Female personalities piss me off so much. I can't stand people who think with emotions, believe things without proof...

Female personalities piss me off so much. I can't stand people who think with emotions, believe things without proof, etc, to the point where I actually get mad when I hear people spouting logical fallacies and emotional arguments. Some men are like this but it really seems like the majority of them are women. I can't go on twitter for more than 20 minutes without coming across some dumb feminist shit that makes me want to gouge my eyes out. I would get so annoyed when I was arguing with my ex because she just couldn't process logic, it was like I was talking to a dog or something. I have this love hate relationship with women, where on one hand I love to put my dick in their holes, but on the other hand I hate talking to them. What do I do? I wish I was gay.

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You know buddy me too. You know how I solve it?
I don't go on Twitter.

Your problem is you see your own flaws-- which you hate-- in all this trash online, which is why you're constantly amidst it. Being around people who aren't flawed like you is probably discomforting because you know you haven't got a lot in common with them after all.

After all-- hating a thing but steeping yourself in it does seem like the kinda shit a woman would pull.
Women also dwell on exes super hard, being that is an almost entirely emotional quandary.

So your advice is to avoid women at all costs?

Funny how emotional you are in this post without even realizing it. Relax op and maybe one day you won’t be an incel

You don't actually like women if you can't appreciate their mode of being.

Things don't need to be strictly logical 100% of the time. It saps the enjoyment out of life. I'm logical at work but after that, who cares, I'd prefer to have a female around me being light-hearted and silly.

Also, why the actual fuck are you browsing twitter.

So you don't see women as equals, just pets you can fuck? I honestly kinda like that point of view. I think I have unrealistic expectations in that I expect a girlfriend to be someone I can talk to and express my thoughts to but at the end of the day they're just a different type of pet, right?

No, that's not how I see it. I don't see them as lesser, just different. I don't expect to engage women in political debates and I don't expect a man to bring levity to my day and help me relax after work.

>emotions piss me off reeeeeeeeeeee
says the angry person

That's not even what I meant. I think there's a time and place for emotions but what I've noticed with women is they use emotions to decide important decisions that affect the lives of others. For instance, on twitter there's a trend now where you can literally accuse any random guy with zero evidence and a bunch of feminists will like and retweet the accusations, call his work, send him death threats, etc. It's essentially a system of guilty until proven innocent. That's why women don't rule the world

Stop browsing twitter and focusing on negative bullshit. Literally who the fuck cares what random girls on twitter think about politics? The majority of people are not engaging in that sort of bullshit, you're just finding some outspoken feminists and magnifying it out of proportion.

If you step away from the computer and go out and experience real life you'll see that this meToo stuff doesn't actually exist. You'll never see it in your day to day life unless you're purposely looking to be pissed off.

I live in california and basically every girl I meet is into this SJW shit. Pretty much every girl I know, if I check their twitter they're all engaged in this type of stuff.

So... Guilt and the moniker "innocent until proven guilty" is in a court of law. Twitter isn't a court of law.

Women are different, like the other user said. They aren't worse than men, just different. Emotions are important and emotional decision making has it's purpose. Logic is also important and logical decision making has it's purpose.

I'm pretty standard masculine but I have emotions and sometimes act on how I feel rather than what I know. Because sometimes I don't know everything in a situation and I have to feel my way through it.

Women also think more circularly and creatively, where things branch off and curve whereas men think in straight lines most of the time.

Our society is very straight line oriented but if you enjoy music or film or art you're caring about the story or the journey rather than the destination and that's what "feminine" thought brings us humans.

>I can't stand emotional arguments!
>Makes an emotional argument.

This, friends, is irony.

They are just repeating each other because they want to fit in to the group. That's how women function. Do you think it would make sense if your female ancestors living in a cave 10,000 years ago started mouthing off to show how unique their thoughts are?

>focuses on the shit parts of women online
>talks to fewer real women then feminist posts he sees online
>starts seeing these flaws over exaggerated in women he sees in real life


>For instance, on twitter there's a trend now where you can literally accuse any random guy with zero evidence and a bunch of feminists will like and retweet the accusations, call his work, send him death threats, etc. It's essentially a system of guilty until proven innocent. That's why women don't rule the world

Wait... isn't that pretty much exactly what Jow Forums used to do by doxxing random people (men and women)?

those types of women hate men. that's what motivates them. Just like how men harass women online but other men think theyre just doing bro dude troll shit.


