If AOC Were a Magic The Gathering Card

What would the card be? An artifact? An instant "insanity" card?

The "Green Deal" card. Reduce fart gasses by 50% and turn back time to the 1800's.

Lets see what you come up with. Blank template included.

Try to be as intelligent politically as possible.

Attached: mtgaoc.png (453x650, 501K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The "Glowing Green Deal"

Hide in plain sight. Increase goons power by over 9000% by tricking Millennials.

Well first off,it would be red.

Not Shilling but Tim Pool just reamed her big time and so did CNN: "Slams Ocasio Cortez for saying Insane Things." Very enjoyable.


kaya. literally slaughtered the obzedat (the establishment)

jesus christ
you're as bad as those people who say that trump is like voldemort
grow the fuck up flaggot

red 3/3 haste. Transformation into a jewess if you pay x where x is all your land. Pay 3 red mana to summon a 1/1 goblin token.

OP would be pic related.

Attached: 8x-Talas-Merchant-NM-MTG-Portal-2-P2.jpg (288x400, 19K)

this. but who would win red commie deck or blue white kike deck?

or should it be
>Tap to summon 30 million 1/1 goblin creature cards.

when this card is played a parasitic vulture in the form of a bartender appears from the interplanes shrieking like a banshee at the convention or site funding the happy gaming players and causes total electrical power failure and all the alcoholic drinks have their alcohol absorb by 70%

obvious AOC falseflagging shill

Attached: NPCCunt.png (453x650, 347K)

I dont know what the card would say but it would be the knock off card with game ruining over powered effects with bullshit resource costs that all the women, poc, and lgtbq players at the mtg tournament are keeping from being torn up and 60% of the men are turning a blind eye because theyre deranged pussies.

If I had any photo shop skills I'd shop a giant anus on her face spewing shit

Attached: poodestaa.jpg (1920x1080, 961K)

Attached: 1551141715346952.png (375x523, 332K)

Found the gay jew


Attached: 1502879788501.gif (350x261, 966K)



It would be green or black.
Also >1134
Enjoy tragic cards in fallout. 11:34 is hell time. Unlucky op, you activated her trap card now you are going to get pegged

found the literal child
>no muh children's games are sophisticated
yeah fuck off boy

Mana cost would make her unplayable.

I'm not going to do an edit, but this is Communism: The Magic Card.

Attached: Balance.jpg (327x450, 37K)

Attracts idiots at a +1 for 3 turns at the cost of -50 us jobs

Attached: Idiot Non-Savant.png (375x523, 262K)

to lazy to make it but
"Occasional Cortex"
6 swamps
legendary enchantment
"At the beginning of your upkeep, put the top ten cards of your library into exile. You lose 5 life"
flavor text - YYYAAAAASSSSSS

Dumb flying cunt

2 forest mana

2/1 flying

Cortez is cia

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-231711.png (1440x2880, 339K)

So awesome you deserve a check even though you didn't hit it.

Attached: 1525506544237.jpg (1057x680, 132K)

are you people retarded or something?

I love Naive-Hyphenated-Extremely
All vote for NHE for 2024-2045 presidency

Attached: AOC-MTG.jpg (453x650, 161K)

The Grim New Deal, is the appropriate title of that googlie-eyed's hot mess.

I mean with how much she is fracturing and reorienting the dem party away from electability she could be a CIA white hat op. Not that I think the CIA is in any way benevolent but with all the damage she continues to do its difficult to see how this is a Black or Grey hat op if she is in fact CIA.

As a Tarot Card she would be the Fool.

lmao damn

she's clearly communist, she calls herself socialist, yet her green new deal used communist lexicon straight out of the soviet union, down to explaining she'd pay for it by "seizing the means of production" and talking about "universal employment" and "fair universal wages". She's a straight communist, right down to her love of trains. (if you don't get this reference you're either completely unaware about what communists are like, or you're too young to remember the cold war)

Socialist Implementations -- Enchantment
Tap all of your land
Your land does not untap during your untap phase
When Socialist Implementations comes into play you may search your library for one instant or sorcery and cast it as though it had 0 cost.
If Socialist Implementations is placed into the graveyard untap all land you control and search your library for and amount of land equal to the number of untapped land you control and put them into play, tapped.

explain the difference?

Socialism: The government runs industry
Communism: The government runs industry, but the people think they do.

Don't bother discussing money and policy with a socialist. You'll just end up debating in circles and defend baseless accusations about who you are as a person.
Save it for the voting booth.

>she's clearly communist,
explain how.
I know you won't be able to, you're just talking out of your ass from ignorance, like most retards on this board.
you clearly don't even know what communism and socialism are, even though they're the most basic political concepts together with capitalism, which I'm willing to assume you also don't know what it means.

