>no wall
>hillary not in prison

>And for the farmers, okay, it’s going to get good. And we’re going to let your guest workers come in because we’re going to have strong borders, but we have to have your workers come in. You know, the unemployment picture is so good, it’s so strong that we have to let people come in. They’re going to be guest workers, they’re going to come in, they’re going to work on your farms, we’re going to have the H-2Bs come in, we’re going to have a lot of things happening but then they have to go out. Then they have to go out. But, we’re going to let them in, ‘cause you need them. You need them. [Emphasis added]

old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


So he can bring over emperilled Saffers


He was always a con man

And what was our other option?

Stay mad faggot.

Hello rabbi


We need a real populist not a faker like Trump.



What were the m*tts thinking when they elected a literal king boomer?

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Stay mad brit faggot.

lmao, stay shitter shattered kikebots

oh what it couldve been
>actual conservatism
>fags and pro choice getting btfo
>even better justice picks
>positive polls
>actually kill obamacare
>not wasting 1 trillion in infrastructure
>based flat tax rate
>get things done

Attached: 3462323.jpg (1160x629, 113K)

It's difficult to say for sure.
What's even harder to figure out is what the ones who still support him are though.

As Dubya said, fool me once............. shame on you......... fool me.. fool me.....twice.... well the point if you can't fool me again you know?

Yeah, but he wasn't the pick. Personally it came down to Rand and then Ted. Trump was a distant third option.

Why can we hang traitors like we used to do?

You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.

Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men and mentally ill women who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.

But you will be alone, even around other people.

Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity. Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.

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Hey faggot I'll offer you a kick in the nuts or an elbow to the teeth take your pick

Is Trump fucking retarded?
HE'S the one who held off on the wall for 2 years.
HE'S the one who ended the shutdown without a deal.
HE'S the one who signed the shittiest immigration deal in history (with practically no wall funding leading to the National Emergency).

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Tranny discord slide thread

Proxy shill saged

i may be a tranny but im not from that discord, checkmate

Kek I miss a few days and now this is a thing.

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I can't tell if he's always been a conman or he's actually just failing hard and doesn't care anymore. He obviously knows the wall isn't happening for example, but is he trying to lose on purpose now?

Look at this speech for example

>We're gonna do a ...... *looks at paper* national 'mergency, yeah one of them
>Probably won't work but whatever
>Gotta give it a shot
>No one cares anyway

watch when this happen and the MIGApedes justify it.

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well done

It was between him and hillary, it wasn't a good choice but it was the best choice in this case.

Already is happening. Red flag laws have gone up in a lot of states now. Where's Trump's outrage?

On Jow Forums
>We the PEOPLE

>Cop: hand over that assault weapon, son
>user: o-oh o-okay officer, have a nice day
>user: t-thank you for your s-service maga

Attached: Trump hypocrite 4.jpg (652x427, 99K)

watch what happens when this gets tried by ANY government body in our country

fucking garbage deception meme btw you shill

>he posts his talking points verbatim

check out the israeli botnet in action defending kushner. they’re pushing the narrative that Jow Forums has always been zionist.

this is what they’re talking about when they say trumps “reelection machine”

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This meme annon said it better than I ever could read

>garbage deception meme btw you shill

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Things Trump has said?

America First!

The world is a very dangerous place!

The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more. Likewise, the Iranians have killed many Americans and other innocent people throughout the Middle East. Iran states openly, and with great force, “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” Iran is considered “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.”


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Does it even matter? All candidates are controlled. It's an illusion of choice to keep the people distracted; theatrics.

No one but you cares


>It was between him and hillary, it wasn't a good choice but it was the best choice in this case.
In retrospect tho:
>Hillary wouldn't have given billionaires those tax cuts
>Hillary wouldn't have signed that shitty immigration deal for fear of pissing off independents going into 2020
What do you call it when you win, but the other side would have somehow been better off?


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Why do you disrespect President Trump? He took the time to write that statement out, the very least you could do is read it.

incredible. literally what i've been suspecting for a while now. o well. i'll hide out in the woods in WV as planned while the /poltards get cucked by zio's. fuk it.

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All of Trump catch phrases were Kushnner machine learned propaganda tailored to what now remains of Trumps base.

Attached: Kushner Campaign message tailored by machine learning.jpg (1080x3069, 1.15M)

No link?

oh fuck off you low iq raiding tranny and go back to your retarded discord group and retardera safe space, sage in all fields

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I'm going to lean with him being a conman simply because his whole clan is kikes all the way down.

it’s actually infuriating

i love when newfags announce sage ;)

If only Dahnald would've just handed over the delegates when he had the chance...

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I thought it was Bannon and CA that ran the campaign's data harvesting?

Wow that's heavy shit

Serious question:i Has anyone ever tried reverse speech on Trump?

No dude Forbes said it was Kushner. Are you doubting Forbes?

