Biden is going to beat Trump in 2020, isn't he?

Biden is going to beat Trump in 2020, isn't he?

Attached: hitomi_tanaka3.jpg (500x686, 32K)

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I would love Biden to run. It would be great to Jow Forums make him defend himself that he's not a pedophile and child rapist.

Attached: lolicon biden.jpg (533x751, 61K)

I don't see how any FUCKING WHITE MALE could win for the democrats at this point.
Especially not an old, privileged and creepy child molesting one.

Attached: 1537288781428.png (1019x1190, 720K)

>Not being able to slam Hitomi every night and nut in her while suckling on her big nips
Why even live?

>being this retarded

"Creepy Joe" has no hope. I don't see how anyone could watch his child groping montages and think "that's better than Trump"

>I've made a Biden robot

Attached: 1546288427244.webm (2000x2000, 2.6M)

Biden bot molestation protocol initiated

Democrats seem to have a problem where their best candidates are either too young to run or too old. Trump is looking a bit worse for wear these days too.

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I'm never voting again and don't really care. The US government is illigitimite. Stop paying taxes to criminals.

This pic just makes me realize the amount of nose jobs this bitch has gotten over the years.

Asian women are only good on paper. But most are just like us, and too broke to afford plastic surgery.

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I support any candidate who molests children.

The Biden bot made this content-free slide thread.
all fields

yeah, he has the appeal to the midwest/south
best seconario is if harris wins the primary,becuase it would be 2016 again
youd want to vote in the democratic primary to ensure harris wins

holy shit

Biden hasn't even announced he's running

I don't think he will, Kamala is their golden girl, just Hillary 2.0

Oh god

Attached: 1pDM0W.jpg (634x639, 91K)

Biden only beats his dick


he isn't a communist. the Dems will never pick him even though he is the only one with a chance of beating Trump. lol.

Attached: dicaprio cheers.jpg (600x315, 29K)

Nope. Bernie people will walk away when he's cheated again. Trump will win by a small margin.

>he isn't a communist
He's a "Catholic" that supports abortion. Basically, a pedophile without morality.

Attached: pedoman.webm (1022x514, 2.84M)

as an illegal immigrant ill drive around and vote for trump eh. go fly a kite and smoke a hamburger and take off eh.

you hozer.

Attached: 1549384494241.gif (425x425, 3.95M)

No. It's 4 more years of Trump THEN it's a Democrat.

>when soccer players get so butthurt they need their arse cooling down

the only way a democrat can win the presidency is An all out FRAUDULENT election. Hillary Stole MANY states through voter fraud and the only reason why Trump still won, was because of a landslide!!!!

Look at those shaved jawbones.

fucking creepy old pedophile

Could Jow Forums control itself long enough for him to even get the nomination? That's literally all you'd have to do to hand Trump a second term on a silver platter.

Slap "I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message!" on the end of those, and there's your campaign ads.

this bitch just has to start dieting

Attached: 1546734940237.jpg (533x751, 54K)

but why is he spraying liquid nitrogen on that guys ass?

Why can't the Democrats pull out of their asses another popular corporate candidate or some dark horse instead of the Gaff master in vice?
You only have to go back the last 50 years to find that most vices other that Nixon got crushed harder than their own predecessors. Remember Mondale? Gore couldn't even scraped by.

Attached: 1538399379741.jpg (1275x850, 350K)

soccer's a weird sport

Thats definitely baby powder my man. running 7 miles a game takes its toll
soccer is a patrician sport

He could.... IF he runs, and IF he gets the nomination. The democrat base hates white men too much so it probably won't happen.


I feel like the longer time goes on the less likely he is to run - it seems like his place in the current party is doubted every day

> too "moderate" to be supported by actual leftists
> establishment when people are tired of establishment
> white male
> way too fucking old (guaranteed to be a 1-termer, won't seek reelection - leaving Democrats without an incumbent advantage in 2024)

They're way better off running Beto O'Rourke - white male, but he gets a pass because he's a progressive, handsome, and speaks in generic platitudes.

Not if the Yang Gang has anything to do with it

>I don't see how any FUCKING WHITE MALE could win for the democrats at this point.
>Except for an old, privileged and creepy child molesting one. ftfy