Women are there to complement men and vice versa. The minor idiosncrasies each gender sees in its opposites behaviour are quite endearing in fact, if one is not a totally hate-filled cunt
>on twitter

Are your ramblings even related to any real women you had contact with, or just no-life retards bitches on twitter?

>Are your ramblings even related to any real women you had contact with, or just no-life retards bitches on twitter?
I've met tons of girls who seemed relatively normal until I looked at their social media pages and realized they're actually absolutely off their meds fucking insane. I'm convinced all women have some crazy bitch side to them that they don't let out in public but is there. And ya, like I said I had to deal with my ex and her friends who were all SJWs. I think women are just more vulnerable to group think, they can't think for themselves and are more likely to latch on to crazy world views.

You need to understand the context behind these movements and trends. Women aren't just suddenly deciding to chastise men and ruin their lives for no reason. They've spent millenia being harassed, assaulted, abused, and cannot speak out against their aggressor. If they do, they usually aren't believed or blamed for what happened.
The #MeToo movement is a push to fix this. That's why women on twitter will go out of their way to take justice into their own hands against alleged aggressors. Nobody believed them before when it happened to them, so why won't they believe other women?

Look at the shit with Kavanaugh. A college professor put her career on the line, and exposed herself to the entire country, to people who are known to violently support Trump. You know what people were worried about? They were worried about Kavanaugh's life being ruined when the professor STILL can't even go home out of fear of her own life.

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You can't justify committing atrocities with examples of historical atrocities, that's the kind of women logic that pisses me off.

You're still not realizing how fucking stupid it is to be creeping their social media and trying to figure out their political affiliations.

They don't even give a fuck about politics dude. They are just repeating what their friends say because it's trendy. If they like you and you like Trump then their politics will magically change because they don't actually give a shit.

That's literally how I see it, and the relationships where I've allowed myself to do it without restraint, have been the best ones.

My ex would have been perfect but for some stupid reason I tried to respect her as an equal and all that shit. I was in a vulnerable place at the start, and my dented confidence prevented the dominant side of my personality from manifesting. It's a deep shame because most guys would kill to have a girl like her and I threw it away.

Try it yourself.

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I don't like trump and I wouldn't say I'm even that much into politics, I just hate crazy people and people who act crazy. Also people who are just clones and don't have any real opinions of their own. Can you even call those real people?

I'm not justifying anything. I'm saying there is a clear logic behind their actions. It's called empathy, something women are actually really strong at.

Is this all just over the metoo movement mentality?? Because i know a lot of women who don't buy into it or only do to an extent, myself included.

So you judge people more from their irrelevant social media than by what they do in real life? Thats the wrong way around, pal.

Theres a thing with "group think" in women - that is, women used to define themselves by being "virtuous". Nowadays that cannot be reached by presenting a chaste and helpful image, but the drive to be "virtuous" is still there.

For many, all that SJW shit is an outlet, as it is easy to "virtue signal" over irrelevant or made up causes taht take no effort and have no meaning outside of social media.
Is ad excellent example of this type of virtue signalling,completely void of any correlation with reality, but calling to mind someone who is "good" if you ccept all the laughable presumptions within her text.

>Can you even call those real people?

Yes. They're called women.

No, that's the opposite of empathy. If you can decide you want to ruin someone's life based on a single sentence written by a stranger without even questioning their credibility, you have no empathy for the accused person.

>examples of historical atrocities

Funyy enough, all that talk about women bein oppressed for "millenia" is completely unbased and cannot be proven through historical sources. It is simply an assumption, a piece of propagandatalk to lend gravity to ones acts and as an excuse to not be beholden to any form of morality oneself when "punishing" modern men since they are totally evil oppressors, right?

>It's called empathy, something women are actually really strong at.