>b-b-b-but israel TOTALLY isn’t running a psyop on Jow Forums

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Trump 2020

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All I know is once Trump got elected all those talking points never manifested into actions.
I can not provide definitive evidence but looks who got kicked and who remains.
But hey, just another discord tranny here so..

So THIS is the faggot containment thread.

>t. 33 IQ subhuman ape hybrid

I read that "build a wall" was literally invented by Bannon and Kushner as a catchphrase so that Trump wouldn't forget to talk about immigration in his speeches. They never intended for him to use it as policy.

Good fucking god that pic.

>Hire American
>Pushes for more foreign guest workers

Peak Zion Don.

Triggered libs fellow migapeded ajewooooo

>shill containment bread
Best thread on here in weeks. Doing God's work OP.

LOL i'm sooooo worried about your shitty threads being effective, i'm giving you another bump

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reminder that trump is doing nothing to stop the legal white replacement of the USA so the wall doesn’t even fucking matter

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Their intentions matter little when it was a campaign promise.
At this point nothing Trumps says or twits should be on any relevance.
>Space Forces
Remember that one? yea.

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>actual conservatism
He's literally a neocon Israeli firster.

remember when he vowed to sign an EO ending birthright citizenship during the midterms? neither does he.

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Dude I was fucking hopeful during the campaign.
Then Orvan started to make the news then Italy.
I thought it was a democratic way ahead, that the cattle could make a difference if only the right Man got elected into power.

>Actual conservatives
is such a fucking meme when you count the votes.

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Now this is a new and welcomed general

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Why send them home at all they work the farms year round. Just let em in.

likewise. the Qshnerbots shilling so hard any dissenting opinion on trump or kushner turned me off completely from trump though. there is no democratic way forward.

Funny you should say that user.

Illegal immigration this year is expected to hit the highest level in a decade, reaching numbers that the United States has not seen since President George W. Bush.

In December 2018, the last month for illegal border crossing totals, there were close to 51,000 border crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, a level that outpaced Princeton Policy researcher Steven Kopits’ monthly projection by about 3.5 percent.

The month before, there were nearly 52,000 border crossings. Based on the latest available data, Kopits projects there to be about 606,000 crossings this year at the U.S.-Mexico border, a level of illegal immigration that surpasses nearly every year of illegal immigration under President Obama.


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we could have let shillary in for 4 years and played the long game as she kept the establishment running not so differently than it is now to everyone's dissatisfaction
after this we're going to get demolished in 2020 and probably a long time to come

An you noticing is why I fear they are finally coming for the weapons. As small as they might be.
>Armed Goyim are always bad news for us.

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What he should have said

>we need to support women better so they can have more children without being penalized stabalizing out growth
>we need to educate our young so they can perform in the high tech jobs of the future
>we need to fix capitalism which unfairly transfers wealth to the richest percentage of society and holds down the most vulnerable.

What he said

Thanks Don.

i’m convinced we would be better off under hillary. we would have our own yellow vest movement. instead we have whites complacent and the slow burn genocide continues.

Ah yes I remember all those rallies in 2016.

Where the crowd would chant "MORE FOREIGN WORKERS" and "WE WANT PRISON REFORM"

Reminder, OP wanted Scalia to be replaced with a liberal on the supreme court so they could burn the constitution.

You or anyone else never had one with the banking cartels in all but 4 countries.

Hmm, I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that the human population literally grows every year, and also how Venezuela and Honduras are collapsing.

Nah, let's just blame Trump. It's magically Trump's fault, even though the Democrats 100% oppose all his attempts to curtain immigration.

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>and also how Venezuela and Honduras are collapsing
>Nah, let's just blame Trump
You fucking shill piece of shit.

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I don't speak beaner.

Pretty sure Caracas and Pyongyang don't represent the conditions of the rest of those shithole countries. Every corrupt dictator keeps his capital well-stocked.

>we’re going to have the H-2Bs come in, we’re going to have a lot of things happening but then they have to go out

Fucking lmao. This fucking neocohen cuckservative faggot.

>/ptg/ will shill for this

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Also, they don't count you as unemployed if you've been out of work for over 9 (?) months.

U1 vs U2 vs U3 unemployment.

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I-its just 4D chess... Trust the plan!

>Ted Cruz

He's just another neocohen Israel-firster. He was down on the border handing out teddy bears to illegal immigrants during the primaries before the polls showed it was hurting him.

Attached: (((Promise Kept))).jpg (719x513, 161K)

>Step 1) get in
>Step 2) have a kid
>Step 3) thats it. legally the law now cant kick you out
You are a fucking JewNious Don!!!!

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>it's only because the human population grows every year
>it's currently higher than it was under Obama but the lower or the same than it was under Bush
nice logic lmao, shouldn't it have been going up continuously?

This is why gore threads should be allowed on pol, it cleanses the board of idealists.

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just because a bunch of fags on discord say this or that doesnt mean trump isnt a zion rat.
Dont post her you fucking traitor, you shill zion rat fag fuckin piece of trash. Go talk to trumpy the fuckin traitor about him betraying us all.

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