>she calls herself socialist
North Korea calls itself a "Democratic People's Republic", do you think that matters?
also, she calls herself a democratic socialist, which she defines as social democracy, which is not socialism, but I don't expect you to know this at all since you're retarded and ignorant.

>her green new deal used communist lexicon straight out of the soviet union, down to explaining she'd pay for it by "seizing the means of production" and talking about "universal employment" and "fair universal wages"
do you have proof for this? not saying it's a good argument, it's shit, that wouldn't make her a communist at all, only a retard would think so.

>She's a straight communist, right down to her love of trains. (if you don't get this reference you're either completely unaware about what communists are like, or you're too young to remember the cold war)
I know the reference, I'm a communist.
it's a non defining reference though, do you genuinley think that liking trains makes you a communist? I think you might be more retarded than I thought.



there is no difference.
socialism is when there's no private property, the means of production are held in common by the population, the workers.
communism is advanced socialism, when it has erased social classes, abolished circulating currency, and there's full democracy (the state is run by the people) which would render the state redundant.

communism is literally socialism, but not all socialism is communism.
however, all socialists want to achieve communism.
so yeah, socialists and communists are all the same people.

AOC is not a socialist/communist but retards keep using those words to describe her, she's actually a social democrat.

She would be a blue card that you play against your opponent and drains them of mana or skips their next turn.

nah, wizards would never print that

5 color
sac: opponents creatures don't untap during their next upkeep

still a terrible card

Casting cost: RX
Type: Sorcery
Effect: Sacrifice all white cards and mana sources you control, pay 1 mana per white card sacrificed, receive X 0/1 happy state worker tokens. Happy state worker token counts as a black creature. happy state worker token has two effects. 0: may be sacrificed to draw another AOC-RED PARADISE card from your graveyard or deck. tap: sacrifice HAPPY STATE WORKER token and receive 0.5 colorless mana. Happy state worker token has an upkeep of 1 colorless mana per turn, and when paid causes happy state worker tokens to double in count each turn. If upkeep isn't paid happy state worker token will defect to player directly to player's right. Once defected, happy state worker token becomes happy anti-communist warrior token, a 1/1 blue token with protection from red and +2 attack power when attacking anyone who's played an AOC- RED PARADISE card.

Attached: 1484205471370.jpg (643x960, 68K)

Fuck off. Cumminism is the theorized utopic result of the implementation of the economic theory of socialism. Its fucking hand in glove.

>I'm a communist
So you mean you're an Argentinian non white, full of envy and low cunning who's never had a job and resents people with wealth.

Attached: buenos aires.jpg (250x295, 45K)

>I'm from Buenos Aires and I say capitalism sucks

Attached: 1546826465776.jpg (1024x554, 35K)

Very nice. Good flavour text. I think the creature type should be Goblin though. And the removal ability is nice but I think white-only is too little a gain for the debuffs she comes with. Not viable except perhaps as a sideboard card for white decks.

I don't even know what white means, I'm of european descent, specifically of Galician and German descent if you're that obsessed about other peoples genetic makeup, I don't envy anyone, and if I do I'm still not "full of envy" like you're describing me, I literally work at a factory and yes I resent those who oppress my working class brothers, making money of our labour.
you at least got one right.

not utopic at all, this was explained like 140 years ago by the creator of Marxism, who used "utopian" to insult retards who were actually utopian, you retard.


Well how old are you my dude? Have you spoken to your boss? Can you prove you're worthy of a raise/promotion?
If not, start looking into getting another job maybe? I don't know what else to say.

>Well how old are you my dude?
>Have you spoken to your boss?
yes, all the time.
>Can you prove you're worthy of a raise/promotion?
I'm not, I purpusefully work the most innefficient way possible to not generate money for somebody else with my labour.

>If not, start looking into getting another job maybe? I don't know what else to say.
changing jobs? I really don't know why you took the conversation there, it had nothing to do with this.

>I purpusefully work the most innefficient way possible
Well that's why you're not climbing, you deserve a low wage with that attitude. At 28 you should be soaring in a factory job.
>I really don't know why you took the conversation there
What does your resume look like? Are you really telling me you can't use any experience you gained to help you find something better in the long run?

>Well that's why you're not climbing
I don't want to climb, I'm not a leech, I'm a working class man.
you really don't understand this, do you? what are you, 12?
>What does your resume look like? Are you really telling me you can't use any experience you gained to help you find something better in the long run?
jesus christ you're retarded, why are did you make it about my job? did I say 12? you must be 8.

btw, we're unionized, in case you don't know what that means, I earn more than enough to survive and I can be as shit a worker as I want to be.

I'm off to bed btw, but keep talking about my job as if that was the point of the conversation, you obsessed mentally 5 year old.

I see I failed to take my own advice.
Goodnight commie failure user

I love when people link a website to make an argument for them. Gets me right excited in the weenus.

This based leaf single-handedly redeeming all his people.

Attached: communism_flow_chart.png (500x382, 64K)