Empathy is simply the skill to emotionally connect with others.
Once again you see a woman presenting herself as feeling with those in need and being merciful, which perfectly goes into the idea of virtue women are beholden to I outlined in my other post.
She even names virtue under another name, in this case "emapthy"

>The #MeToo movement is a push to fix >this. That's why women on twitter will >go out of their way to take justice into >their own hands against alleged >aggressors.

Fuck off with your vigilante justice, the problem with that is that women lie all the fucking time. So half the time women are fucking up some innocent mens lives because Karen thought she had to sleep with a producer to get a bigger acting role. Not to mention the fuckin normal girls tagging that stuff and going “wow josh raped me last night” no proof but suddenly Josh is a bad guy even though it’s INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

So I'm to believe that the things women say and do aren't actually their own thoughts? That they never actually have their own opinions and are just miming whatever will score them the most social media points? That's even worse. How could you ever trust someone like that?

Reread my original post, and look at it from a woman's perspective.
You were assaulted at some point. You tried to tell the police. The public begins to hate you for it, saying shit like
>Her shorts were too short, it's her fault she was assaulted
>she's just a slut who wanted it and regrets it
>she's just making a political/money-making stunt
>she's just jealous of the man's success
And then the guy who assaulted you gets a small fine and goes back to the same school or workplace that you go to.
Would you not instinctually believe other women before men?

Imagine this:
>Run for a high office in favour of a controversial president
>Suddenly, some woman you never knew pops up and starts accusing you of being a rapist
>Accusations are held so vague you cannot even disprove them, not ven if the media wouldn't instantly jump at you and prortray you as a guilty sex offender to the world
>Said woan never appears personally in court, risks absolutely nothing
>It is absoluetly clear to you and anyone with a brain that someone is trying to smear you to end your carreer, yet you are powerless, you and your family are harassed and defamed with no way to defend yourself
>Even if you prove your innocence as if it was an 18th-century witch trial, your life will still be ruined

>risks absolutely nothing
Dude she risked absolutely EVERYTHING.
She can't even go home because the death threats are STILL flowing in.

>Would you not instinctually believe other women before men?
I wouldn't. I don't believe in anything without proof. Same reason I don't believe in astrology, that other thing women are crazy about for some reason.

You need to stop being so emotional yourself. You bitch about people not making decisions logically but here you are looking at fucking twitter hashtags and using that as some kind of proof about the thought processes of most women in the world. That's not logical. I think you need to focus more on your own self esteem and finding positivity about your own life and stop dealing in blanket statements about immaturity and hysteria that you (falsely) attribute to women that make you feel superior to them when you aren't. Most of what you are talking about isn't anything wrong with women, it's you lashing out at a social movement concerning women because you feel threatened because of what I assume are your own difficulties interacting with them on a level of being equals, and that is on you. There is no such thing as "woman logic" and women's brains aren't different or inferior to yours, and if you can't let go of your delusional security blanket about how much more clear headed and rational you think you are then you can enjoy a long life of never having a good relationship. It doesn't mean women are better than you, you just have to stop viewing them like they are some kind of different species, and stop viewing yourself as superior when you probably are just a socially mediocre person who needs a narrative about logic and reason to explain to your ego why you aren't getting dates.

Let me guess, you're a woman.

There is a difference between an piece of paper and a credible threat on the FLIR scope.

nope I'm a guy, but am I right about my guess that you are an incel beta type? If my advice sounds too feminine to you I'm not surprised, I assume it would to a dead eyed reject who tells themselves that more than half of society is weaker, while simultaneously never getting laid. If you feel like you got it figured out by all means keep at it haha

Define incel. I was getting laid consistently up until a couple months ago when I broke up with my gf, but it seems like nowadays feminists use incel as another word for misogynist, so I guess under that definition yes?
>women's brains aren't different
MRI scans and IQ tests beg to differ.

I hate women as well. I hate the way they just expect something to happen with out understanding the work, or in most cases they don't even believe work is involved.

They have unrealisitic expectation of success because they don't understand the economy is organized against the majority of us, they just expect success to magically appear.

Same with sex, women don't understand that we do not come out of the womb with a complete and thorough understanding of how to be attractive to women. They expect you to just "get it" and view educating somebody on sex or having the quality of sex in a relationship improve as it goes on, as "wasting time". They won't communicate because it's "awkward" and blame us.

