 80's and early 90's on YT everything was so white, 0 browns and degeneracy
I'm gald I was alive to experience it
Evening lad
Kek. I have to wonder, why are there so many niggers in these adverts? I know they want the diversity points, but why is it niggers every time?
Fair does. You ever get away on holiday to Europe?
The thing is what do I send? her saying she likes me but wouldn’t ever cheat on him? like said, he let her go for a drink with her ex she fucked when she was younger and more attractive for years... he’s weaker than I thought and would buy her lies that she wouldn’t ever cheat, or she was just talking as ‘friends’
Maybe I should take the convo to the point where she plans to cheat, then send him that?
I don’t think I am. I think she needs to act right, and this isn’t right.
Most likely, right?
Didn’t even consider that she didn’t tell him we went for a drink. Now I feel like a fkin scumbag
>Disposable income
It seems fishy to me user. Gillette blades are on offer in every supermarket for a fiver. Is that a coincidink
I think normies are more receptive to blacks on TV than they are to pakis.
>WHILST avoiding taking no deal off the table tomorrow?
No deal is already enshrined in the legislation thanks to Gina Miller. The Article 50 Notification Act 2017 is a "Hard BRExit".
Until something else is passed which overrides this, it's the fucking ball game.
The numbers on both Hard Leave and Remain don't add up to enough of a rebellion to change that.
It requires positive legislation. They have to decided to do "x". Just saying "No Hard BRExit" is no fucking good.
Noni would still fuck the shit out of here. Sex is sex and then you get laid, can post tits on here, expose her to her husband , he will come out better in the divorce and will get joint custody of the kids. Everyone's a winner
Feel like pure shit just want all the darkies out.
Want any more goalpost pics made?
I'd swear at least 8 out of 10 ads have mixed race couples now. Not exaggerating. Mostly BM/WF with 3+ mixed kids. Man is usually a 30+ Idris Elba lookalike. Occasionally a weak cuck looking WM with a mixed race girl. The half black girls all have the same ridiculous afro too
So forced. Almost never any chinks, pakis or indians in the forefront though... hmmm
Diversity is our strength though lol
You've done nothing user. She's the liar
Jews mate. Whites are being replaced
It is wrong to destroy a family. Give her kids the chance to grow up in a stable home. Ghost her and remove the temptation from her field of view. Don't text back, ever.
>I wasn’t expecting those responses, this place preaches traditional values, then tells me to tear apart a white family...
Those are boys. Man here.
The code dictates that you case communication with this woman forthwith. Complete no contact. If you wish to nurse your ego on lonely nights you can tell yourself that she will always wonder 'what if?' but the ONLY Honorable course of action is no contact.
Think of the children, even if their mother evidently does not.
She wants to fuck but wants you to make the first move.
Don’t be a douche. She’s a whore but don’t be the one to fuck up the marriage.
>Want any more goalpost pics made?
Haven't though of any new ideas?! You made any new one?
True, but I don't trust these spineless remainer Tory rats for 1 second mate. They'll screw the public and constitution and even their own careers to delay before they allow us a proper Brexit.
Can you post the one already made I wanna.see lad
worthless if it aint an amg
Going to Tenerife this weekend as it happens.
You could send an anonymous letter to her husband warning him to keep an eye on her. Don't know how you'd feel about doing that though.
It's crazy how hugely overrepresented they are on adverts. They're fucking everywhere.
Norf stronk
Needs to become a more mainstream topic. The Great Replacement/White extinction anxiety. Almost all Europeans already sense it subconsciously but it's about publically naming and acknowledging it to ultimately shift the culture
So when she fucks Tyrone but has no proof. The husband gets fucked over in the divorce, loses his kids and his home. user should fuck her post pics on here, put on porn hub and forward links to husband. Then everyone's a winner
Look, I can get a quick shag anytime, I’ve got two dates lined up this weekend, I’m not gonna actually fk her. Exposing her with enough proof to help him I can do, but I’m not being written into their divorce papers as the guy who railed his wife
Thanks user, feel low, this helps
What if I’m not the only one she’s talking to like this?
This is what I needed to hear, thanks user
That’s clear, Pic related was later in the convo, put into context with other things she said, and our relationship, she’s making it pretty clear what she has in mind
If I tell her husband, it’ll be face to face, with print outs in hand. He deserves better than a random note
>as it happens
JImmy Saville used to say that, just thought i'd mention it,
>I'd swear at least 8 out of 10 ads have mixed race couples now. Not exaggerating. Mostly BM/WF with 3+ mixed kids.
Yeah I wouldn't say it's too much of an exaggeration. I've noticed that in some ad breaks almost every advert in the break will have blacks in it.
I'm making a goalpost with a Norfman covered in tattoos, but I can't think of what other tattoos to add to him. I've already got a bulldog, picture of his kids and a Norf FC one.