I detest their mode of being.

Lmao welcome to the male dilemma, as experienced by men since the dawn of humanity

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The only women I get along with are autists, lesbians, and tomboys

No amount of pussy is worth putting up with typical female insanity

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You know, the situation is pretty simple. You have big autism. Find a female autist and be happy with her.
Not even kidding.

Duh? Women are basically extremely fickle sapient pets you can fuck, with significantly less actual loyalty or love from their side

If they didn’t have puss you would never hang out with them

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It’s not exclusive to women. Parroting and circlejerking is done on sites like Jow Forums, Reddit, etc.

Yeah I remember being 17 and angry. You'll either get used to it and adjust like a normal man, or just become an incel.

I wonder which you'll be lol

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Tbh that’s what I dislike most about women

They never have to strive or struggle or fail in life so they assume all winners just came out of the womb winning, and any guy who actually had to try is a “fake”. Everything from athletics to careers to seducing women.

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Went to an all-boys school for all of high school and parroting was very much present. Idk why this guy is talking like it’s something women do almost exclusively. Guys may not do it on a political level as much as women, but they do definitely parrot.

And men are prideful sacks of violent shit who can hardly relate to one another beyond superficial intellectualism and machismo. Oh and cringy nerd shit.

Anybody who hates an entire gender is essentially mentally ill.

Yeah I was just shoving a mirror in that anons face.

People like OP don't realize they're exactly the same as the crazy fem-nazis. Extremists are fun bunch to analyze but kinda sad to watch from a distance.

>And men are prideful sacks of violent shit
Pride means you stand for something, and violence is how the world works. Not everyone can be a soft safe sheltered woman protected by the potential for male violence if she wants to start shit.

>who can hardly relate to one another beyond superficial intellectualism and machismo
Women will never comprehend the bonds between male comrades, let alone friendship in general. You bitches all hate each other as soon as you meet then bond over your hate of any woman not currently present.

>Oh and cringy nerd shit.
Better than boring soap opera shit

>Stop browsing twitter and focusing on negative bullshit
>Complain about girls being SJW and continue to check their twitter.

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If you're interested in a girl, why would you not check their social media first to check if they're crazy?

Because social media is only what they want people to see, and they try to portray themselves a certain way
That being said, if the portray themselves as crazy.......
Hmmm, need to think on this a bit more, maybe write a pros and cons list

Literally everyone alive experiences cognitive dissonance and has biases. The most well trained and educated in critical thinking fall to logical fallacies themselves. You're doing it right now even.. you're making broad statements based on a perception you got from observing Twitter with a pre established anger towards women.
If we were actually doing a study to find out whether or not youre right, and I was legit interested in and ready to accept the data, I would completely exclude you from conducting the study because of your statements here.

If you're interested in a girl, then go ahead. Checking out of a bunch of your girl's friends and getting angry about their tweets doesn't do you any good. I also wonder how many of them are truly "crazy" like you seem to think and how many of them just have political views that differ from yours.

I don't understand why you'd make an emotionally charged post complaining about other people being emotional unironically. It's pretty obvious you came here looking for people that'd express the same sentiment as you which is to view women as lesser.

Pro tip those girls don’t exist in real life because everyone shuts them down contrary to popular belief. Twitter is the only platform they have to voice that bs

Male camaraderie is a fucking lie and a thing of the past. Your friends will all leap on your GF as soon as you're done, and the second you let your machismo down, pack dynamics labels you a bitch. Someones always fighting to be the leader or alpha.

Men are the single largest cause for murder, rape and aggravated assault by a landslide. Most of this is senseless violence or gang violence. These are not things to be proud of.

And yes talking about pointless media has anymore merit than talking about actual human relations/ television shows (not sure which you're referencing here).

God just entertaining your line of thought is such an intriguing case study on cognitive dissonance.

And your use of logical fallacy is ironic. But I feel at this point, thats what youre going for.

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>I can't stand people who think with emotions, believe things without proof
That’s all people all the time. Cognitive biases are hard science, your sexism is not.